Hairstyles according to the signs of the zodiac: astrology in the service of beauty. Your ideal haircut according to your zodiac sign Is long hair suitable for a Cancer woman?

Aries are very short haircuts, for example, bob, bob, gavrosh. They correspond to their dynamic pace of life and give the image individuality. Young representatives of this sign can experiment with haircuts, for example, choose asymmetry or extremely short length. For mature women, short hairstyles will help you look younger.


Taurus is recommended to choose haircuts that preserve the length of the hair as much as possible. Women born under this sign love to do intricate hairstyles, so it’s better to opt for a classic “ladder”. Often Taurus have heavy facial features. A cascade with oblique bangs will help soften the image.


Easy-going Gemini astrologers advise wearing airy hairstyles. It is easiest to create it on medium length hair. For Gemini, it is important that the hair is lush. Multi-stage haircuts, a classic cascade, an elongated bean, a torn bob can add volume.


Cancers usually have naturally good thick hair. Haircuts that emphasize the beauty of the strands are suitable for them, for example, “fox tail, long or wavy bob, “ladder”. You can experiment with parting and curling, but it is better to refuse bangs.

a lion

Leos prefer haircuts that express their bright personality. Usually they have luxurious thick hair. If for some reason the condition of the hair leaves much to be desired, Leo women resort to extensions. Lush haircuts are suitable for them, for example, an elongated bob with or without bangs, Aurora, and a wavy bob.


Simple conservative haircuts are suitable for virgins. Their ideal hairstyle should be neat and elegant. An excellent choice would be a classic bob (square), elongated caret in all variations, session.



Like all representatives of the water element, Scorpions are very long hair. In addition to cutting the ends “under the ruler” and “ladder”, extravagant hairstyles are recommended to them. Representatives of this sign will organically look with a pixie haircut, asymmetrical bob, gavroche.


Sagittarians like to change their image often. At the same time, their main requirement for a haircut is the minimum amount of time for styling. Representatives of this sign go equally well with long and short hair. They can be advised French haircut, shaggy, page, double or graduated bob.


Capricorn feels comfortable with a classic haircut, devoid of extravagant elements. Options for the most conservative representative of the earth element: a neat page or a concise “hat”, a universal session, a practical “ladder” or a comfortable long bob.


Aquarians are always up to date with fashion trends. They are not afraid to experiment with the shape and color of their hair. They are modern haircuts with shaved temples, Iroquois, asymmetry, "hedgehog". The most daring Aquarians dye their hair in acid colors and do their hairstyles in the "thrash" style.


Romantic Pisces prefer long hair so that they can do complex hairstyles with braids and curls. They are suitable for feminine haircuts without sharp contours and sharp corners. From the point of view of astrology, Pisces can be advised wavy bob, cascade, foxtail and aurora haircuts.

Hair is one of the main components of the power and magic of female beauty. They are endowed with a special energy that can be enhanced with the right haircut or styling. Therefore, when choosing a hairstyle, it is necessary to be guided not only by fashion trends, hair type and face shape, but also by a special hairstyle horoscope compiled by leading astrologers for all signs of the Zodiac.


Representatives of this sign are impulsive, assertive and a little selfish person, clearly moving towards their goal, sweeping away all obstacles in the way. Their hair behaves in much the same way as the hostesses, so a stylish short haircut, easy to style, or a long hair style a la ponytail can pacify them. But do not forget that Aries are extravagant ladies who keep up with fashion, so their haircuts are characterized by asymmetric details, multi-colored strands and bright accents. The best day to visit the hairdresser is Tuesday.


Women of this earth sign love stability and solidity, stand firmly on their feet and appreciate material wealth. Therefore, their hairstyles should be distinguished by carefully calibrated forms, natural shades and ideal hair condition. They are best suited for bob haircuts of different lengths, both graduated with an open nape and classic shoulder length. Owners of long hair can be recommended to curl their hair into neat, loose curls. The best day to go to the hairdresser is Friday.


Representatives of this sign are characterized by variability, mobility, love of freedom and travel. Therefore, their hairstyles should be comfortable, not requiring complicated styling and easily transforming. For thick hair, a cascading haircut is suitable, while straight and sparse hair can be given extra volume with a light perm. In these cases, the hair is easy to stab, lift into a high hairstyle, style with the help of special tools. A good day for a visit to the hairdresser is Wednesday.


These women, for all their seeming fragility and romance, have a steel character and excellent business acumen. Therefore, their hairstyle should be both strict and feminine. Ideal square, classic or asymmetrical, decorated with a beautiful hairpin or fashionable hoop. Bangs are not recommended, long hair can be combed and collected in a high "tail". Monday is the best day to go to the hairdresser.

a lion

Representatives of this sign are recommended hairstyles that resemble a lion's mane. They will attract the attention of others and add vitality. Additional volume and splendor to the hair will be given by stepped haircuts, perm on large curlers, bouffants and hairpieces. To create such hairstyles, special styling products are needed in the form of gels, varnishes and mousses for volume that do not weigh down or stick hair together. It is best to go to the hairdresser on Sunday.


These prudes and hard workers will suit simple hairstyles with clear lines without complex details. Emphasize the femininity and individuality of their owners will help color accents, well-groomed appearance and luxurious shine. Long hair can be smoothly combed back and put in a neat, modest bun, decorating the hairstyle with an exquisite expensive hairpin. Wednesday is the best day for business cards.


Representatives of this sign carefully monitor their appearance and do not allow carelessness and negligence in their image. In hairstyles, they prefer the classics, but are open to experimentation. Therefore, Libra should revive the simple silhouette of a haircut with an unusual color scheme (ombre, highlighting, coloring with the effect of strands burnt out in the sun, etc.). It is better to go to the beauty salon on Friday.


One of the sexiest signs of the Zodiac, so Scorpio women do their best to attract attention. They will suit smooth hairstyles in the style of "vamp", lush curls flowing over the shoulders and back, as well as braids, intricately laid around the head. Bright saturated colors will help to further enhance the magical appeal of Scorpios. Hairstyles made on Tuesday will be the most successful.


Representatives of this sign are very freedom-loving and democratic and do not like to "bother" with complex styling. Their haircuts should be simple and practical, Sagittarians feel great both with their hair loose and gathered in a ponytail or bun. The most important thing for them is a healthy, natural-looking hair and carefully trimmed, well-groomed ends. The best day to go to the hairdresser is Thursday.


Astrologers advise Capricorn women to wear bangs. The length of the hair does not really matter, the main thing is that they can be easily and quickly styled. To do this, you can use all kinds of hairpins, headbands and even scarves. Practical representatives of this sign usually prefer classic shapes and natural colors. The most favorable day for going to the salon is Saturday.


The most original and unconventional sign of the Zodiac, therefore, Aquarius women are characterized by creativity and extravagance both in hairstyles and in appearance in general. They are ahead of their time and feel fashion trends in advance, so they will suit both original options from long hair and ultra-short haircuts, complemented by bright color accents and unusual details. For them, there are no strict rules and canons, and the best day for visits to the hairdresser is Saturday.


The most romantic, reserved and harmonious sign of the Zodiac. For Pisces women, all kinds of braids, weaves and complex hairstyles in the style of the 60s with high bouffant and flowing curls are suitable. On short hair, the classic bob looks great. Colors Pisces tend to prefer natural and calm - golden blond, honey, hazel and chestnut. A good day to go to the hairdresser is Thursday.

Lunar days and haircut


Eastern astrology draws attention to any action of a person with his body - as a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change the fate. Tibetans share lunar days on favorable and unfavorable for haircuts (shaving), hair dye and treatment, nail cutting, dental treatment, days of operations.

The days of cutting (cutting) hair have both a beneficial effect on the future fate of a person - they positively affect longevity, luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, as well as a negative one, since a haircut these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring trouble.

Hair- the source of our cosmic Power, which means everything that is with them
happens, changes the course of the invisible river, which washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any impact on the hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but our whole life. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting, to know when with whose help and why you are doing it.

Hairdresser's tips for problem hair care>


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful master, thenyour life after a haircut will change for the better.
  • The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and do notlove it when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either of the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and
  • a well-known master, even a hairstyle made by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you still correctly calculate the moment of visiting, then your life will not only change, but will radically improve.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earth day, and comes at a certaintime (hours, minutes) of the earth day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the Moon's entry into one or another Zodiacal constellation.


February 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac moon day
1 Sat growing in Taurus from 03.29 9 from 11.09
2 sun growing in Taurus 10 from 11.24
3 Mon growing in Gemini from 14.30 11 from 11.43
4 Tue growing in Gemini 12 s12.08
5 Wed growing in Cancer from 22.04 13 s 12.41
6 thu growing in Cancer 14 from 13.29
7 Fri growing in Cancer 15 from 14.32
8 Sat growing in Leo from 01.46 16 from 15.51
9 sun


at 10.34

in Leo 17 s17.19
10 Mon waning in Virgo from 02.40 18 from 18.51
11 Tue waning in Virgo 19 from 20.23
12 Wed


in Libra from 02.38 20 from 21.53
13 thu waning in Libra 21 from 23.22
14 Fri waning in Scorpio from 03.39 21
15 Sat waning in Scorpio 22 from 00.49
16 sun waning in Sagittarius from 07.08 23 from 02.14
17 Mon waning in Sagittarius 24 from 03.35
18 Tue waning in Capricorn from 13.38 25 from 04.48
19 Wed waning in Capricorn 26 from 05.51
20 thu waning in Aquarius from 22.43 27 from 06.41
21 Fri waning VAquarius 28 from 07.19
22 Sat waning in Aquarius 29 from 07.19
23 sun


at 18.31

VPisces from 09.38 30/1 from 06.06
24 Mon growing in Pisces 2 from 08.25
25 Tue growing in Aries from 21.48 3 from 08.38
26 Wed


in Aries 4 from 08.51
27 thu growing in Aries 5 from 09.03
28 Fri growing VTaurus from 10.31 6 from 09.15
29 Sat growing in Taurus 7 from 09.29


1st lunar day- cutting hair leads to shortening of life.

2nd lunar day- cutting hair will attract quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day- cutting hair will cause harm to the body and may attract waste to you.

4th lunar day- a haircut will bringdiscomfort, attractsadness and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause sore throat and diseasesoral cavity.

5th lunar day- cutting hair will increase property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day- cutting hair is undesirable -you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will worsen, you will look sicka person and actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day- cutting hair will attract quarrels and litigation to you,you may be in conflict with the boss. There is a threatconflict with a loved one. Burning Day in Tibetancalendar, the day when cutting hair will seriously impairthe state of your health.

8th lunar day- a haircut will attract longevity to you, goodhealth and make your life worthy in the eyes of others(although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day- cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day- burning day according to Tibetan traditions,it is recommended to refrain from cutting, as this will attract illness to you.

11th lunar day- a haircut will bring sharpness of feelings, increase yourforesight and insight.

12th lunar day- you can’t cut your hair - misfortunes are attracted,injury and increased likelihood of life-threatening.

13th lunar day- it is desirable to have a haircut, as a haircut will bringhappiness and favor, beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day- a haircut will attract improved performance, financial position, increase in property and goodwill of the authorities. For the sake of their own well-being, at least for the hair.

15th lunar day - it is safer to refrain from cutting, as violations are possiblepsyche as a result of haircuts, increased pressure, headaches and the appearance of a sense of fear.If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the barbershop.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from haircuts - misfortunes and mistakes will arise.Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full measure, craving for alcohol will increase, andthe ability to control passions will decrease.Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, as a result of which your health will deteriorate significantly.

17th lunar day- as a result of a haircut, obstacles will appear in business, diseases will arise. There is a high possibility of injury in the future. The psyche suffers. According to Eastern beliefs, a haircut on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day- cutting hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they feel the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day- you should consult a hairdresser - cutting hair prolongs life.

20th lunar day- it is undesirable to cut hair, there will be a "disgust" for life.

21st lunar day- it is desirable to cut hair - you will attract beauty and well-being.

22nd lunar day- a haircut will attract you the possibility of acquiring property, but you can get better, gain extra weight.

23rd lunar day- a haircut will bring a beautiful complexion, improve your financial condition.

24th lunar day- a very bad day for cutting hair - diseases may appear. Want to be healthy - refrain from haircuts.

25th lunar day- cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to poor vision. As a result of a haircut, eye diseases will aggravate, inflammation, and the appearance of barley are likely.

26th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

27th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day- as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

29th lunar day - as a result of cutting hair, a person's energy is lost, as the people say, "you can cut your mind."

30th lunar day- cutting hair can attract to a person the threat of meeting with misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also the possibility of attracting a car-accident.

March 2020

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac moon day
1 sun growing in Gemini from 22.22 8 from 09:46
2 Mon growing in Gemini 9 With 10:35
3 Tue growing in Gemini 10 With 10:35
4 Wed growing in Cancer from 07.27 11 With 11:15
5 thu growing in Cancer 12 With 12:09
6 Fri growing in Leo from 12.29 13 With 13:19
7 Sat growing in Leo 14 With 14:42
8 sun growing in Virgo from 13.48 15 from 16:13
9 Mon


at 20.49

in Virgo 16 With 17:47
10 Tue


in Libra from 13.04 17 With 19:20
11 Wed waning in Libra 18 With 20:53
12 thu


in Scorpio from 12.29 19 With 22:53
13 Fri waning in Scorpio 20 from 23:55
14 Sat waning in Sagittarius from 14.10 20
15 sun waning in Sagittarius 21 With 01:21
16 Mon waning in Capricorn from 19.26 22 With 02:40
17 Tue waning in Capricorn 23 With 03:48
18 Wed waning in Capricorn 24 With 04:42
19 thu waning in Aquarius from 04.17 25 With 05:23
20 Fri waning in Aquarius 26 With 05:53
21 Sat waning in Pisces from 15.34 27 With 06:15
22 sun waning in Pisces 28 With 06:32
23 Mon waning in Pisces 29 With 06:47
24 Tue


at 12.28

in Aries since 03.59 30/1 from 06:59
25 Wed


in Aries 2 With 07:11
26 thu


in Taurus from 16.38 3 With 07:23
27 Fri growing in Taurus 4 With 07:36
28 Sat growing in Taurus 5 With 07:51
29 sun growing in Gemini from 04.39 6 With 08:10
30 Mon growing in Gemini 7 With 08:34
31 Tue growing Rake from 14.44 8 from 09:08


The day of the week for a haircut or hair treatment, you also need to choose the right one.

Choose a day of the week for a haircut or hair treatment that can have a beneficial effect on you.

Monday , will help get rid of melancholy, depression, unpleasant memories. On this day, all negativity is sheared.

Tuesday - a haircut on this day protects from many adversities.

Wednesday will help to establish relationships with people, eliminate confusion in deeds and thoughts. Often a haircut on this day of the week becomes a harbinger of unexpected news.

Thursday will help strengthen your authority, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Friday don't go to the hairdresser. According to astrologers, on this day the biochemical processes in the body are slowed down, and after a Friday haircut, the hair will not grow well.

Saturday a haircut helps to get rid of loneliness, dissatisfaction with oneself, increases self-esteem. It is also believed that it helps to remove some of the problems that have arisen due to the fault of others.

Sunday you can't shave! On this day, your connection with your personal egregore (guardian angel) is as strong as possible. If on this day you change something in the body, and even more so cut off some part, then you can connect with the cosmos. By the way, these recommendations fully apply not only to hair, but also to nails.


The time when the Moon enters one or another Zodiac constellation is important.

period of the phase of the moon in different signs of the zodiac

Hair cutting during the phase of the Moon in the signs of Fire:

Moon in Sagittarius : a haircut will promote career advancement and improve business ties.

Moon in Leo : a haircut will help those people who want some kind of cardinal changes in their lives. In the event that you do not want to change anything, do not cut your hair.

Moon in Aries : unfavorable day for cutting hair. Although it does not affect the condition of the hair, immunity may decrease, and the likelihood of getting sick increases.

Hair cutting during the phase of the moon in the signs of Air:

Moon in Aquarius : on this day it is better to postpone the haircut

Moon in Libra and Gemini - a very period for a haircut, hair growth accelerates, and their structure does not change.

Hair cutting during the Moon in the signs of Water:

Moon in Pisces : a haircut on such a day can lead to dandruff problems.

Moon in Scorpio: a very dangerous position of the moon, a haircut can lead to problems in your personal life and worsen relations with members of the opposite sex.

Moon in Cancer : hair will not hold its shape, will be naughty, it will be difficult to style. Haircut is not recommended. It is also not recommended to wash your hair.

Hair cutting during the period of the Moon in the signs of the Earth:

In Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus: this is the best time for a haircut. Hair will grow faster and become less split.

The perfect haircut according to the zodiac sign. Read and compare! The perfect haircut according to the zodiac sign. Which hairstyle suits which zodiac sign?

ARIES. Very often, women born under the sign of Aries have wavy hair. The energy of this sign is very powerful and mobile, which should be reflected in your hairstyle. You will feel best with a short haircut. Hairstyle can be sporty, or create an original dynamic look. Style the curls with fixatives to create a little creative mess on your head.

Short haircuts will make you younger and fill you with positive energy. With the right hairstyle, astrological sign will help you cope with difficult life situations, find answers to unsolvable questions .;

The ideal haircut for your zodiac sign is Taurus. Medium length hairstyles that open the neck are suitable for you. An excellent fashionable option is a graduated caret. The energy of your sign means dyeing your hair naturally or using a balm in warm golden hues, this will improve your financial situation.

An open neck and long strands on the sides will show that the Taurus lady is not very simple and extremely original, and golden and copper colors will add flirty and sunny mischief or mysterious nobility to your mood. Your curls should be neat and loose. Avoid styling products that stick your hair together. The right hairstyle will direct Taurus energy to improve health and ensure financial success.

TWINS. The freedom and ingenuity of the twins will be emphasized by light, airy hairstyles, shoulder-length. If you have wavy hair, emphasize your volume with a cascading haircut. Straight hair can be volumized with light chemicals.

According to the horoscope of hairstyles, you are recommended to make a simple haircut that can be styled in different ways, depending on your changeable mood. Style your hair with foam or mousse to add volume. This style will help you succeed in work, study and communication with new people.

CANCER. The hair of this sign is usually straight and thick. Your ideal hairstyle is a bob, straight or layered. For special occasions, you can fix a decorative hairpin in your hair. It has been noticed since ancient times that such hairstyles give the body additional strength and improve health. The energy of the sign of Cancer has a powerful genetic memory, so with the right hairstyle, you will improve relations with your parents and successfully select a life partner.

A LION. Representatives of this royal sign are recommended by astrologers to wear a lush hairstyle symbolizing a lion's mane. Hair can be cut in one line, and then fluffy with a hair dryer and comb. Another good option for you is a stepped haircut. When laying curls, it is recommended to curl a little with a hairdryer and mousse. Hairstyles characteristic of the lion sign give a person self-confidence, add strength and vitality.

VIRGO. The pedantry and diligence of the virgin will be emphasized by a neat little haircut, with loose strands. The main rule of your hairstyle is simple styling. Hair should be smooth and shiny, for this you can use shine products. Curls of medium length are recommended to shade with golden autumn tones. According to astrologers, Virgos tend to hide their natural beauty with the help of artificial wigs, hairpieces, false strands.

This helps them cope with large volumes of monotonous work. Hairstyles in the style of the Virgo sign stimulate success in work, study, business, improve the functioning of the digestive system. Virgo astrologers recommend warm hair colors and golden hues, as well as paying special attention to creating, maintaining and maintaining the natural shine of hair.

SCALES. Representatives of this sign prefer simple hairstyles with a twist. Your ideal style is classic. The hairstyle should be strict, but at the same time light and elegant. A good option is a haircut cascade on medium length hair. The main criteria are simplicity and sophistication, light, soft colors are preferred. Cascading haircuts and classic highlighting, but if you want variety and originality, then scales will be happy to try coloring. The highlight of the hairstyle can be given by highlighting, coloring or by changing the color from dark (at the roots) to light (at the tips). The classic style of the scale helps to establish contact with the right people, helps to choose the right solution.

SCORPION. A characteristic feature for women of this sign is thick, heavy hair. In order to better accumulate the flow of energy, Scorpio is recommended to wear straight, smooth hair. To increase the splendor of the hairstyle, a bob haircut will help, which can be styled in different ways, depending on your changeable mood. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, your optimal style that will add your vitality is a vamp woman. Choose bright saturated colors for hair coloring, this will emphasize your sexuality and improve the situation on the “love front”. Short cut hair will add fire to your life.

SAGITTARIUS. A distinctive feature in the character of Sagittarius is freedom and dynamism. To reflect this in your hairstyle, you are advised to wear a light layered haircut on medium length hair. If the hair does not naturally curl, it can be slightly curled at the ends.

Sagittarians prefer a restrained style, avoid extremes - excessive severity and extravagance. Sagittarius will feel great both with a short haircut and with long hair smoothly combed up. Sagittarius hairstyles give a person confidence and help to achieve success in the social and business sphere.

CAPRICORN. Representatives of this sign prefer strictness and restraint in their hair. Familiar to everyone, a smooth medium-length haircut with bangs will be ideal for you. For parties, meetings and holidays, you can arrange a slight mess - disheveled hair, "naughty" strands whipped with wax and gel with your fingers. A good Capricorn hairstyle is one that can be easily styled in a few minutes. Long and medium hair can be tucked under a headscarf or bandana to help you focus your energy on your career. Capricorn hairstyles contribute to the improvement of the financial situation.

AQUARIUS. Women of this sign perfectly feel new trends in fashion. For you, there are no strict rules in the hairstyle, the main thing is that it be extravagant, original and meet the requirements of modern fashion. According to the horoscope of hairstyles, you are recommended to dye your hair in bright, unusual colors. Decorate your hair with a bright hairpin. Aquarians are well suited for long and medium-length hair in a wave or perfectly smooth strands created with the help of “ironing”. An Aquarius-style hairstyle contributes to success in any endeavor, establishes contact with people. In terms of health, it controls the work of blood vessels and arteries.

FISH. Representatives of this sign symbolize peace and harmony. A modest hairstyle, such as a bob, and a neat, smooth styling will suit you. Neat hairstyles for short hair in the style of Audrey Hepburn will make the fish sophisticated and irresistible.

Hair colors are calm, hazel, honey and soft chestnut tones. Hairstyles in the style of Pisces help to establish a connection with the cosmos, find inner harmony, and improve overall health. Astrologers recommend that you weave braids, because woven strands combine cosmic energy flows together.

The element of this sign makes their skin dry and prone to flaking. Hard scrubs with an abrasive effect will only spoil the beauty of Gemini.

They will save you from dryness by wiping with a swab dipped in a lotion with coltsfoot extracts, St.

The skin on the hands is often left without attention, and it also needs nutrition and hydration. Well suited creams with the addition of ginger, pomegranate extract, quince oils. Daily use of protective creams for the face and hands will preserve the beauty of Gemini for many years.

Makeup for A twin is not a permanent thing, like everything else in his changing life.. Much depends on the mood of the representative of this sign. One day it is a light make-up in natural tones, the next day a complete transformation to the image of a femme fatale with thickly made up eyes and bright red lipstick.

Both natural and artificial cosmetics are suitable for their skin, there are no problems.

Nevertheless, it is possible to single out a tendency towards an emphasis in makeup on the eyes, this is due to the fact that representatives of this sign appreciate the presence of intelligence in the interlocutor and for themselves put mental development above all else.

Hairstyle for Gemini is a way to show their ingenuity, independence. They are suitable for a light hairstyle on medium length hair, a cascading haircut will add volume well. The airiness of the hairstyle will add charm.

The girls of this sign should choose a haircut that can be styled differently at different times, because the Gemini hairstyle should reflect their mood.

To get energy from the air element, curls or curls are suitable, you should create a voluminous hairstyle, you can use mousse or other special means. This style will help to achieve success in business, meet interesting people.

Representatives of this sign love gentle lilies of the valley and languid roses. Citrus aroma for Gemini will become a symbol of their active lifestyle. It gives strength for brainstorming. Spicy notes and fresh herbs soothe nervous system. The packaging must be blue or yellow.

Gemini men need different perfumes for comfort. Bouquets of fresh smells, cool, marine notes are preferred. Spicy and citrus restore their strength.

Women of this sign are always young, they love fashion novelties. Aromas of fresh flowers, greenery, the coolness of the ocean will suit the girls. Good smells of violet, mint, camellia, eucalyptus, iris and mastic.