Basic commands for playing Minecraft. How to teleport in Minecraft using a command? Command in minecraft to teleport to a friend

After playing a single player Minecraft game, sooner or later the question arises of how to play on the Minecraft server, no doubt it is much more interesting to play this wonderful game with friends, that is why they create online Minecraft servers where you can play for free.


Minecraft survival on the server

Survival on a Minecraft server is more difficult than in a single player game, different people play on the servers, with different views and degrees of upbringing. Playing Minecraft online you will have new friends on the server, with whom you will be interested in playing while communicating via Skype. But there is also the other side of the coin, be prepared for the fact that someone will try to deceive you and deprive you of your home, someone to kill or throw into a trap. And yet minecraft survival on the server is much more interesting than alone.

Minecraft servers without registration


I don’t understand why everyone is looking for a minecraft server without registration, because registration is the protection of your account, and therefore everything that you have. Without registration, everyone can simply go to the server and take all your stuff. I think the point is that shkolota is generally lazy and does not want to move her brains, or maybe there is nothing to move? It’s good that you are not like that and you understand that it’s impossible without registration.

How to register on the server


I will write all the registration commands on the minecraft server and it will become clear to you that there is nothing complicated and you can easily register on any server.

/register [password] [repeat password] do not create a password 12345, complicate it with a letter
Otherwise, you will simply be hacked, or rather, they will pick up the password and you will lose everything! If you are still hacked then read.
An example of writing a command: /register R738161 R738161 can also be done like this: /reg R738161 R738161
All of you are registered and can start playing.
The next time you log into the server, you just write
/login [password that you specified during registration]- authorization on the server after the main registration
An example of writing a command: /login R738161 can also be done like this: /l R738161

Minecraft commands on Steve's World servers

that you must know.

/spawn - teleport to Spawn.
/kit start - get server start kit
/kit menu - get the server navigation book [In the book of warps and server news]
/menu - opens the navigation book with the command [the ability to open the book if it is not in the inventory]
/kit food - get free food
/rules - View server rules
/warp - view all server warps
/warp [warp name]- teleports you to that vape

There are signs on the servers that execute commands for you, just go to the sign you need and right-click on it.

Dot at home in Minecraft


After registering, you need to think about housing. Having found a place for a future home, you need to put an end to the house
How to put a dot at home? Yes, simple! By writing the /sethome command, the server will remember this place and in the future you can easily teleport at any time
to your home by typing the /home command.
Each time you write /sethome, the home point will change, so if you write it somewhere far from home, you will simply lose your old home. Ok, figured out how to put an end to the house in minecraft, let's get down to privates.
Having built a house, be sure to privatize it, privat protects the house from breakdowns and disassembly, from griefers and ordinary players.
Know that a house that is not locked can be broken by any player passing by and this will not be considered a violation, since the house is not locked, then it is not someone's.

Teams for private territory and property


There are only commands for private territories and chests, property. Be sure to read in detail
//wand - issue a wooden ax for marking the territory and private.
/region claim [region name]- Create a private region.
/region addmember [region name] [player nickname]- You can add a resident to the Nika region with a space if there are a lot of people.
/region addowner [region name] [player nickname]– Add an owner to the region after that he will be able to manage the region like you

Attention: Be careful when adding players to private, especially to owners. An unfriendly added player can write you out and you will be left with nothing. There are many such cases on Minecraft servers when gullibility leads to the loss of everything.
The administration does not consider these complaints and does not return the lost property, so that you yourself are to blame.

/region removemember [region name] [player nickname]- Remove a resident from the given region.
/region info [region name]- View information about the region.
/region remove (or delete) [region name]- Delete the region you created.
/cprivate - install protection on the door. It is advisable to privatize doors immediately, regardless of whether they are wooden or iron.
Enter the /cprivate command in the chat and hit the door as if breaking [LMB] and so on with each door in the house.
/cprivate [Nicks of friends separated by a space to access them]- give access to the door
/cmodify [Nicky friends separated by a space]- with this command you can give access to your chest, stove, craft.

Attention! By giving access to your chest, you risk losing your things,
The administration is also not responsible for this action and will not return things to you!

/cpassword [password] - Command to set a password for a chest or door.
/cunlock - open a chest/door with a password.
/cpublic - this command removes the protection on the chest and it becomes available to all players on the server.
/cremove - the same will remove protection from the chest

How to teleport in Minecraft

On the Minecraft server, you can teleport to players and accept their requests for teleports.
/call [player nickname] - with this command you send a teleport request to the player whose nickname you specified.
/tpaccept - this command allows the player who sent the request to teleport to you

Attention! This is a stick with two ends. Be careful when sending a teleport request to a player you don’t know, you can simply be thrown into a pit and killed, such traps are very popular on Minecraft servers, although they continue to be used for them. Do not send requests to those who write in the chat like - tp everything is handing out diamonds to me and so on, in 90% this is a trap and they will simply kill you, it is also dangerous to accept requests from strangers, maybe this is a PVP lover and by accepting it he can also attack you .
You must know and remember this always, The administration will punish the one who lured you into traps, but they will not return your things.

On the server, you can write hidden messages, personal, as they are also called. Having written such a message, only the person to whom it is addressed will see it.
/m [nickname] - message text
You can reply to the last private message like this: /r [reply to hidden message] or also /m [nickname] message text

Works in Minecraft

Minecraft servers have an economy, you must know how to work in minecraft, earn money and buy various blocks in the store with them.
visit the store by typing /warp shop
Get a job /jobs to earn money
If you want to know in detail, read How to get a job on a Minecraft server
Or by opening the Work on the server section in the Menu Book
Another way to make money on the server is Mob - Rocking / warp mob , on the mob you earn not only money, but also pump LVL.
For each kill of a mob or player, you are awarded money.
How to find out how much money you have? Write; /money
To transfer money to another player, write the command /pay [player nickname] [amount]
For example; /pay Stiv 1000 will give Stiv 1000 play money.

Donat Minecraft

On the servers of Minecraft World of Steve, paid services are provided, they are called donat.
is purchased for real money that goes to the promotion of servers and the site.

All teams available for donations:

Teams to players with |

/kit skin - you get access to a special menu and the ability to turn into any mob
/kit skinplus - the same you get access to a special menu and the ability to turn into any mob

Commands to players with

/Fly - enable flight mode
/Fly - disable flight mode

Commands on the Minecraft server for players |

/gm 1 - Enable Creative | VIP | admin
/gm 0 - Disable Creative | VIP | admin
/hat - Put the block on the head that you are holding in your hands
/eat - satisfy your hunger
/workbench - virtual workbench [craft]
/jump - jump to the block you are looking at
/back - return to the last point of death or stay
/ top - the ability to teleport to the topmost block that is above your head.
For example, for instant teleportation from a cave to the surface

Admin commands in Minecraft

Here are all the commands of the admin servers Minecraft World Steve.
Teams |

/ invsee [Nickname] - Check the player's inventory [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/enderchest [Nickname] - Check the player's ender chest [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/oi [Nickname] - Check the player's inventory [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/ oe [Nickname] - Check the player's ender chest [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/clearinventory [Nickname] ; / ci [Nickname] - Clear the inventory of the selected player [only your own]
/give [nickname] [number]- Give the player the specified item in N quantity [only to myself]
/jump - Teleports you to the block you are looking at
/ tp [Nickname] - Teleport to the player

  • /tp [Nick X] [Nick Y] - Teleport player X to player Y [Forbidden without the consent of both]

  • /tp [Nickname X] [Own Nickname]- Teleport player X to you [Forbidden without X's consent]

  • /near ; /nearby [radius]- See which players are not far away from you. Standard radius - 100
    /more - increase the item you are holding in your hand to a stack
    /weather off - disable rain [Set clear weather, reduces lag and server load]
    /day - turns on the day [do not use this command often, everything should go on as usual]
    /repair ; /fix - Fix tool/armor/enchanted item
    /kick [nickname] [reason]- Kick a player [Be sure to indicate the reason] [Violations - frequent kick players | no reason given]
    /tempban [Nickname] [Time]- Temporarily ban a player Only for operators.
    /ban [nickname] [reason]- Ban a player permanently [Required reason] Operators only.
    /ban-ip [Nickname] - Ban the player's IP address [The player must be on the server at this time] Only for operators.
    /ban-ip - Ban the player's IP [Regardless of whether the player is on the server or not] Only for operators.
    /unban [Nickname] - Unban a player Only for operators.
    /pardon-ip - Unban this IP - address Only for operators.
    / mute [Nickname] [Time] - "Close the player's mouth" [Be sure to specify the time m - minutes]
    /ignore [Nickname] - Ignore the player [you will not see his messages]
    / whois [Nickname] - View information about the player [find out the status]
    /seen [Nickname] - View information about the player Operators and Admins +
    /getpos - View your coordinates
    /balance [Nickname] - Find out the player's balance
    /balance - Find out your balance
    /balancetop [page_number]- Show top rich server

    Not full list commands, some commands may not be available, it all depends on the purchased admin panel or other service
    Now you know all the commands of the Minecraft server and it will become easier and more interesting for you to play!

  • Teleporting (fast moving) to coordinates in Minecraft is only possible on a computer or mobile device. On game consoles, teleportation is possible only in a multiplayer game to the owner of the host, and only to players.

    How to teleport in Minecraft on PC

    The next step is to determine the place to which you want to teleport. The position of the player in Minecraft is given by three coordinates x, y and z. x is the position relative to east and west, z is north and south, and y is the height above the bedrock. In order to find out your current location, you need to press F3 and find the lines X, Y and Z in the upper left part of the screen.

    To enter a teleportation command, open the console. To do this, press the “/” key.

    Then you need to enter the command teleport name x y z

    Of course, instead of "name" you need to enter your nickname, and instead of x, y and z - the corresponding coordinates. Attention, the username is case sensitive!

    Press Enter and you're done, the player is teleported to the specified coordinates.

    Teleporting to Minecraft Pocket Edition

    First, we need to launch Minecraft just like in the previous method.

    Unlike Minecraft on PC, in the PE version you can use cheats even in those worlds where you did not specify it in advance.

    To do this, choose the world in which we will play. And click on the pause icon (II) at the top of the screen. The pause menu will open. In it we find “Settings” (settings) and go there. Activate cheats. To do this, you need to find the Cheats column (codes) in the settings section and click on the switch so that it turns light gray. If the game prompts you to confirm your choice, agree.

    Now you can close the menu and resume the game through the same pause menu.

    Click on the chat icon, it's in the top center of the screen. Then click on /, which will open a pop-up menu with available commands. Of these, you need to select “Teleportation” (teleport), and then select your name, which will be added to the team. Then open the on-screen keyboard using the icon in the lower right corner of the screen and enter the coordinates you want to teleport to.

    Are there times when there is little better than opening up a console, typing a few words and symbols, and summoning a diamond-armored unicorn? Or even something more interesting. However, console commands can also help in a more prosaic situation, since there are about as many bugs in the game as miracles.

    How to enter console commands in Minecraft?

    Fortunately, the console commands in Minecraft are very easy to use: just press the key "C" to open the console, and then type the command itself and press "Enter". The main thing to remember is that when creating a new world, the game is helpfully interested in the possibility of using the same commands in it. Therefore, if such an opportunity is not initially foreseen, then in the future it will only be possible to regret your short-sightedness. Any team in a single player game must have a prefix «/» , and multi-user commands will not work with it.

    Examples of console commands for Minecraft

    /help [commandname]
    Shows brief information on a specific command. For example, "/help give" will tell you a little more about the "give" command.

    /give @[player] [item] [amount] [value]
    Used to transfer items from your own inventory to other players. For example, "/give @Oceanic minecraft:planks 13 1". This command will give 13 "Spruce Wood Planks" blocks to the Oceanic player. It is much easier to use when only one object is being passed, but it is also suitable for complex item exchanges.

    /tp [player] [x y z coordinates]
    Used to instantly move yourself or another player to a specific location in the world. If you enter the name of another player instead of coordinates, then such a command will take you directly to him. In the beginning, you can get confused in these very coordinates, since the world is three-dimensional, and the z-coordinate causes special problems, but over time everything falls into place.

    Instant suicide. Also, after "/kill" you can add the name of another player, instantly killing him already.

    /weather [weather_type]
    Allows you to control the weather no worse than an experienced shaman. True, the choice is not very large: rain (rain), thunderstorm with thunder (thunder) and snow (snow).

    Game Mode
    /gamemode [mode_name]
    Allows you to change the game mode. For example, "/gamemode creative" will put the game into "Creative" mode, where you can fly, resources are infinite, and monsters stop attacking you. Accordingly, "/gamemode survival" will send you into the harsh realities of the "Survival" mode, where every spider wants to dine with you, and resources must be obtained with sweat and blood.

    Set Time
    /time set [value]
    Allows you to control the time of day. For example, "/time set 0" is dawn. A value of 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is night.

    /difficulty [difficulty_name]
    Allows you to change the difficulty of the game. For example, "/difficulty peaceful" sets the game to the easiest mode. There are also options for "easy", "normal" and "hard" in increasing difficulty.

    This command allows you to find out the identifier of the "seed" from which a particular world was born. You can write it down so that you can create an exact copy of it in the future if necessary.

    /gamerule [setup name] [value]
    Allows you to control some of the fundamental settings of the game. For example, "/gamerule keepInventory true" allows you not to lose items from the inventory when the character dies. Accordingly, "/gamerule keepInventory false" works in the opposite way. Another example would be the "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false" command, which will disable the day/night cycle, leaving you to exist in a world immersed in eternal darkness or permanently bathed in the light of the sun, depending on when you activate it.

    /summon [object_name]
    Instantly creates the desired object in the world in front of you.

    Shoots a block of dynamite at the point where the player's crosshair is pointing.

    Atlantis Mode
    Significantly raises the level of the world's oceans, plunging everything but the highest mountains into the abyss.

    Moves the player to where their crosshair is pointing.

    Mob Damage
    Monsters cannot harm you, no matter how hard they try.

    Makes any creature targeted by the player a mount.

    Instant Mine
    Allows you to destroy any blocks in one click using any tool.

    The issue of teleportation worries almost all users minecraft games. Regardless, in fact, that minecraft gives us the opportunity to move on animals, on boats and similar water vehicles, it is still quite difficult to overcome huge distances. Also, if we provide for the precedent that on famous servers there is a chance to be destroyed by other users or to be killed by various mobs, then we have to resolutely refuse to walk around the world of minecraft. But do not forget about such a wonderful thing as teleportation. This feature is available, but it does not work on all servers.

    Traditionally, classic servers do not have this function, for the following reasons: people there, as a rule, erect their buildings, fight with each other, and the teleport function will only interfere with the usual game for everyone. In such a situation, you need to contact moderators or admins to teleport you to your friend or other player. Since there is no such ability, then you need to run around the whole world. However, a large number of people completely forget about the teleport on spawn. This is a special place where all players show up, trade with each other, exchange blocks, talk and so on. Roughly speaking, this is the center of the server.

    You just need to use the command /spawn to be there. Although, practice shows that the administration of almost all servers turn off this feature for guests in order to limit the list of possibilities, and to protect spawn from a rather large number of characters at the same time. In this situation, you need to acquire a specialized status on the official website of a particular server by logging in under your own account in the system. How to teleport to a player in minecraft? If you want to teleport to another player on a server with the teleport function enabled, then you will need to enter the command /tp Nick1 Nick2, where Nick1 is your nickname and Nick2 is the nickname of the player you wish to teleport to.

    But there is a limit here too. Most servers categorically prohibit direct teleport to another player. In such a situation, you must first request invite (permission) to teleport to the desired character. After he confirms this, then you will be able to use the command that is indicated above. Among other things, specialized groups are being created that have a single house or a plot of land where they are given the opportunity to gather together. But that is another story.

    On this page, commands that work in single player mode and in local network. Using these commands is equivalent to using cheats and you need to enable them when you first generate the world (create a map) in the "Advanced world settings" menu. The commands are shown in order of demand, you can sort them alphabetically, you can also search for commands and detailed description some of them. Commands for the command block can be found here.

    @p - nearest player, can be changed to the player's nickname

    Team Description Examples
    /give Give the player an item /give @p minecraft:diamond_block 64 - Give yourself 64 diamond blocks.
    /gamemode Change game mode /gamemode survival - Switch to survival mode
    /gamemode creative - Switch to creative mode
    /weather weather change /weather clear - Remove rain and snow
    /clear Remove all items from inventory /clear - Clear your inventory
    /clear notch - Clear inventory for player notch
    /effect Overlay effects /effect give @p speed - Get the Speed ​​effect
    /effect clear @p speed - Remove speed effect
    /defaultgamemode Default map game mode /defaultgamemode creative - Creative game mode by default
    /defaultgamemode survival - Creative game mode by default
    /xp Experience /xp add @p 500 - Give yourself 500 experience
    /kill Entity killing /kill - yourself
    /kill notch - player notch
    /kill @e - dropped items
    /kill @e - everyone but yourself
    /kill @e - all nearby cows
    Summon Essence /summon zombie - Summon zombies
    /summon lightning_bolt ~25 ~ ~ - Summons lightning within 25 meters
    /summon fox ~ ~1 ~ (Passengers:[(id:creeper)]) - Summons a fox with a creeper on its back
    See Mob IDs.
    /enchant Enchant Item /enchant @p sharpness 5 - Enchant a sword in hand for Sharpness V
    /enchant @p infinity - Enchant a bow in hand to infinity
    See Enchant ID and Enchant Compatibility.
    /difficulty Game difficulty /difficulty peaceful - Set peaceful difficulty
    /difficulty hard Set hard difficulty
    /spawnpoint Set spawn point /spawnpoint - Set spawn point location
    /spawnpoint notch - Same for player notch
    / spawnpint notch 0 65 00 - With a choice of coordinates
    /seed View world generation key /seed - Find out the world generation key
    /gamerule Setting the game rules /gamerule keepInventory true - Player items do not drop on death
    /gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Stop the day/night cycle (always the same time)
    /gamerule mobGriefing false - Prevents mobs from breaking blocks in the world
    /advancement Achievements /advancement grant @p everything - Grant all achievements to the player
    /advancement revoke @p everything - Remove all achievements from the player
    /ban Ban a player on the server /ban notch - Ban player notch
    /ban notch Flood - Ban notch player for flooding
    /ban-ip Ban by IP /ban-ip flood - Ban ip-address due to "flood"
    /ban-ip notch flood Bans player notch's ip address due to "flood"
    /banlist Black list /banlist ips - Show blacklisted ips
    /banlist players - Show blacklisted players
    /bossbar Boss bar management /bossbar add notch("text":"Notch") - Create a bossbar named Notch
    /bossbar set notch players @p - Show the bossbar to the nearest player
    Copy,kjrj /clone 1 67 1 1 67 1 2 67 1 replace - copy 1 block from point 1 67 1 to 2 67 1
    /debug Debugging /debug start - Start debugging
    /debug stop - Stop debugging
    /debug report - Debug report
    /data Working with NBT /data get block 1 65 1 - NBT block data at coordinates 1 65 1
    /daylock Stops the cycle of time /daylock true - Stop the day/night cycle
    /daylock false - Restart the day/night cycle
    /alwaysday true - Always day
    /alwaysday false - Disable
    /datapack Working with datasets /datapack disable set - Disable datapack set
    /datapack enable set - Enable datapack set
    /deop Remove operator status / deop player - Removes the status of the operator


    1. Commands are entered after opening the chat by pressing the "T" key in the English layout
    2. Instead of player, enter the nickname of the player that the team should touch
    3. When there is a "/" sign (slash) between several options, you need to enter only one of the options
    4. The Tab key will automatically complete the command and show all available options