Difficult choice: laser mouse or optical? Laser or optical mouse - which is better? Laser or optical mouse sensor for gaming.

For different tasks, your solution

The laser mouse is more sensitive and can be used on any surface, including transparent ones. The optical mouse is more precise and cost effective. Gone are the days of trackball mice, and gamers today have the choice between laser and optical technology. Choosing between two options is often more difficult than choosing between multiple options. Let's take a look at how these two types of devices work, their capabilities, and what's best for gaming.

How do they work?

Motion capture technology

Both optical and laser mice rely on a CMOS sensor to analyze the surface they are on and determine the degree and movement speed, taking thousands of digital images per second.

Each device differs not only in the implementation of movement, but has less significant advantages and disadvantages. The difference is in how they illuminate the specified surface. An optical device uses LED light, while a laser device uses only a laser.


Sensitivity is measured in dots per inch, abbreviated as DPI. This figure was more important in the past when the DPI gap between optical and laser mice was larger. Today, even budget gaming mice can go over 1000 resolution.

The decline in DPI scores is less important today. This is due to the technological progress of CMOS sensors, which are now so advanced that even three-digit DPI mice can achieve high accuracy.


An important aspect is how accurately the device is able to analyze the surface on which it is located. Here, the differences between LED and laser are more significant.

Lasers are very precise, unlike LED light, which cannot penetrate the surface it is on. Because of this, it can analyze the data in more detail. This is something of a double-edged sword, as it can cause unwanted cursor jitter when using a laser mouse, due to overanalysing the surface during slow motion.

Laser devices can work on almost any surface, while optical ones cannot. An optical mouse uses light for illumination and must be placed on a non-reflective surface to be accurate. If you use something that is too glossy or tends to reflect light, it will be inaccurate and unusable.


Pricing is considered another factor that used to be more important. A few years ago, optical devices were the budget gaming solution, while laser mice were high-end. This gap is almost non-existent today.

Just go and check on AliExpress. You will find both optical and laser devices starting from a few hundred rubles up to several thousand. More expensive mice are a little more advanced and have extra buttons with aesthetic lighting, but the high price doesn't add to the performance.

It is better to stick to the price range of 1500-6000 rubles for choosing a quality device. Anything lower in price means you risk getting a low quality mouse in terms of build and performance, and anything higher is a marketing gimmick.

What's better?

All things considered, choose optical devices. They proved to be more responsive and reliable than laser ones, which is important for gaming. The only drawback is the mouse pad, so that the device works optimally if quality is important in work.

The main advantage of a laser mouse: it can work on almost any surface, even on glass. This makes them the best portable solution, but their tendency to over-analyze device movements, especially slow ones, makes them less than ideal for gaming.

They have high DPI values, but as discussed earlier, this is no longer as important as it used to be.

Another dilemma is whether to use a wired or wireless gaming mouse. And this topic has been discussed here. If you decide to purchase an optical device, it is recommended not to ignore the choice of mouse pad.

Here are some mouse models that meet most user requirements!

1.Model Clio-mini is a compact mouse specially designed for laptops.
2.The Puma model features comfortable ergonomics and fits perfectly in the hand.
3.Model Chamelion during operation is able to change its color due to the backlight.
4. The Sniper model is practical and at the same time low in price.
5. The Gladiator model features a high-quality masculine design that will not leave any man indifferent.
6. The Reflex model is designed to work with computer graphics.
7. Model Pantera is the perfect combination of beauty and convenience.

What is valued, valued and will be valued in a computer mouse. If you have played Quake or CS for hours, then you can definitely answer: "Speed ​​and accuracy".
The technological principle of optical and laser mice is the same: when the mouse moves, the sensor photographs the surface and analyzing this information, the mouse chip calculates the coordinates. Do laser and optical manipulators illuminate the surface below them? This is done for better positioning of the reading element. For this purpose, LEDs are used in an optical mouse, and a laser is used in a laser mouse, which allows you to get a better image. The resulting image is focused on the sensor using a lens and then processed to obtain coordinates.

The laser in this case is much more accurate than the LED. First of all, the positioning accuracy depends on the sensor, because the more sensitive the sensor, the more pixels it determines and, as a result, the coordinates are determined more accurately. Also, the accuracy depends on the quality of the optics used in the manipulator. High-quality lenses do not distort the picture.
The unit of measure for resolution is dots per inch or dpi. Laser mice have high performance - up to 2000 dpi, and the standard performance of an optical mouse - 1200 dpi.

The standard optical mouse interface is PS / 2 and less commonly USB, and laser mice are commercially available only with a USB interface. It is believed that USB technology is a "bottleneck" in data transfer, since the data transfer rate limits the number of exchanges to 125 coordinates per second. As a result, moving the cursor around the screen may not be as smooth when intermediate readings are lost.

If you are deciding which mouse to buy, laser or optical, try both options at work, and you will be able to understand for yourself which is better. First of all, it all depends on what you want to get. Manufacturers with a high price point are mainly focused on manipulators for gamers, but these models will also be indispensable when working with graphics, office applications and Web applications.

The very first batch of laser mice on the market was introduced by the Defender brand. They came out under the brand name InfraRed Laser, Infrared Laser or IR Laser. This technology made it possible to achieve performance that was 20 times higher than the performance of conventional manipulators and worked on any surface. These models differed in that the laser beam, which fell at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface, provided maximum performance. At the same time, the loss of information was minimal when compared with an optical mouse, in which the beam is reflected at an angle of 45 degrees. This accuracy is especially useful when working with a screen resolution larger than 1280x1024.

At the moment, a large number of developed models are presented on the market both in optical and laser technology. Which mouse to buy is up to you, I hope I answered your question in sufficient detail.

The first and main tool in managing a computer is the mouse. It is with it that we carry out most of our actions in the system, so it is very important to choose it correctly. Today, you can find dozens of types of computer mice in stores, and it is often very difficult to decide on one model, because they introduce so many new features that we only learn about when we bring the goods home. To avoid an unpleasant feeling after the purchase, we recommend that you remember at least a few parameters for choosing the perfect mouse, which we will talk about today in this article.

What are the parameters to choose a computer mouse?

Not all of the characteristics of a mouse are important, so try not to focus on the list of advantages that are highlighted on the price tag in the store. What is really decisive, we will indicate below.

Price category

First of all, make a choice between the main three categories, which contain the entire range of computer mice of any store.

  • The price of a computer mouse is up to 500 Russian rubles. This price range includes computer mice that are not of good quality, great convenience, and even more so functionality. Such mice should be bought in school computer classes, in offices, or for those people who are rarely at the computer and their tasks are limited to minimal functionality. If you take a computer mouse for yourself, then we would strongly recommend that you do not take new mice for such a price.
  • The price of a mouse for a computer is from 500 to 3,000 Russian rubles. Here is the most ideal price range in which to choose a computer mouse. Even the cheapest option (about 600 rubles) will turn out to be quite a decent device - it will have quite good characteristics and at the same time will last a long service life. Among this price category, you can choose already quite professional gaming mice. That is, if your goal is to save money on buying a computer mouse, but at the same time get a good “tool for daily use” - pay attention to mice from 500 to 1,000 rubles, if you are ready to pay more and get a better product, then focus on mice from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Why you should not take more expensive - we will tell in the next paragraph.
  • The price of a computer mouse is over 3,000 rubles. Hand on heart, we cannot recommend you buy mice at this price. Like it or not, but this is a lot for such a device. As a rule, only mice from well-known brands set such a price, but they do not contain anything special from the functionality. New items can also have such a price range. Of course, the assortment in this group will not be very large, but through the fault of the sales assistant, you can fall into such a trick. Buying a computer mouse for more than 3,000 rubles is worth it only if you have nowhere else to put this amount of money and want to impress your friends and relatives.

Computer mouse manufacturer

The manufacturer is not the main criterion when choosing a computer mouse, however, there are some nuances here. Here are some of the most popular and reliable computer mouse brands:

  • A4Tech- one of the most practical and popular companies that gamers and ordinary users love. They have a rather catchy appearance, nice materials make it very convenient to use, and a fairly wide functionality in the form of additional buttons, backlight, speed control, etc. - make the mouse recognizable and loved. We strongly recommend this company to novice gamers, as well as active users of a computer or laptop.
  • Logitech- is also a very popular company, which is distinguished by its high quality. As a rule, computer mice of this company are quite high in price if they have rich functionality. There are budget types of mice, they are also good, but at the same time they are very modest, both in design and in options, so they look “paleer” than competitors. the site most of all recommends this particular manufacturer to those people who strive to find a quality product.
  • Razer- a real gaming mouse with all the bells and whistles and modern options. It will not be possible to find it for a low price, so if you are the owner of such a mouse, then you are really lucky. After all, not everyone can afford to spend a large amount of money on such a device. Mice have practically no drawbacks, except for the price, but we don’t particularly recommend buying the most expensive ones, as they are simply crammed with all sorts of unnecessary functions and features.
  • Genius- one of the best firms, if we consider it from the side of the budget segment. It has a fairly wide range of inexpensive (up to 500 Russian rubles) computer mice. It has a very good design, and also has a long service life. A great option for those who want to give a minimum of money and get a device that you can rely on.
  • Apple- we are sure that you have already heard about this famous brand, so they also produce mice. However, they are practically useless on computers with the Windows operating system installed, since they need to install additional programs to work, however, even with them, the capabilities of the mouse will be very limited.
  • Microsoft- computer mice from this manufacturer, of course, will work well with the Windows operating system, but as for the price range, not everything is as good as we would like. The fact is that when paying for the cost of a mouse, you buy no more and no less than the brand logo, in terms of other characteristics, it is no better, but even, on the contrary, worse. For that kind of money, you can buy an already "fancy" Logitech. Therefore, I recommend buying only if you are an avid fan of Microsoft and everything that it produces ...

Connection interface

When buying a mouse, you should know for sure whether the connection interface will be convenient for you and whether the mouse will be able to approach the computer at all. Here are the interface types:

  • Bluetooth– if you want to choose a wireless mouse, then the Bluetooth interface will come to your rescue. This interface is convenient because there is no need to have wires between devices, and the mouse can be connected to almost any device that has Bluetooth (for example, to a tablet computer).
  • USB- the most common and best connection to date. There are USB connectors on computers (almost all generations) and laptops. Therefore, it is best to buy just such a mouse if you are interested in a wired connection.
  • PS/2- this interface has practically exhausted itself, quite rarely you can find just such a plug on store shelves. Naturally, we don’t recommend buying a mouse with PS / 2, because even if now you have the appropriate connector on the back of the system unit, then after updating the hardware on the computer, it will most likely be gone and you will have to buy a new mouse.
  • Wi-fi– a new generation interface. It is still quite rarely installed on computer mice. Today on the market, mice from the manufacturer HP mainly have such an interface.

In addition, the listed interfaces can intersect with each other, for example, a mouse can have a USB plug at the same time, or it can use a Bluetooth connection (without wires).

The purpose of the computer mouse

If earlier, mice were mainly produced for computers, now everything has changed a little. Namely, now computer mice are available for:

  • Computers (desktop);
  • laptops;
  • Netbooks (a smaller copy of a laptop);

That is, choosing one or another model, specify whether it really suits your requirements. If you want versatility, then we would recommend taking mice with a Bluetooth connection. Since you can always buy a Bluetooth adapter.

Computer mouse type

Choosing a mouse pay special attention on the principle of operation, it is divided into three classes:

  • Optical laser- sometimes it is simply called laser. The principle of operation is that a laser is installed inside, which is your kind of cursor. Such mice are often more expensive, however, better than others in that they are unpretentious to surfaces (they can work both on multi-colored surfaces and on uneven ones), and they are also much more accurate in control.
  • Optical LED- one of the most common, as it has a low cost with fairly good performance. A diode is installed inside and with the help of a lens system the movement of the mouse is determined.
  • optomechanical- an old type of computer mouse, which was also called ball, as there was a ball inside, which, when moving, reported its change of position. The design is very unreliable, as dust and debris constantly stuck to the ball, which was reflected in the movement of the cursor on the screen - its course became intermittent and far from accurate. The price of such mice has always been the lowest.

Resolution of the optical sensor (measured inDPI)

In the end, we come to the most important criterion for choosing a mouse - the resolution of the optical sensor. Without going into details, the essence of this parameter is that the larger this resolution, the faster the cursor moves on the screen. For example, on a mouse with a resolution of 800 DPI, you will have to make much more physical movements than on a mouse that has 8,000 DPI (with this model, you don’t have to move the mouse much on the screen at all).

However, the high speed of the mouse is not always useful, for example, beginners or conservative people like mice that are rather slow in control. On the contrary, give the younger generation high speed. If you are doing graphic design on a PC, then most likely you do not need high speed, but if you are a gamer, then low speed will destroy you in any game.

Thus, when choosing one or another mouse, try to choose exactly those copies that have the ability to adjust the resolution of the optical sensor. In this case, the buttons are on top or on the side (on the device itself), and you can switch the resolution at any time and do it quickly enough.

To summarize, which computer mouse should the average computer user choose?

We list its characteristics:

  • It should be in the price category from 500 to 3,000 Russian rubles.
  • It is better to choose a company A4Tech or Logitech, since the prices are not high, and the functionality and design are quite rich.
  • The connection interface is better to choose Bluetooth, since using this technology we can connect it to almost any other device, and we can also use the mouse at a distance of even 20 meters from the computer.
  • If you don’t want to spend money constantly on batteries, and you don’t want to feel excess weight in the device, then select a mouse with a USB interface.
  • Before buying, we check whether the selected mouse can connect to your device.
  • Type of mouse device - choose a laser, so it is the fastest and absolutely not picky.
  • If you do not know what resolution of the optical sensor you like best, then take as much as possible, but at the same time with the ability to switch to the minimum. For example: 800 DPI is the minimum, 5200 DPI is the maximum.

That's all, now you know how to choose the right computer mouse and what you should first of all pay attention to. In the article, we intentionally did not mention design decisions and other points, as we understand that you yourself will pay attention to this and will never make a choice in favor of the device that is inconvenient for you to hold in your hand or outwardly it does not sympathize with you at all.

Any computer user knows how important the comfort of a mouse is. After all, without this device for data entry, work and games, and what can I say, none of the system tasks are practically impossible. If the computer mouse is uncomfortable, then the hand will quickly get tired, and in addition to this, such parameters as the speed of the cursor, the presence of a wire, etc. are important.

It is because of the fact that the computer mouse is used everywhere, you should carefully approach its choice. And this is a rather difficult task. Let's look at how to choose a mouse so that working at a computer is pleasant, and the game brings only pleasure, and not pain in the hand. To do this, we will deal with the parameters and technical characteristics, which are most important when choosing a mouse.

Which mouse is better: wired or wireless

The first thing to decide when choosing a computer mouse is the choice of wired or wireless model. Both options have their pros and cons.

A wireless mouse takes up less space. After all, the number of wires coming from the processor is quite large, a wireless mouse is used with a special USB adapter. From here comes its biggest disadvantage - it requires a regular change of the nutrient element or recharging from the attached device. It is believed that a wireless mouse is the best option for a laptop. It takes up little space, you do not need to constantly unravel the wire, and, in addition, you can use it at a distance of up to several meters from the laptop.

The wireless mouse is considered to be less accurate and slow to respond. But today this is only a delusion, since modern models are in no way inferior to wired options.

How to choose a wireless mouse

When choosing a mouse of this model, consider the following parameters: battery charging mechanism - using batteries or using a charger. The former is preferable for those who often use the mouse outside the home. Also look at the company. You should not buy a wireless mouse from an unknown manufacturer, this can adversely affect the time of its operation.

The classic wired mouse is perfect for use in a desktop computer. Surely, each of us worked with just such a model. Which mouse to choose, wired or wireless, is up to you, depending on the tasks and possibilities of use.

Laser and optical mouse

Technological progress today has also touched a computer mouse, because until recently it was possible to buy only a mechanical model, with a ball inside that is familiar to many. Later, optical mice appeared, and today laser models are in increasing demand. In order to understand how to choose a mouse depending on the type of signal transmission, you should understand a little about their device.

  • An optical mouse is reliable to use as there are no moving parts. The signal is transmitted using an optoelectronic sensor, which includes an LED that emits a light signal to the surface, as well as a receiver that calculates the position and movement of the mouse. You can work with an optical mouse on any surface, with the exception of glass and mirror.
  • A laser computer mouse works in exactly the same way, but the difference is that a laser is used instead of an optical device. The laser mouse can be used on absolutely any surface. In addition, the accuracy of a laser mouse is slightly higher than the accuracy of an optical one, which is especially important in games or when working with graphics. If you need different accuracy for different work, then you can find a model in which, using special buttons, settings for accuracy, resolution, etc. are adjusted.

If we talk about which mouse is better of these two, then we can safely say that it is a laser one. It is better than optical in a number of characteristics.

Computer mouse ergonomics

Another important criterion for choosing a computer mouse is its ergonomics. In other words, this is how convenient it will be to work with the device, it is pleasant to hold it in your hand.

It is important to remember that with a long work with an uncomfortable mouse, carpal tunnel syndrome can occur - compression of the nerve in the joint of the hand. In order to avoid this, it is important to choose the mouse of the desired shape. To date, there are many computer mice of various shapes. Here are the main ones:

  • Classic case type. This is the type of mouse most familiar to us. It is round and symmetrical in all directions. The brush on such a mouse is comfortable and does not slip outside the device. But there are also disadvantages - after a long work, the area around the thumb is quite tired. This mouse is best for short work at the computer.
  • Ergonomic and asymmetric body type. These mice are becoming more and more popular these days. This is due to the fact that the choice of asymmetric computer mice is so large that each person can find a model that best suits his brush shape.

It is worth saying that an ergonomic mouse has a large number of advantages - the hand is positioned in such a way that hand fatigue is felt only after prolonged use. In addition, the brush almost never goes beyond the mouse, covers it in the most convenient way.

There is only one minus for such a mouse - the price, but, for sure, you can choose a convenient model, even if you want to save money.

Additional keys and functionality

In the question of how to choose a mouse, it is impossible not to touch upon such a convenient component as functionality. Today you can find a mouse with a variety of additional buttons and rollers, both for games and for office work.

If you are an avid gamer, then be sure to pay attention to a model with a large number of buttons, this will simplify some gaming tasks. To work with office applications, you can find a model with double-click buttons, a button "insert", "copy", "cut".

Also, be sure to pay attention to the resolution of the mouse. If you need a device for professional work with an image or video, then you should choose a model with the largest number of dots per inch (dpi). Their range ranges from 400 to 4000.

How to choose a gaming mouse

Separately, it should be said about the gaming mouse. If you spend a lot of time playing games, then you should not skimp on the mouse. It is advisable to choose an ergonomic model that will fit comfortably in your hand. In addition, it is not bad if there are additional keys on the mouse.

The computer mouse is one of the most common and useful computer devices. From the very beginning of the history of the computer mouse, which occurred in the distant 1963, there have been numerous technological changes. More and more people prefer optical and laser models. However, which option to choose: laser or optical model? In order to make the right choice, you should carefully understand the many features of the produced computer mice.

Design features

A modern mouse manipulator has a built-in compact video camera that allows photographing the surface more than a thousand times per second and transmitting information to a special processor. Then it is supposed to compare the images taken for the correct determination of the coordinates and the optimal movement of the arrow - the manipulator. For correct and high-quality work, the presence of backlighting is required. What technologies are used?

An optical mouse is based on an LED that allows the sensor to detect and receive incoming information. The processor is capable of reading data in the shortest possible time to correctly identify the device and move it further.

The laser mouse successfully works on a semiconductor laser, which is used instead of an LED. A sensor device is required to successfully capture the optimum length of light output.


Resolution is determined by dpi. This characteristic means the number of dots per inch. It is desirable that the resolution of the device used be higher, since only in this case it is possible to count on the maximum sensitivity of the computer mouse. Under standard operating conditions, 800 dpi is sufficient. However, fans of virtual games and experienced graphic designers should choose models with the highest resolution from the laser versions of the device.

Most optical mice have an indicator of 800dpi. The maximum is 1200 dpi.

The average resolution of a laser mouse is 2000dpi. The maximum rate can exceed 4000 dpi. In addition, the modern device market is actively improving, therefore models with a maximum resolution of 5700 dpi are gaining popularity. Manufacturers allow you to adjust the resolution for the appropriate use of the energy that is consumed by a computer mouse.


The minimum price of an optical mouse is 200 rubles. A laser mouse will cost from 600 rubles, and top-end gaming models cost more than 5,000 rubles.

Speed ​​and accuracy of work

The semiconductor laser, which emits an invisible light flux of the infrared range, is characterized by increased accuracy. The possibility for high-quality and reliable data reading is assumed. At the same time, there is an improvement in the speed and accuracy of the computer mouse. Such advantages, first of all, can be appreciated by graphic designers and experienced players. No wonder they choose a laser computer mouse.

Power consumption

The laser mouse traditionally consumes a minimum of energy. This becomes especially important if you use a wireless computer mouse, because in this situation you need to save batteries. When using wired mice, power consumption is no longer an important aspect.

Work surface features

Even the simplest LED mouse does not require a pad. Such computer devices successfully work on any surfaces. The exceptions are transparent surfaces made of glass, glossy materials or mirrors, on which the mouse cannot fully move. As a result, the need becomes quite understandable.

Laser models of computer mice do not show much attention to the material used in the plane of movement. For this reason, the performance is at a decent level, even if it is supposed to move on a mirror plane. At the same time, contact with the working plane of reflection must be taken into account, since even the slightest gap disrupts the functionality of the device. The LED mouse works successfully even on the knee, because the gaps do not interfere with the functioning of the device.


The LED mouse always has a noticeable luminous flux. The color can be red, blue or green. Such a glow is not always pleasant and convenient.

Laser mice delight with the absence of an intrusive glow. This is due to the following factor: infrared light is used, which is invisible to the human eye.

Other differences between the proposed computer muscles are determined at the subjective level: design, ergonomics, tactile sensations.

Advantages and disadvantages of an optical mouse


  • Affordable cost.
  • Lack of critical attitude to the gap with the working surface.


  • Violations of work on mirror, glass and glossy surfaces.
  • Inaccurate cursor work.
  • Low level of sensitivity.
  • Distracting glow.
  • Excessive battery consumption in wireless mice.

Advantages and disadvantages of a laser computer mouse


  • Decent performance on any surface.
  • Cursor precision.
  • Resolution setting.
  • Optimal sensitivity.
  • No visible light output.
  • Economical energy consumption.
  • High level of functionality.


  • High price;
  • Demanding for the absence of a gap.

Only on the basis of personal wishes, you can choose a decent computer mouse.

A manipulator called "Mouse" has already entered our lives so tightly that we do not even notice how often we use this device. The mouse allows you to control your computer with maximum comfort. Remove it, and the speed of working with a PC will decrease several times. But the main thing is to choose the right mouse, based on the types of tasks that will need to be solved with its help. Some situations will require special types of mice.

Types of computer mice

According to the design features, several types of computer mice are distinguished: mechanical, optical, laser, trackball, induction, gyroscopic and sensory. Each type has its own unique characteristics that allow you to successfully use the mouse in a given situation. So what mice are best for pc? Let's try to understand this issue, having examined in detail each type separately.

Mechanical mice

This is the same type with which the history of computer mice began. The design of such a mouse assumes the presence of a rubberized ball that glides over the surface. He, in turn, makes special rollers move, which transmit the result of the movement of the ball to special sensors. The sensors send the processed signal to the computer itself, as a result of which the cursor moves on the screen. This is how a mechanical mouse works. This outdated device had two or three buttons and did not differ in any features. The connection to the computer was carried out using the COM port (in early versions) and a PS/2 connector (in later models).

The weakest point of a mechanical mouse was exactly the same ball that “crawled” along the surface. It became very dirty very quickly, as a result of which the accuracy of the movement fell. I had to clean it often with alcohol. In addition, mechanical ball mice categorically refused to slide normally on a bare table. They always needed a special rug. At the moment, such mice are obsolete and are not used anywhere. The most popular manufacturers of mechanical mice at the time were Genius and Microsoft.

Optical mice

The next stage in the evolution of computer mice was the emergence of optical models. The principle of operation is fundamentally different from mice equipped with balls. The basis of the optical mouse is a sensor that registers the movement of the mouse by photographing at high speed (about 1000 shots per second). Then the sensor sends information to the sensors and after appropriate processing, the information enters the computer, causing the cursor to move. Optical mice can contain any number of buttons. From two in ordinary office models to 14 in serious gaming solutions. Thanks to their technology, optical mice are able to provide high precision cursor movement. In addition, they can glide perfectly on any flat surface (except for a mirror).

Now optical mice are the most popular among most users. They combine high DPI and an adequate price. Unpretentious optical models are the most cheap computer mice. In form, they can be very different. By the number of buttons too. There are also wired and wireless options. If you need high accuracy and reliability, then your choice is a wired optical mouse. The fact is that wireless technologies make the user dependent on batteries and wireless communication, which is not always up to par.

Laser mice

These mice are evolutionary continuation of optical mice. The difference is that a laser is used instead of an LED. At the present stage of development, laser mice are the most accurate and provide the highest DPI value. That is why they are so loved by many gamers. Laser mice don't care what surface they "crawl" on. They work well even on rough surfaces.

With the highest DPI of any mouse, laser models are widely used by gamers. That is why laser manipulators have a wide range of models aimed at game fans. A distinctive feature of this mouse is the presence of a large number of additional programmable buttons. A prerequisite for a good gaming mouse is only a wired connection via USB. Since wireless technology cannot provide the proper accuracy of work. Gaming laser mice are usually not cheap. Most expensive computer mice based on a laser element are produced by Logitech and A4Tech.


This device does not look like a standard computer mouse at all. At its core, a trackball is a mechanical mouse in reverse. The cursor is controlled by a ball on the top side of the device. But the sensors of the device are still optical. In its form, the trackball does not resemble a classic mouse at all. And it does not need to be moved anywhere in order to achieve the movement of the cursor. The trackball is connected to the computer via USB.

The advantages and disadvantages of the trackball have been arguing for quite some time. On the one hand, it reduces the load on the hand and ensures the accuracy of cursor movement. On the other hand, it is a bit inconvenient to use the trackball buttons. Such devices are still rare and unfinished.

induction mice

Induction mice are a logical continuation of wireless devices. However, they are devoid of some properties characteristic of "tailless" models. For example, induction mice can only work on a special mat connected to a computer. Carrying the mouse away from the rug will not work. However, there are also pluses. High accuracy and no need to change batteries, since there are no batteries in such mice at all. Induction mice get their energy from the mat.

Such mice are not very common, as they have a high price and are not very mobile. On the other hand, these are the most original computer mice. Their originality lies in the absence of batteries.

Gyro mice

These mice do not need to slide on the surface at all. The gyroscopic sensor, which is the basis of such a mouse, responds to changes in the position of the device in space. Of course it's convenient. But this method of management requires a fair amount of skill. Naturally, such mice are distinguished by the absence of wires, because with their presence it would be inconvenient to control the mouse.

The time has passed when a mechanical mouse for a computer was the only available manipulator, and design decisions were limited to colors and the presence of a third button. Technological developments have reached this point, and now the user has the opportunity to choose among many variations of computer equipment.

When buying a computer manipulator, more and more often, the user's choice stops at, but they can be both optical and laser. So what is the difference, and should you choose between them?!

Principle of operation

In addition to the fact that the laser mouse is a more modern technological solution, it lacks the characteristic glow of the optical model. The operation of a laser mouse is based on a semiconductor laser, and an optical mouse is based on an LED and a miniature viewfinder that takes about 1000 shots per second!

Operation of optical and laser mice (from left to right)


Resolution parameters are not a fundamental selection criterion, but with all this, the laser manipulator has a higher value - up to 2000 dpi. The optical value of the range fluctuates - up to 1200 dpi, while 800 dpi (resolution of ball mice) is enough for normal operation.


The speed indicators of the mouse are unlikely to interest the average user, and will become the property of the interest of gamers. After all, the outcome of the game depends on the movement of the cursor or sight on the screen.
So, for example, to move the cursor along the diagonal of the monitor, an optical mouse will need about 5 - 6 centimeters, and a laser about 2 - 3 cm!

Working surface

Here, the full advantage belongs to laser manipulators, which, due to their technology, can move on any surface, even on glossy and glass - without distorting the trajectory of the cursor. An optical mouse can move along these surfaces, not without success, but twitches or even cursor jumps may occur, so we advise you to work with such a device on.

Price policy

Of course, the price of a laser manipulator can be several times higher than optical models. But due to the lower power consumption, the wireless laser mouse will work offline for much longer, which eliminates the need for frequent battery changes!