In the image of which Atlantis was represented. Atlantis legend or reality? A mystery that excites the minds of people

The debate about whether the existence of Atlantis was a reality or a beautiful legend has not subsided for many centuries. On this occasion, a large number of the most controversial theories were put forward, but they were all based on information obtained from the texts of ancient Greek authors, none of whom personally saw this mysterious island, but transmitted only information obtained from earlier sources. So how true is the legend of Atlantis and where did it come from in our modern world?

An island sunk into the sea

First of all, let us clarify that the word "Atlantis" is commonly understood as some fantastic (since there is no direct evidence of its existence) island located in the Atlantic Ocean. Its exact location is unknown. According to the most popular legend, Atlantis was located somewhere near the northwestern coast of Africa, bordered by the Atlas Mountains, and near the Pillars of Hercules, framing the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar.

It was placed there in his dialogues (works written in the form of a conversation of historical or fictional persons) by the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato. On the basis of his works, a very popular legend about Atlantis was subsequently born. It says that around 9500 BC. e. in the above area there was a terrible earthquake, as a result of which the island forever plunged into the abyss of the ocean.

On that day, an ancient and highly developed civilization, created by the islanders, whom Plato calls "Atlanteans", perished. It should be noted right away that, due to similar names, they are sometimes mistakenly identified with the characters of ancient Greek mythology - mighty titans holding the vault of heaven on their shoulders. This mistake is so common that when looking at the sculptures by the outstanding Russian sculptor A. I. Terebenev (see photo below), decorating the portico of the New Hermitage in St. Petersburg, many people associate with heroes who once sunk deep into the seas.

A mystery that excites the minds of people

During the Middle Ages, the works of Plato, as well as most other ancient historians and philosophers, were forgotten, but already in the XIV-XVI centuries, which received the name of the Renaissance, interest in them, and at the same time in Atlantis and the legend associated with its existence , increased rapidly. It does not weaken to this day, giving rise to heated scientific discussions. Scientists around the world are trying to find real evidence of the events described by Plato and a number of his followers, and to answer the question of what Atlantis really was - legend or reality?

An island inhabited by people who created the highest civilization at that time, and then swallowed up by the ocean, is a mystery that excites the minds of people and encourages them to look for answers outside the real world. It is known that even in Ancient Greece the legend of Atlantis has given impetus to many mystical teachings, and in modern history it has inspired theosophical thinkers. The best known of these are H. P. Blavatsky and A. P. Sinnett. The authors of various kinds of near-scientific and simply fantastic works of various genres, which also turned to the image of Atlantis, did not stand aside.

Where did the legend come from?

But let us return to the writings of Plato, since they are the primary source that aroused centuries-old disputes and discussions. As mentioned above, the mention of Atlantis is contained in two of his dialogues, called Timaeus and Critias. Both of them are devoted to the issue of the state system and are conducted on behalf of his contemporaries: the Athenian politician Critias, as well as two philosophers - Socrates and Timaeus. We note right away that Plato makes a reservation that the primary source of all information about Atlantis is the story of the ancient Egyptian priests, which was passed down orally from generation to generation and finally reached him.

The troubles that befell the Atlanteans

The first of the dialogues contains a report by Critias about the war between Athens and Atlantis. According to him, the island, with the army of which his compatriots had to face, was so large that it surpassed all of Asia in size, which gives reason to call it the mainland with full right. As for the state formed on it, it amazed everyone with its greatness and, being unusually powerful, conquered Libya, as well as a significant territory of Europe, stretching up to Tirrenia (Western Italy).

In 9500 B.C. e. Atlanteans, wanting to conquer Athens, brought down on them all the power of their previously invincible army, but, despite the clear superiority of forces, they could not succeed. The Athenians repulsed the invasion and, having defeated the enemy, returned freedom to the peoples who until then had been in slavery to the islanders. However, the troubles did not recede from the prosperous and once prosperous Atlantis. The legend, or rather, the story of Critias, which is based on it, tells further about a terrible natural disaster that completely destroyed the island and forced it to sink into the ocean depths. Literally within a day, the raging elements wiped out a huge continent from the face of the earth and put an end to the highly developed culture created on it.

Commune of Athenian rulers

The continuation of this story is the second dialogue that has come down to us, called Critias. In it, the same Athenian politician tells in more detail about the two great states of antiquity, whose armies met on the battlefield shortly before the fatal flood. Athens, according to him, was a highly developed state and so pleasing to the gods that, according to legend, the end of Atlantis was a foregone conclusion.

The description of the system of government that was arranged in it is quite remarkable. According to Critias, on the Acropolis - a hill that still towers in the center of the Greek capital - there was a certain commune, partly reminiscent of those that the founders of the communist movement imagined in their imagination. Everything in it was equal and everything was enough in abundance. But it was inhabited not by ordinary people, but by rulers and warriors who ensured the maintenance of the order they desired in the country. The laboring masses were only allowed to reverently look at their shining heights and fulfill the plans descended from there.

Arrogant descendants of Poseidon

In the same treatise, the author contrasted the humble and virtuous Athenians with the high-proud Atlanteans. Their ancestor, as is clear from the work of Plato, was the god of the seas Poseidon himself. Once, having witnessed how an earthly girl named Kleito did not live her young body in the waves, he was inflamed with passion and, having evoked reciprocal feelings in her, became the father of ten sons - demigods, half-humans.

The eldest of them, named Atlas, was put in charge of the island, divided into nine parts, each of which was under the command of one of his brothers. In the future, not only the island inherited his name, but even the ocean on which he was located. All his brothers became the founders of dynasties that lived and ruled in this fertile land for many centuries. This is how the legend describes the birth of Atlantis as a powerful and sovereign state.

Island of abundance and wealth

In his work, Plato also gives the dimensions of this legendary mainland island known to him. According to him, it was 540 km long and at least 360 km wide. The highest point of this vast territory was a hill, the height of which the author does not specify, but writes that it was located about 9-10 km from the seashore.

It was on it that the palace of the ruler was built, which Poseidon himself surrounded by three land and two water defensive rings. Later, his Atlantean descendants threw bridges over them and dug additional channels through which ships could freely approach the piers located at the very walls of the palace. They also erected many temples on the central hill, richly decorated with gold and decorated with statues of celestials and earthly rulers of Atlantis.

Myths and legends, born on the basis of the writings of Plato, are full of descriptions of the treasures owned by the descendants of the sea god, as well as the richness of nature and the fertility of the island. In the dialogues of the ancient Greek philosopher, in particular, it is mentioned that, despite the densely populated Atlantis, wild animals lived very freely on its territory, among which there were even not yet tamed and not domesticated elephants. At the same time, Plato does not disregard many of the negative aspects of the life of the islanders, which caused the wrath of the gods and caused the catastrophe.

The end of Atlantis and the beginning of the legend

Peace and prosperity that had reigned there for many centuries collapsed overnight through the fault of the Atlanteans themselves. The author writes that as long as the inhabitants of the island put virtue above wealth and honors, the celestials were favorable to them, but turned away from them as soon as the glitter of gold eclipsed spiritual values ​​in their eyes. Looking at how people who had lost their divine essence were filled with pride, greed and anger, Zeus did not want to restrain his anger and, having gathered other gods, gave them the right to pass their sentence. This is where the manuscript of the ancient Greek philosopher ends, but, judging by the catastrophe that soon befell the wicked proud, they were considered unworthy of mercy, which ultimately led to such a sad outcome.

The legends of Atlantis (or information about real events - this remains unknown) attracted the attention of many ancient Greek historians and writers. In particular, the Athenian Hellanic, who lived in the 5th century BC. e., also describes this island in one of his writings, however, calling it a little differently - Atlantiad - and not mentioning its death. However, modern researchers, for a number of reasons, believe that his story is not related to the lost Atlantis, but to Crete, which has successfully survived the centuries, in whose history the sea god Poseidon also appears, who conceived a son from an earthly maiden.

It is curious that the name "Atlantes" was applied by ancient Greek and Roman authors not only to the islanders, but also to the inhabitants of continental Africa. In particular, Herodotus, as well as a no less famous historian, so called a certain tribe that lived in the Atlas Mountains near the ocean coast. These African Atlanteans were very warlike and, being at a low stage of development, waged constant wars with foreigners, among whom were the legendary Amazons.

As a result, they were completely exterminated by their neighbors, the troglodytes, who, although they were in a semi-animal state, still managed to win. There is an opinion that Aristotle said on this occasion that it was not the military superiority of the savages that led to the death of the Atlantean tribe, but the creator of the world, Zeus, killed them for their iniquities.

A product of fantasy that survived the ages

The attitude of modern researchers to the information presented in Plato's dialogues and in the writings of a number of other authors is extremely skeptical. Most of them consider Atlantis a legend with no real basis. Their position is explained primarily by the fact that for many centuries no material evidence of its existence has been found. It really is. Completely absent are archaeological data on the existence at the end of the Ice Age, as well as the nearest millennia to it, of such a developed civilization in West Africa or Greece.

It is also bewildering that the story allegedly told to the world by the ancient Greek priests and then passed down to Plato in oral retelling was not reflected in any of the written monuments found on the banks of the Nile. This involuntarily suggests that the ancient Greek philosopher himself composed the tragic story of Atlantis.

He could well borrow the beginning of the legend from the rich domestic mythology, in which the gods often became the founders of entire nations and continents. As for the tragic denouement of the plot, he needed it. The fictitious island should have been destroyed to give the story an external credibility. Otherwise, how could he explain to his contemporaries (and, of course, to his descendants) the absence of traces of his existence.

Researchers of antiquity also pay attention to the fact that when talking about a mysterious continent located near the western coast of Africa, and about its inhabitants, the author cites only Greek names and geographical names. This is very strange and suggests that he himself invented them.

tragic mistake

At the end of the article, we will cite some very amusing statements that zealous supporters of the historicity of the existence of Atlantis come out with today. As mentioned above, today it has been raised to the shield by many supporters of the occult movements and all sorts of mystics who do not want to reckon with the absurdity of their own theories. Pseudo-scientists are not inferior to them, trying to pass off their fabrications as discoveries allegedly made by them.

For example, in recent years, articles have repeatedly appeared on the pages of the press, as well as on the Internet, that the Atlanteans (the existence of which the authors did not question) have made such a high progress that they have carried out extensive research activities in the field of nuclear physics. Even the disappearance of the continent itself is explained by the tragedy that occurred as a result of their unsuccessful nuclear test.

On the island of Crete, located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, the Greeks have long lived. “All European art in the broadest sense of the word is rooted in the Greek tradition: everything that European artists, writers, thinkers have achieved bears the deep stamp of the amazing successes of a small ancient people,” writes the English scholar John Chadwick.

The great discoveries of the 20th century in archeology have called into question many established views regarding the Greeks. In 1900, the Englishman Arthur Evans began archaeological excavations on the island of Crete. In the north of the island, near the city of Knossos, near Mount Yuktas, Arthur Evans unearthed the remains of a huge palace of a hitherto unknown culture.

The palace had two or three floors, not counting the basements, which contained cellars, workshops, food stores, weapons, and dungeons. The ceremonial premises of the palace consisted of large and small throne rooms and rooms for religious purposes. In the alleged female part of the palace there were a reception room, a bathroom treasury and various other rooms. A wide sewer network of clay pipes of large and small diameters was laid in the palace, serving the pools, bathrooms and latrines. More than 2 thousand clay tablets with various records were found in the palace. The rich decoration of some rooms, a huge number of products made of precious metals, highly artistic wall paintings, frescoes, spacious warehouses - all this indicates that the palace was the seat of the kings - the rulers of Knossos and all of Crete. The total area of ​​the palace is 16 thousand square meters. m.

At Mallia, Gournia, Phaistos, and elsewhere in Crete, Evans and his students also excavated ancient palaces. Archaeological discoveries have also been made on other islands in the Aegean. Thus, the world learned that before the Greeks, another people, unknown in history, lived and left a great culture. This culture in the scientific literature is called Cretan (Minoan) or Aegean-Minoan.
Evans divides the Cretan culture into three periods. The oldest period falls on 3000-2000 years. BC e., and the latest - for 1600-1100 years. BC e. In other words, the earliest period of the Cretan (Minoan) civilization, according to Evans, began five thousand years ago. As we know from history, in the same period there were centers of world culture - Sumer and Egypt.

“The civilization of Crete was incomparably older than the Greek. And even in the Late Bronze Age, Cretan culture surpassed that of classical Greece. The legend tells that Athens obeyed Minos, the king of Crete. A foreign people lived here, who kept the Greeks in fear, ”writes Chadwick, a quote from which we quoted above.
"Greek art, which until now has served as the ideal of perfection, which has been a classic for all generations of artists, turns out to be only a continuation of the greatest culture that arose in the Mediterranean 2000-1000 years earlier." When and how did the Cretan culture die? For an answer, we turn to Plato.

Plato's stories about Atlantis

, who lived in 427 - 357 years. BC e., in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" writes about some state of Atlantis, the center of which was on the island of the same name. Atlantis was first known to the "wisest of the seven wise", the Greek philosopher and statesman Solon, who lived two centuries earlier than Plato, in 640-559. BC e. Solon traveled a lot and when he was in Egypt, the servants of the temple told him about Atlantis. Plato belonged to the family of the Athenian kings, where the wonderful story of Solon was passed down from generation to generation.

Through Plato's Dialogues, the whole world learned about the mysterious state of antiquity. According to Plato, the island of Atlantis was in front of the Pillars of Hercules. He reports:

This island exceeded in size Libya and Asia put together and continues: “on this island, called Atlantis, there arose a great and admirable alliance of kings, whose power extended over the whole island, to many other islands and to part of the mainland, and beyond moreover, on this side of the strait they took possession of Libya as far as Egypt and Europe as far as Tirrenia.

Atlantis had no equal in its economic and cultural development. According to Plato, the capital of the state was located on the same island, on a plain where a small mountain towered. The first people lived on the mountain - husband and wife. They had one and only daughter named Kleito. When Kleito's mother and father died, she was left completely alone on the island. Poseidon, the god of the sea, fell in love with her. They began to live together, and Kleito gave birth to five twin sons. The god of the sea raised his children, equipped the island, divided Atlantis into ten regions and gave it to his sons to manage.

He gave the elder the largest and best part of the island and made him king over all the brothers. Poseidon also arranged a mountain on a plain - he surrounded it with water and earthen rings. There were two earth rings and three water rings. Two streams flowed from the mountain - one with cold, the other with hot water. Temples, palaces and other buildings were located on the mountain.

Since the time of Plato, scholars have been arguing:

was Atlantis real? If yes, where and when?

The death of Atlantis

During the two thousand years that this controversy has been going on, Atlantean logical literature has accumulated 25,000 volumes, some of which are over 500 pages long! When the time came for unprecedented earthquakes and floods, in one terrible day, all your military strength was swallowed up by the unfolding earth; in the same way, LtLi5, tida disappeared, plunging into the abyss, ”reports the author of Timaeus” and “Critias”. By the words "all your military strength" is meant the hypothetical military force of the Athenians, allegedly preparing for the war with the Atlanteans.

The death of Atlantis occurred as if 9000 years before the era of Solon. If we count from our time, we get 11500 or rounded about 12 thousand years. However, as is known, 12,000 years ago there was not a single people on Earth whose achievements would resemble the culture of the Atlanteans, as described by Plato.

The discoveries of Arthur Evans on the island of Crete enabled scientists to approach the problem of Atlantis in a new way.

The center of Atlantis could not necessarily be located in front of the Pillars of Heracles, i.e., near the modern Strait of Gibraltar. It could be in the eastern Mediterranean.

As a result of surveying the water depths with modern methods, it turned out that the islands of the eastern Mediterranean Sea from ancient times were located in a particularly seismically unstable zone of the earth's crust. It turns out that in Crete and the nearby islands of the Aegean basin, there were both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, during which parts of the land were swallowed up by the sea.

Modern scientists have established that several strong earthquakes occurred in the Aegean Sea basin, as a result of which ancient structures were completely destroyed. For example, in 1800-1700. BC e. There were just such strong earthquakes. Palaces at Knossos, Phaistos, Mallia, Gurnia in Crete, and other islands are believed to have been destroyed during this period.

Now the third Cretan population lives on the island, along with the remnants of the former inhabitants. Other ancient authors also have information that other peoples lived on the territory of Greece before the Greeks. The same Plato in the dialogue "Cratylus" writes:

It seems to me that the first of the people who inhabited Hellas revered only those gods that many barbarians still revere today: the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the Stars, the Sky

Strabo has these words: Hecateus of Miletus reports about the Peloponnese that barbarians lived there before the Greeks. However, in ancient times, barbarians lived throughout Greece.
In the XV century. BC e. in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, on the island of Santorini, which is located north of Crete, there was another strong earthquake and a volcanic eruption. It is believed that during this period the entire Cretan civilization was destroyed. The end of the period was marked, apparently, by a strong earthquake, as a result of which a number of deposits, both at Knossos and at Phaistos, were isolated and preserved in a pure, unmixed state.

Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in Crete

For some time between 1450-1400 BC. e. all cities in Crete, including Knossos, were destroyed by fire. Two strong earthquakes undermined the well-being of the city. The first occurred at the end of the Late Helladic - II period, between 1450 and 1425, the second, around 1400. According to many archaeologists, geologists and oceanologists, the explosion of the Santorin volcano in the Aegean Sea in the middle of the II millennium BC. e. led to the death of the great power of the Mediterranean, the center of which was on the island of Crete, the former cradle of the most ancient civilization of Europe

The volcanic eruption on the island of Santorini, or rather, on its remains of Thera and Therasia (otherwise Thira and Thirasia), also occurred later than the estimated time of the death of Atlantis. Here is how Strabo describes this eruption:

halfway between Thera and Therasia, a flame suddenly burst out of the sea and lasted for four days, so that the whole sea around boiled and burned; the flame spewed out the island (gradually, as if by levers raised from the water and consisting of a red-hot mass) stretching 12 stadia in a circle.

The energy of a volcanic eruption, according to the definition of P. Heidervari, is calculated by the atomic bomb equivalent. The energy of one atomic bomb is assumed to be 8.4 1014 J. “It turned out that the Bezymyanny explosion was equivalent to 4 thousand, Krakatau - 20 thousand, and Tambor - 200 thousand. atomic bombs". Nameless, Krakatoa, Tambora are the names of the most famous volcanoes on earth. It is assumed that the energy of the volcano Santorini, which destroyed the Cretan civilization, was equal to or even greater than the energy of the explosion of the volcano Tambora. Thus, the eruption of Santorini in the XV century. BC e. belongs to the greatest geological catastrophes

In order to more clearly imagine the scale of the catastrophe, let us give some examples from the history of volcanoes. During the eruption of Tambor (in Indonesia) on April 5, 1815, the roar of the explosion spread over 1400 km. Colossal masses of ash, sand and volcanic dust rose into the air. Stones weighing up to 5 kg were ejected from the crater of the volcano over a distance of more than 40 km. Volcanic ash during the explosion can rise into the air up to 50 km.

The tephra or volcanic ash from the eruption of Santorini spread over a thousand kilometers from the center of the explosion. Modern scientists, using special devices, took soil samples from the seabed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It turned out that 130 km southeast of Santorini, the ash layer reaches 212 cm, and in the northeast of the island the same ash layer is 78 cm.

Before the explosion of the volcano, there was a large city on the island of Santorini. Archaeological excavations are currently underway here. As in Crete, the remains of ancient structures have been found in Santorini. Greek scientists from the University of Athens unearthed here the remains of one-, two- and three-storey buildings, as well as numerous handicrafts of the Minoan period. It is assumed that the city had about 30 thousand inhabitants. Due to the volcanic eruption, the northern part of the city was completely destroyed, and the southern part was buried under a layer of volcanic ash.

In modern Thira, Thirasia, Aspronisi - the remains of Santorini - the depth of petrified tephra reaches 30 - 40 meters. Archaeologists have found no human remains buried under the tephra. This means that people managed to escape from the city and escaped.

Many scientists believe that the Cretan civilization, destroyed in the II millennium BC. e. the eruption of a powerful volcano, and there is the mysterious Atlantis.

True, not all the details of Plato's description correspond to the facts of Cretan culture. Plato writes that Atlantis died 9000 years before the era of Solon. Here Plato himself or the scribes could be wrong by one "zero". If we consider the date of the death of Atlantis not at 9000, but at 900 years from the era of Solon, then we get an approximate chronology of the eruption of the Santorini volcano - the 15th century. BC e.

To conclude the topic, we present a TASS message entitled “Volcano - two thousand Hiroshima”, which says the following: “The most powerful volcanic eruption in the foreseeable history of mankind occurred in the 17th century BC on one of the islands in the Aegean Sea.

As scientists from the University of California (USA) reported at a press conference, the force of the eruption was about two thousand times greater than the power of the nuclear device that led to the tragedy in Hiroshima. According to the researchers, the consequences of the eruption were felt everywhere on the earth's surface. One of its consequences, according to the hypothesis put forward, was the disappearance of Atlantis, which gave rise to a highly developed civilization

Mysterious ruins of a former civilization lie forgotten undersea - 3D render with digital painting.

Atlantis is the name assigned in ancient times by the Greeks to the legendary land, supposedly located to the west of Gibraltar. Plato speaks in particular detail about Atlantis (in the dialogues Timaeus and Critias), referring to the "records" of the Egyptian priests. According to Plato, the Atlanteans who inhabited it were famous for the art of metal processing, with which their country was extremely rich. The sea power of the Atlanteans pursued an aggressive policy, captured part of Africa and Europe, and only Athens managed to successfully repel the aggressive attempts of Atlantis. For exorbitant pride in their power, the Atlanteans were punished at the behest of Zeus - their island was immersed in the sea.

In subsequent centuries, scientists made a number of attempts to identify Atlantis with America discovered by Europeans, the Canary Islands (Guanche culture), with the island of Crete, on which in the 2nd millennium BC. e. there was a highly developed bronze culture and sea power of the "Minos" (the title of the Cretan kings), with western Africa (the opinion of Frobenius, who even called one of the African cultures (Ioruba) - "Atlantic").

At one time, Schulten and Netolitsky quite convincingly identified Atlantis with the ancient Tartessus or Tarshish - one of the richest trading centers of antiquity, which was located on an island at the mouth of the Guadalquivir, which has disappeared by our time, served as a transfer point in the metal trade between Middle-earth and northwestern Europe and was destroyed by the Carthaginians around 530 BC. e.

Geological evidence does not support the existence of a large landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, but islands may have existed until recently, since the entire area bears traces of recent subsidence. According to geology, there were large areas of land that connected Brazil with Africa and the North in pre-Tertiary times. America with Great Britain. Many geologists called this continent Atlantis.

The existence of a mainland in the place of the northern region of the Atlantic Ocean is proved by the commonality of the terrestrial fauna of Northern Europe and North America, as well as by the departure of the folded chains of England below sea level and their appearance with the same folding pattern in North America. This continent existed in the Paleozoic era, in the Mesozoic it was repeatedly flooded by the sea, and in the Tertiary period it gradually disintegrated and sank below sea level.

The legend of Atlantis, however, does not apply to this long-vanished land, but should be attributed to more southern regions, where it is possible to allow rapid subsidence in relatively recent times, which is evidenced by flooded riverbeds, and uneven sea bottom, and frequent in this area volcanoes.

Atlantis is the mirror of the sun. They did not know a more beautiful country. Babylon and Egypt marveled at the wealth of the Atlanteans. In the cities of Atlantis, strong with green jade and black basalt, chambers and temples glowed like heat. Lords, priests and men, in gold-woven robes, sparkled in precious stones. Light fabrics, bracelets and rings, and earrings, and necklaces adorned wives, but open faces were better than stones.

Foreigners sailed to the Atlanteans. Everyone praised their wisdom willingly. They bowed before the ruler of the country.

But the oracle's prediction happened. The sacred ship Atlantis brought a great prophetic word:

The waves will rise. The sea will cover the land of Atlantis. For the rejected love, the sea will avenge.

Since that day, love has not been rejected in Atlantis. Sailors were greeted with love and affection. The Atlanteans smiled happily at each other. And the lord's smile was reflected in the precious, shining walls of the palace chambers. And the hand reached out to meet with greetings, and the tears among the people were replaced by a quiet smile. And the people forgot the power to hate. And the authorities forgot the forged sword and armor.

But the boy, the son of the lord, surprised everyone especially. The sun itself, the gods of the sea themselves, seemed to have sent him to save the great country.

Here he was good! And welcoming! And caring about everyone! He had brothers great and small. A good word lived in him for everyone. About each he remembered his best deed. He didn't remember a single mistake. He certainly could not see the anger and rudeness. And everything evil hid before him, and the recent villains wanted to become good forever, just like him.

A crowd of people followed him. Everywhere his gaze met only faces full of joy, waiting for his smile and a kind, wise word. That was the boy! And when the lord-father rested in this life, and the lad, foggy with quiet sadness, went out to the people; everyone, like madmen, forgot about death and sang a hymn of praise to the desired lord. And Atlantis bloomed brighter. And the Egyptians called it the land of love.

For many quiet years, the lord of light ruled. And the rays of his happiness shone on the people. Instead of a temple, the people aspired to the lord. Sang:

He loves us. Without it, we are nothing. He is our ray, our sun, our warmth, our eyes, our smile. Glory to you, our beloved!

In awe of the delight of the people, Vladyka reached the last day. And the last day began, and the lord lay powerless, and his eyes were closed.

As one man, the Atlanteans stood up, and the steps of the chambers were flooded with a continuous sea. The doctors and bed-keepers were taken away. They crouched down to the deathbed and, crying, yelled:

Lord, look! Give us your glance. We've come to defend you. May our, the Atlanteans, desire strengthen you. Look - all Atlantis has gathered to your palace. We stood like a tight wall from the palace to the sea, from the palace to the cliffs. We, dear one, have come to hold you. We will not let you be taken away, leave us all. We are all, the whole country, all men, and wives, and children. Lord, look!

The lord of the priest beckoned with his hand and wanted to say his last will, and he asked everyone to leave, at least for a short time.

But the Atlanteans remained. They rallied, grew into the steps of the bed. Frozen, and mute and deaf. Didn't leave.

Then the lord rose up on the couch and, turning his gaze to the people, asked them to leave him alone and allow him to say his last will to the priest. The Lord asked. And once again Vladyka asked in vain. And once again they were deaf. They didn't leave. And that's what happened then. Vladyka got up on the couch and wanted to push everyone away with his hand. But the crowd was silent and caught the glance of the beloved bishop.

Then the lord said:

You didn't leave? Don't you want to leave? Are you here now? Now I know. Well, I'll tell you. I will say one word. I hate you. I reject your love. You took everything from me. You took the laughter of childhood. You rejoiced when I was left alone for your sake. You filled the silence of mature years with noise and shouting. You despised the deathbed... Only I knew your happiness and your pain. Only your speeches the wind conveyed to me. You have taken my sun! I did not see the sun; I have only seen your shadows. Dali, blue gave! You didn’t let me go to them… I can’t return to the sacred greenery of the forest… I can’t walk on the fragrant grasses anymore… I can’t climb the mountain range anymore… I can’t see the bends of the rivers and green meadows anymore… I can’t rush along the waves… I can’t fly with my eye anymore behind the swift gyrfalcon... I can no longer look at the stars... You won... I could no longer hear the voices of the night... The commands of God were no longer available to me... But I could recognize them... I could smell the light, the sun and the will... You won... You are all from I was shielded... You took everything away from me... I hate you... I rejected your love...

History of Atlantis: myths, conjectures, riddles and real facts

More than one generation of researchers has been arguing about the existence of Atlantis, a mighty ancient state that once and for all disappeared from the face of the Earth. Interest in this topic arose after the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato saw the light. It was Plato who first wrote about Atlantis, described the ancient civilization, the strength and power of the Atlanteans. Whether it was a deliberately and skillfully created myth, or we are dealing with a description of the real facts of the ancient history of human civilization - remains a mystery. Neither before nor after it was possible to obtain and find evidence of the existence of the Atlantean state. The secrets of Atlantis remain unsolved until now, forcing historians to put forward new hypotheses, and researchers to look for the place of the disappeared island-state on the planet's map.

The civilization of Atlantis is a source of controversy

Today, a huge number of works have been written about the disappeared mighty civilization of the ancient world, starting with poetic essays and literary descriptions, ending with serious scientific treatises. In every separate case one has to deal with a huge set of assumptions and hypotheses that the ancient world looked different than today's map of the world looks like. Another new hypothesis gives rise to a new myth, which instantly acquires new details, assumptions and details. Another thing is the complete absence of facts capable of answering the question: did Atlantis exist in reality or not. This meager research material remains the lot of science fiction writers and atlantologists. Skeptics believe that the history of Atlantis is an artificially created phenomenon in modern historical science.

It is necessary to consider the problem of Atlantis in two aspects: from the point of view of the historical epic, and using a scientific approach. In the first case, one has to deal with the evidence base and materials, the existence of which is never disputed by anyone. The palm in this area belongs to the works of Plato. The ancient Greek philosopher mentioned the mighty state of antiquity in the dialogues Critias and Timaeus, which were compiled on the basis of the diaries of another prominent ancient Greek philosopher Solon, who was Plato's great-grandfather. With the light hand of Plato, the name of the ancient state appeared, and its inhabitants began to be called Atlanteans.

In his notes and books, the ancient philosopher relied on a legend according to which the ancient Greeks fought against the state of the Atlanteans. The confrontation ended with a grandiose cataclysm that led to the death of Atlantis. According to the ancients, it was this catastrophe that led to the fact that the city-island of Atlantis disappeared forever from the face of the planet. What catastrophe on a planetary scale has led to such consequences is still not known and has not been proven. Another question is that in the scientific community at the moment there is a point of view that 12 thousand years BC. the world really suffered a major catastrophe that changed the geography of the planet.

Plato's dialogue "Timaeus" quite accurately indicates the location of the country of the Atlantes, is full of descriptions of the details of the culture and life of the Atlanteans. Thanks to the efforts of the ancient Greek philosopher, the lost civilization is being persistently searched for in the Atlantic Ocean. Just one phrase "opposite the Pillars of Hercules", recorded by Plato, indicates the location of the legendary country. More accurate data on the location of the mysterious ancient state are not available, so many researchers on this topic believe that Atlantis could be located in any other part of the ancient world.

The inconsistency of many of the facts set forth in the works of Plato raised a number of questions for subsequent generations. The main secrets of Atlantis are as follows:

  • is there a high probability of the existence of an island of such large sizes, traces of which are almost completely absent today;
  • what catastrophe that occurred in antiquity could lead to the instant death of a large state;
  • could there have existed in such ancient times a civilization with such a high level of development, which is attributed to the Atlanteans by ancient and modern researchers;
  • why today there are no real traces from the past, indicating the existence of Atlantis;
  • whether we are descendants of a highly developed culture of the Atlanteans.

How did the contemporaries of the ancient Greeks see Atlantis

Studying Plato's works, one can briefly summarize the information that has come down to us. We are dealing with the history of the existence and mystical disappearance of a large archipelago or a large island, which was located in the west of the then ancient world. The central city of the superpower was Atlantis, which owes its name to the first king of the state, Atlantis. The island location explains the state structure of the empire. Probably Atlantis, like many cities of ancient Greece, was a union of island rulers united under imperial rule. Perhaps there was a different state system in Atlantis, but Plato's dialogues give the names of kings, after whom other islands of the empire are named. Hence, ancient civilization took the form of a union or confederation.

Another question is detailed description Plato of the life arrangement of a mysterious power. All the main buildings and structures of the state are located on the central island. Acropolis, royal palace and temples are protected by several rows earthen ramparts and a water canal system. The inner regions of the island are connected to the sea by a huge shipping channel, so we can safely say that the power of Atlantis was focused on achieving sea power. Moreover, according to Plato, the Atlanteans worship Poseidon (the ancient Greek god, the ruler of the seas and oceans - the brother of Zeus). In Plato, the temples of the Atlanteans, their architecture and home improvement shine with luxury and wealth. Reaching the shores of Atlantis, surrounded on all sides by water, and the path to the island lay only by sea, was not an easy task for sailors of that time.

Plato in his narratives is very fond of describing the improvement of the capital of the Atlanteans. The most interesting thing in this aspect is that the descriptions of the ancient Greek philosopher strongly resemble the descriptions of other ancient Greek cities found in other ancient sources. The described infrastructure, weapons, ships, religion and lifestyle of the inhabitants of Atlantis look like the height of human perfection and a model of well-being.

The mystery of Atlantis in Plato's descriptions is present at every turn. Is it not surprising that people live far from the centers of civilization known to the then world, but they have a fairly high level of development, they can make long sea voyages, trade with everyone around, eat spices and other cultures. The Atlanteans have a powerful army and a numerous fleet capable of confronting the armies of the ancient states of the Mediterranean.

This should be the point. Only Plato was able to describe the life and structure of the legendary state in such a clear and detailed way. To find other sources that would point to such facts was not, is not, and probably will not be. Neither the Sumerians nor the ancient Egyptians say anything about a large state in the Western Hemisphere. The ancient ruins of the Indian civilizations of North and South America are silent about interaction with the mysterious and powerful state. How many years ago could such a powerful civilization be located in the central Atlantic, about which there is still no real evidence.

Secrets of Atlantis: myths and legends against real facts

Some researchers continue to feed the world with illusions that Atlantis really was. Following the lead of Plato, who indicated the exact location of the island, researchers in search of Atlantis check the territory in the Azores, in the Bahamas. This is facilitated by the consonance of the names of the Atlantic Ocean and the legendary island.

According to one version, Atlantis was located in the Azores. Studies of the seamount Ampere, located on the way from Europe to America, and the adjacent areas of the Atlantic mid-ridge did not give any results. The geological and morphological structure of the seabed does not give grounds to believe that a large geological formation existed in this area of ​​the earth's crust in ancient times. Even a gigantic cataclysm that wiped out such a large island or archipelago from the face of the earth would have left behind indisputable evidence. If the island sank as a result of a successive chain of earthquakes and floods, then its remains could be found today.

Modern scientists do not have data on a major geological and tectonic catastrophe that befell the earth in antiquity. The biblical data about the global flood that befell the Earth and mankind take us to a completely different era. All information, events and facts that speak in favor of the existence of Atlantis in this part of the globe do not stand up to criticism, if you rely on the theory proposed by Plato.

Supporters of another hypothesis, the Mediterranean one, have stronger evidence in their favor. However, there are also a number of points that cause controversy. What were the real boundaries of such a powerful union, and where could such a large island or a small mainland be located. Western border known to people that time of the world, runs along the Pillars of Hercules - now the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic. Why, with such a richness of events and closeness, the ancient world did not have cartographic data on the location of a large state that influences the political and economic structure of the world. On the maps compiled by the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Egyptians, which have come down to our times, the known areas are limited to the Mediterranean region, the territories of Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Many atlantologists increasingly agree that a civilization of this size could exist in the Eastern Mediterranean, in the explored sphere of political and economic interests of ancient states. The disappearance of the island and the death of the country of the Atlanteans can be tied to the catastrophic eruption of the Santorin volcano, which erupted around the 17th century BC. This hypothesis takes place, since it is during this period that the heyday of the Cretan state falls. According to this theory, the volcanic eruption not only destroyed half of the island of Thera, but also destroyed the numerous city-states that existed in this region. If we put aside the question of names and the link to Plato's statements about the Pillars of Hercules, such a picture of the ancient world has the right to life.

In this context, the version about the existence in ancient times of a powerful state that competes with the ancient Greek cities-policies coexists perfectly. The facts of the strongest cataclysm of that time were also noted in ancient sources. Today, volcanologists and oceanologists reasonably consider this version of the death of Atlantis to be quite real. Scientists have found evidence that the Minoan civilization really had a huge military power and had a high level of development, allowing it to confront the Greek states.

Sparta and Athens are located 300-400 kilometers north of the islands of Thira and Crete, which are ideal for the location of the Atlantean state. The explosion of the volcano, which destroyed a mighty state in one night, destroyed the balance in the world that existed until that moment. The consequences of such a large-scale disaster affected the entire southern Europe, North Africa and the coast of the Middle East.

Versions in favor of another location of the legendary power today have no basis. Researchers are increasingly linking the existence of Atlantis with Plato's philosophical view of the existing world. This is echoed by other sources in which the land of the Atlanteans is associated with other mythical territories and states that existed in the imagination of the ancient Greeks.

Hyperborea and Atlantis - ancient mythical states

When asked where to look for Atlantis today, the answer may sound prosaic. You have to search everywhere. Relying on ancient sources is possible only in those cases when the question is raised about the cultural heritage that has come down to our times. In the sense in which we perceive Atlantis today as an imaginary country and highly developed civilization, the ancient Greeks at one time represented Hyperborea. This mythical country, located in the far north, a thousand kilometers from the coast of Ancient Greece, was considered by the Greeks as the habitat of the Hyperboreans, the descendants of the gods. Is this not the Atlantis that Plato wanted to tell the world about when writing his treatises?

Hyperborean lands, according to modern scientists, should have been located on the territory of the current Scandinavian countries: in Iceland or in Greenland. The Greeks directly pointed out that even Apollo himself, the god of the sun, was considered the patron of this people. What are these lands, do they really exist? It was assumed that Hyperborea is a fictional country for the ancient Greeks, where perfect and powerful people live, the gods rest. The country that Apollo regularly visits may be the same Atlantis - the state that the ancient Greeks aspired to in their development.