How can I not lose weight what to do. Why you can’t lose weight with proper nutrition and exercise - the main reasons and what to do

Today on the weight loss portal “We lose weight without problems” we are considering a common problem -

Many people fail after failure in trying to get rid of excess weight. Someone loses extra pounds, but then returns to being overweight. Someone exposes themselves to various restrictions in food, but it is not possible to lose weight.

Why is this happening and how to behave in such a situation?

What's stopping us

Why can't you lose weight? Italian doctor Andrea Ghiselli, author of the famous book on healthy eating and the Mediterranean diet, explains why weight stands still, analyzing the reason for unsuccessful attempts to lose weight.

In her opinion, the most common mistake: a person eats little, but incorrectly. The main problem is that attention is focused on food, not physical activity. People should consider how much they eat and how much energy they expend.

Modes of motor activity are just as important as well as dietary patterns.

In addition, the preparation of weight loss programs for those who cannot lose weight in any way should take place exclusively using an individual approach.

She claims that some diets are inherently wrong and unacceptable. In her opinion, these include separate meals, the Atkins diet, grapefruit and soup diets. The Mediterranean diet consists of consuming large amounts of greens, limiting fruits, and reducing carbohydrates and fats.

Domestic experts in the field of weight loss also noticed that often girls want not just to lose weight, but to lose weight in a certain place. Their opinion boils down to the fact that there is no effective localized exercise. to eliminate fat in specific problem areas.

Can't lose weight: looking for the right approach

This will continue until the moment when your weight is not optimal. (for that, To find your optimal weight, subtract 110 from your height).

In the case of a decrease in calories and an increase in physical activity, your body weight should definitely decrease, but if this does not happen, you need to contact a specialist - an endocrinologist and, most likely, take an analysis for hormones. You should also consult an endocrinologist.

Main, lose weight naturally. Don't despair if unable to lose weight quickly. Be persistent and believe in yourself!

The phrase "I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower !" can be heard from the lips of both women and men. The problem of losing weight is relevant and painful for those who really dream of a toned, athletic body, but carry on themselves from 10 kg of excess weight.

As soon as it comes to upcoming diets and drastic dietary restrictions, the desire to become more slender weakens. As Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of Gone with the Wind, said: “I'll think about it tomorrow!

An insoluble problem arises: I want to lose weight, but I don’t have the strength to constantly diet. Yes, sometimes you still manage to endure a few days. But at the same time, you have to cook food for the household almost in a gas mask - such a temptation from the aromas and type of dish. But the main thing is not even that. And the very feeling that everyone eats tasty, high-calorie, and then ...

After holding on for a while, the woman breaks down one day. There can be many reasons: a bad mood, fatigue after work, resentment towards your husband, work colleagues, children brought twos from school, your beloved cat gave birth to black, not white kittens ... Or the approach of critical days when you feel weaker and more vulnerable. But in the depths of the soul there remains a certain bitter aftertaste - dissatisfaction with oneself: “I broke! Broke again! I want to lose weight, but...

This feeling closes tightly and hides behind the daily worries, and life moves forward. Only sometimes, looking at your slender figure in a photograph of 10-15 years ago, do you dream of returning to your former forms. But only without diets and grueling workouts. But is it possible?

Did you call the wizard? We lose weight with pleasure!

You can lose weight without diets, and without daily violence against yourself in the form of exercise. Get a notebook and pen ready and start writing down the steps.

"Wake up" your motivation

What will help you move forward so that your “I want to lose weight” becomes a reality? A huge poster of a slender beauty all over the wall? Or a small photo in a notebook that only you can see.Or will it be a photo from the past, when your body looked toned and athletic? It is better not to place an image of yourself full on the refrigerator, because. it will only cause a negative attitude towards itself, which is completely unacceptable. Think about this point carefully!

Start loving yourself the way you are now.

At first, this may seem difficult. Stay for a few minutes in a room alone. Go to the mirror and look at yourself in full growth. Not with hatred for that protruding belly and sagging buttocks. And with gratitude to the body that bore and gave birth to children, which "serves" you faithfully. Make friends with that beautiful stranger who is reflected in the mirror. Maybe it's time to update your wardrobe? After all, beautiful clothes to face a woman of any size. While you are losing weight, you still need to look stylish and dignified. Do you agree? Then go shopping!

Start a food diary

Since you have extra pounds, it means that more calories enter the body than are consumed. No! We are not talking about diets. We just get to know ourselves better in order to fulfill our desire "I want to lose weight."

We get acquainted with our eating habits, thanks to which excess weight keeps and does not go away. Write down everything you eat and drink throughout the day. Choose a measuring plate for this, a cup, to know the approximate volume of food. And at the end of the day or the next, just underline in a different color the time when you ate, for example, a bar of chocolate, without sharing. Look at the wrapper and the number of calories at the same time.

Choose lower calorie foods

Are you thirsty buy water, not juice. Take sour cream less fat, and before cooking the chicken, remove the skin from it. Cook soups without overcooking. Use a steamer more often than a frying pan.Read more about food tricks in our articles, and delicious low calorie recipes find out in our group at.

Follow the daily routine and nutrition

You need to get up and go to bed, "fitting" in one day. If you constantly steal sleep from another day, then the body returns to you the loss a hundredfold extra kilos. And the desire “I want to lose weight” becomes impossible.

Eat 5 meals a day

3 main meals: hearty breakfast, lunch with first and second course, light dinner. And two snacks after breakfast and after lunch. Don't eat at least 2 hours before bed. Let your body rest fully at night. And gradually, following these well-known rules, you will begin to lose weight by 1 kg per week. And you don’t need to go faster so that the weight doesn’t come back later.

move more

Let it not be a boring run in the morning. (Even though some people like it.) Love to play with children? Please! in winter ride down the hill on a sled, cheesecakes. Remember that there are skis and skates in the world. In summer, swim in the river, play football, volleyball, badminton, tennis. The swimming pool is open all year round.

Even just increase the time of walking with children. This is good for you and the whole family. As an alternative go for a walk with your husband, with your mother. Get yourself a pet, finally, if it's comfortable for you. And gradually, maybe your body will ask for fitness. But these will not be hard exercises, but exercises for the soul. dancing, yoga, aerobics or something else.

Ready for a change? Start with the first step. Think about your personal motivator right now. Do you still doubt that success is possible without iron strength will? If you gradually, in small steps, move forward, changing your habits, then the process of losing weight will become pleasant. And your willpower will be trained. No wonder folk wisdom says that even a drop of water wears away a stone.

Let someone else try strict diets! Such torture is senseless and ruins life. Do you agree? “I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower”, This is not a sentence or an excuse! Start enjoying your slimming journey by making small changes every day! What will make you happy today?

In the fight to lose weight, any of these common mistakes can be the reason why you can't lose even an inch. proper nutrition or on a diet while doing sports in the gym.

Counting every calorie, cutting out your favorite food, hitting the gym and still not seeing any results? If you're on a diet and following your plan down to the smallest detail, but the scale is not moving, it's time to take a closer look at your approach.

Sometimes small problems along the way can seem like snowball escalate into big problems if not addressed immediately. If you are wondering why I can’t lose weight and at the same time there is at least one of the problems listed below that leads to excesses in your diet, then by solving it, you can finally start losing weight.

1. Prolonged diet

When was the last time you felt fully satisfied after eating? If you constantly experience this aching feeling of hunger, then the body will not give extra calories and something needs to be changed.

The first reason you may not be able to burn fat as you would like is dieting for too long. A long-term diet can drive you into a reduced calorie stage. This fasting regime slows down the metabolism. Of course, you consume fewer calories, but you also burn less, which means you don’t get any progress.

If this sounds like your case, take a breather. Seriously! Don't be afraid to take a break for 2-4 weeks and stop worrying about the calories you eat and burn. You are simply taking one step back in order to get results in the longer term.

2. Wrong calorie counting

Perhaps the most common reason why you can’t lose weight with proper nutrition is simply the wrong assessment of the food you eat, or rather the wrong calculation of the calorie content of food.

For example, you prepare an evening snack and scoop up peanut butter with a spoon and add a generous portion to Greek yogurt. But wait. How much oil was in this spoon? If you estimate it's one scoop, but the reality is closer to 2 scoops, here's an extra 80-100 calories to your diet. And you still wonder why the diet does not work!

Peanut butter is a good example because it has a high calorie density and you don't usually use a measuring spoon to scoop a small serving out of a jar. With the same errors with others high-calorie foods- steaks, salmon, pasta or nuts - it is easy to understand why the kilograms stay in place as if they were nailed.

3. Deviations from the diet on the weekend

How often do you hear from someone that they stick to their diet carefully… in the middle of the week? The weekend comes, and these same strict dieters fall out of the rut. These couple of days make up almost 30% of the entire week. If you only diet 70% of the time, don't be surprised if you can't lose weight.

When it comes to percentages, try to stick to the 90/10 rule: diet 90% of the time and relax and have fun the other 10%. This is a great rule to follow. It allows you to indulge a little and helps you stay mostly on the right track.

It's hard to find people who follow the 70/30 rule because ignoring the diet and "fun" 30% of the time will never work. Be honest with yourself about how exactly you stick to your meal plan. It is not enough to observe it to the smallest detail on weekdays. Weekends also count.

4. Lack of program adjustments as progress is made

People also don't lose weight because they don't readjust their program as they progress. They start eating a certain diet, notice great results, and continue to do the same thing they did at the very beginning, expecting to get the same effect. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way. Your body changes in response to your diet, so you need to change that too.

The leaner you get, the more your body wants to skip this fasting mode and conserve fuel. As counterintuitive as it may sound, eating more carbs can help avoid this reaction. Increasing your carbohydrate intake can also improve insulin sensitivity and release the hormone leptin, which is responsible for maintaining body weight.

5. Go to the gym to burn calories

People often ask me: "I go in for sports, but I don't lose weight, why?" At first glance, it may seem strange, because under the condition of active consumption of calories and a deficit in their consumption, the body usually loses weight. Let's figure it out.

In order to lose weight, you need to train hard, that's right. There is nothing wrong with going to Gym with the sole purpose of burning calories, but only as long as you do not fixate on this indicator. If you're only looking to burn calories, you'll likely spend most of your time on cardio machines, simply because they show calories burned, making it easy to track progress.

The barbell does not offer this option, although barbell exercises can produce the most dramatic changes in your body. Not only do barbell lifts help burn fat, they also shape your body.

This is why at least 70% of your workout should be weight lifting. Cardio exercises are great, but they should be like the icing on the cake, something that enhances the results of strength training. Don't rely on cardio alone to achieve a calorie deficit.

For best results, do the exercises one after the other, leaving a minimum break between them. A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research notes that training with low rest levels results in higher post-workout calorie expenditure relative to regular training.

6. Exhausting workouts

When you visit the gym, you may think that training to failure is a good idea. Reinforced training isn't bad in and of itself, but notice how this maximum energy burst affects the rest of the 23 hours of the day.

Too many, especially those who are just beginning their journey, train to the limit, only to fall into their sedentary rhythm of life the rest of the time. Why? Because they are exhausted from training!

All the small activities you do throughout the day can play a huge role in increasing your total daily calorie expenditure. If you're too tired to go for a walk, do a little cleaning, or throw a ball with the kids, your workouts may actually decrease rather than increase your daily calorie expenditure.

Let's assume that you have completed an intense but not exhausting workout that has burned 300 calories. This should leave you with enough energy to burn an extra 400 calories throughout the day. Your net energy expenditure will come out to be 700 calories.

Now let's say you did a grueling workout that burned 500 calories. It was so tiring that you spent the rest of the day on the couch. How many additional calories will you burn? Fifty. So, your total energy expenditure per day will be only 550 calories.

In short: training too hard can reduce your ability to lose weight.

7. Hanging out in a juice bar after workouts

Finally, beware of this common post-workout mistake: Treating yourself to a big snack after a good workout. Whether you snack or not, once you've finished exercising, the strength and cardio-vascular benefits gained from exercise will stay with you. But if it's followed by a big smoothie or a cream cheese donut, you may well end up offsetting the wasted calories from sweat and hard work.


Faced with this problem, first of all, you should pay attention to your age. Until the age of 35, physical activity will be a great help in the fight against excess fat. If you are over 40, then you need to take a slightly different approach to losing weight, that is, pay more attention not to fitness, but to proper measured nutrition. The thing is that with age, the level of testosterone in the blood decreases significantly, and it is he who allows you to lose weight when you play sports.

For some reason, many people who are losing weight have the opinion that removing only the main ones from the diet junk food, they will lose weight without any problems and allow themselves all kinds of “light” snacks. For example, such snacks include: a handful of seeds, a nut, sweet tea and coffee, and sweets. All this for the day will turn for you at least 500 extra calories! If you always want to snack on something, then replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones, such as carrots, celery, dried apricots and prunes.

Going on a diet, many allow themselves to eat meat and all kinds of dairy products, that is, food that is rich in fats. Unfortunately, it is these fats that in some cases are the reason for stopping weight loss. These products can and should be included in your diet, they just need to contain a minimum of fat. Dairy products should be low fat and meat should be lean.

Stress also interferes with weight loss. Therefore, before you start losing weight, you should put your nerves in order. The thing is that the body responds to stress by actively producing a hormone called cortisol, which, in turn, contributes to the accumulation of fat reserves, and in the most unpleasant place - on the stomach. In addition, almost one in five cope with stress by eating too much.

It turns out that people often cannot lose weight because they do not get enough sleep, especially for women. Before you start to put your figure in order, adjust your sleep and go to bed no later than 23:00. Weight loss and sleep are linked by a hormone called melatonin. It not only helps us sleep, but also takes part in fat metabolism.

Pay attention to the shape of your figure. If you have rather narrow hips and a wide waist, then you are an apple. It is more difficult for women with this type of figure to lose weight than for everyone else. The reason for this is abdominal fat, which accumulates in the abdomen, because it is this that is the most difficult to burn. Despite, there is one very important plus: having lost weight, it will be easier for you to maintain normal weight than for girls whose type, that is, who have a narrow waist and wide hips.

Medications, which contain hormones, can also prevent you from bringing your weight back to normal. If we talk about new generation contraceptives, then you are unlikely to be able to recover from them, because the content of hormones there is minimal. An unpredictable effect can only be if these pills are not prescribed by a doctor, but are randomly selected. Be careful with antidepressants too. In some cases, even antibiotics interfere with getting rid of excess weight.