How to sew a dress with bare shoulders. Pattern of a dress with bare shoulders on an elastic band

An off-the-shoulder dress is a beautiful and sophisticated piece of clothing. Such a piece of clothing will not only attract attention, but also make the lady wearing it more attractive.

However, off-the-shoulder dress is not for everyone, and it will not always be appropriate. But for a solemn occasion, some styles will be just a lifesaver, and such a dress is also suitable for those who do not want to wear clothes with a neckline, but want to add a touch of sexuality to their appearance.

Open shoulders will make it much more subtle, graceful and completely out of place. It remains only to make out which styles and to whom are suitable.

Who should bare their shoulders, and who should not

Of course, no one has the right to forbid someone to wear what they like. However, for those who care about their appearance, these recommendations will come in handy and help them dress with taste in accordance with their figure.

Bare shoulders will not always be in place, some types of figures generally exclude such styles, in addition, age and some circumstances make you completely forget about dresses and blouses of this style. So, who and where can safely wear dresses with bare shoulders:

  • girls, young girls and young women are very suitable for dresses that bare their shoulders;
  • slender women with beautiful architectural shoulders and a well-groomed neck, also girls in a body with feminine sloping shoulders can afford this style;
  • this style is perfect high for visual correction of the proportions of the body and hands;
  • with a proportional hourglass figure or narrow shoulders with a wide pelvis, such a dress will look harmonious, and in the second case it will even help to adjust the proportions;
  • girls with a short neck can thus make it visually longer;
  • such dresses will be especially relevant in the hot season;
  • a beautiful floor-length dress with a not too deep cutout along the shoulder line made of dense expensive plain fabric will look incredibly beautiful at a gala reception;
  • girls and women with beautiful smooth skin can safely wear clothes of this style;
  • open shoulders look best with a straight back, so if you have posture problems, you need to take a closer look at yourself in this outfit.

Who better to avoid deep cutouts on dresses:

  • aged women do not look very aesthetically pleasing with bare shoulders, as certain changes occur with the skin, it loses elasticity, age spots appear; there are very well-groomed ladies who serve as an exception, but this is rare;
  • women and girls with a “triangle” and “apple” figure will emphasize their proportions by wearing this style of dress; with a “triangle”, open shoulders can only be with a very strongly compensated lower part, for example, with a “bell” or “sun” skirt and other lush styles;
  • it is not recommended to wear dresses with open shoulders and women with problem skin with acne, pimples, scars, burns and other skin defects, as this will place an unnecessary emphasis on this problem;
  • excessive fullness is aggravated by this style, too deep shoulder cutouts look especially defiant on girls of this type; it is worth noting that the neckline to the armpit is appropriate only on the beach for all types of girls, and in other cases it looks vulgar;
  • square or sharp, angular shoulders and excessive thinness will not be decorated with such a style of dress, but rather, on the contrary, they will stand out quite strongly;
  • short girls and women with a shortened torso should avoid this style, as the shoulder line “cuts” and crushes the figure, visually reducing growth and hiding proportions; the same can be said about the owners of not too long arms;
  • with a strong curvature of the spine, accompanied by excessively deployed shoulders and shoulder blades, it is better not to wear dresses of this type.

Of course, you can choose a beautiful and perfectly fitting dress without having ideal proportions, but here you have to work a little.

Various styles of dresses with bare shoulders: casual, formal, wedding

There are a lot of styles of dresses with open or semi-open shoulders. Both the top and bottom can differ, however, I would still like to classify according to the upper part, since it is in it that the main feature consists:

  • a dress with a tight-fitting corset-type bodice made of dense or elastic fabric - this style has a special structure, which is based on the absence of not only sleeves, but also the shoulder line; many ballroom and wedding dresses have such a top, and the skirt can be absolutely anything: straight, tapered pencil type, puffy, fishtail style, floor length and medium length, and so on; the bodice itself can have regular tucks or be a full-fledged corset; putting on such a dress for a celebration or reception, it is better to take care of a bolero or stole in advance, which can be thrown over the shoulders if necessary;
  • dresses with a sleeve and a cut-off line of the shoulder look very sophisticated, moderately opening the shoulders, while not exposing the arms and the line of the armpit, which looks the most aesthetically pleasing; the top can be made of elastic fabric or have thin straps for support, and also have an embroidered elastic band around the neckline, which will not only gather and drape the fabric beautifully, but also act as a dress retainer along the shoulder line;
  • off-the-shoulder dresses in the styles listed above may also have a decorative trim in the form of a frill sewn along the shoulder line in models with a cut-off top or attached to the straps or top line of a corseted style;
  • the version with a sleeveless cut-off top is also often supplied with a yoke - a wide ribbon of the same fabric or other material that surrounds the shoulders and is attached to the bodice, thereby forming something like small sleeves with an open shoulder line; this dress looks very beautiful, the skirt can also be any, however, it is better not to choose this style for broad-shouldered girls;
  • there are also asymmetric styles with one bare shoulder and knitted dresses with cutouts on the shoulders.

A special niche in this category is occupied by wedding dresses with bare shoulders. All of the styles listed above are applicable to them, especially often you can see corsets, however, now they are gradually leaving the wedding fashion.

The latest trends are sophisticated dresses with a smooth main material, from which a skirt and bodice are sewn with a top line at collarbone level, and a bolero with a sleeve of the finest lace is sewn on top, leaving the shoulders open. This dress looks just great and requires a minimum of jewelry and an elegant hairstyle.

Accessories and hairstyles to match an off-the-shoulder dress

Open shoulders are demanding not only for the general condition of the skin and the type of figure, but also pay attention to the face and neck. Therefore, the choice of jewelry and styling should be approached carefully.

High buns, shells and neat styling with curls are better for a dress in a retro style with a puffy skirt and a cutout on the shoulders or a yoke. For example, retro styling with waves will look very nice.

The same can be said about voluminous dresses with flounces and ruffles, which do not accept excessive splendor in the hair. A high hairstyle with this style will help to stretch the figure for girls of small stature with a not very long neck.

Corsets and a sleek sleeveless top, on the other hand, will look more complete when combined with flowing curls, fixed at the face.

Dresses with a cut-off line of shoulders with a long neck look interesting with neck-hugging choker necklaces. Also, this style is interesting with two levels of beads, when one thread fits the neck, and the second hangs below the chest, which allows you to visually add a couple of centimeters in height.

Flounces look good with simple thin beads of medium length or with chains that slightly go over the line of the dress. Sleek bodices and fitted corsets are paired beautifully with voluminous round chokers that frame the neck and extend across the bodice to the bustline.

Pattern and algorithm for sewing a dress with an elastic band with bare shoulders

In this section, a pattern of a shelf for a tight-fitting dress with an elastic band with a sleeve length up to the elbow will be given. The skirt can be any, at will, lengthen the sleeve and the shelf according to your own measurements. Here is an approximate drawing made on graph paper in the ratio of 1 cell = 1 centimeter:

How to sew an off-the-shoulder outfit with an elastic band? So, before cutting a dress, you need to take measurements. Since it will be made of knitwear, there are not so many measurements:

  1. ST - half waist so that the dress sits well along the waistline;
  2. SB - half-girth of the chest, this line is indicated in the drawing by a dotted line along the shelf and back;
  3. DST - the length of the back to the waist, this measurement is taken not from the vertebra, as usual, but from the intended neck line to the waist, by measuring this height, you can understand what the height of the bodice of the dress will be.

Depending on the style and fabric, measurements can be much larger. The sleeve is built depending on its style, length and desired fit. It may also need some measurements.

Having designed the patterns, you can start cutting the dress. It is important to understand that the details of the shelf and back are half of the element. To cut them out, you can fold the fabric in half, face inward, pin the pattern to the fold line with a straight edge with pins and circle around.

Parallel to the pattern line, you need to draw a line, retreating 1-1.5 cm for allowances, which subsequently form seams. The sleeve is one-piece, so you can safely cut it, not forgetting the allowances. A strip of the same fabric is also cut, equal in length to the shoulder line, 4-5 cm wide, from which a drawstring for an elastic band will then be made.

The cord is all cut out, you can start stitching. Each sleeve is sewn along the inner seam, the front and back are sewn together on the sides, after which the armholes are connected to the corresponding cutout on the sleeve.

All details are sewn from the inside out and pre-swept. When the top of the dress is assembled, you can start stitching the drawstring and inserting an elastic band: the same rectangle, neck length + 2 centimeters to close the seam. Having turned the future dress on the face, first baste the drawstring, folding it in half and rounding the top line so that it is inside.

When sewing on a drawstring, you need to tuck its edge inward by a centimeter and sew at a distance of no more than 5 mm from it so that the seam does not spread. Having closed the drawstring in a convenient place (it is best to make it in two parts with seams in the middle of the sleeve), you need to stitch it.

Before finally fixing the drawstring with a machine seam, you need to insert an elastic band, previously measured over the shoulders, into the place of the closure. After spreading and securing the elastic, you can close the seam and take up the skirt.

The finished skirt is sewn along the waist line. The skirt in this case can be fluffy, straight, made of wedges, and so on. A one-piece dress option is also available.

Another example of sewing a dress with bare shoulders is in the next video.

The long-awaited summer is about to meet us with heat, sun, and, we hope, such a long-awaited vacation :) At this time, you really want to walk all night long along the sea coast, it goes without saying - in a beautiful dress! If you did not find a suitable summer new thing in the store - you are not satisfied with the price, there is no suitable size, or you have to wait a very long time for delivery from the online store, there is a way out - to sew a dress yourself! In today's master class, we will tell you how to build a dress pattern with an elastic band on the shoulders, and together we will sew several options for this extremely comfortable summer women's outfit;)

This loose dress, made of 100% cotton, looks impressive both in the city and on the sea coast. It perfectly masks small figure flaws, focusing on the chest. Sewing a dress that opens the shoulders is obscenely simple and will be possible even for a novice dressmaker! We offer a detailed pattern below.

The main measurement that we need to take in the process of constructing the drawing is the hip circumference, however, if your chest circumference is larger than the hip circumference, be guided by the measurement taken along the chest.

Building a dress pattern

First you need to draw a rectangle, the width of which (segment A-B) is equal to the measurement on the hips, multiplied by 1.4 - this is how the increase for folds is laid. If you plan to make the folds even more magnificent, the hip circumference should be multiplied by 1.6.

The height of the rectangular part is 65 cm - this is the length of the product, from the waist level the finished dress will have a length of 40 cm.

The length of the frill of the dress is equal to the width of the product (section A-B), the height of the frill is 12 cm, excluding seam allowances.

Cut details

  • Det. 1 (dress) - 1;
  • Det. 2 (frill) - 1.

Allowances for seams for the dress - one and a half centimeters, along the short and one long side of the frill of the dress - one and a half centimeters, along the lower and upper cuts of the dress and along the top of the frill - two and a half centimeters.


Baste the seam vertically on the fabric of the dress. Sostrochite, process cuts, iron. Tuck the bottom edge of the dress, baste and stitch.

Turn and stitch the bottom edge of the frill. Then put a frill on the fabric of the dress along the top, sweep along the edge and then sew as one piece.

Tuck in the allowances along the top edge of the dress and frills, baste and sew, leaving a small area open for threading the elastic tape. Insert an elastic band two centimeters wide, adjust its length by trying on a dress on a model, and stitch the ends. It remains only to sew the open section of the drawstring, iron the dress and show off the new thing;)

Summer board: video master class

Sewing an original dress with open shoulders with an elastic band

A loose dress with light frills - what could be more romantic in the summer heat? In such a dress, every girl, girl and woman will feel confident and free, no matter if she went out for a walk around the city or goes to dinner at an expensive restaurant. Many young ladies believe that a dress with a frill is an exclusively “holiday” element of clothing, however, we assure you that with the right shoes and accessories, such an everyday dress will turn into an elegant one with a wave of a magic wand;)

Dresses with frills fit perfectly on hourglass and pear figures, if you remove the belt - on a not very expressive "apple". For ladies with an “inverted triangle” figure (that is, those whose shoulders are noticeably wider than the hips), we advise you to correct the pattern by making, for example, a one-shoulder frill - such a frill will slightly hide the disproportion and will not overload the upper body.

Such a dress is sewn no more complicated than the previous one, you just need to take measurements correctly and build a pattern.

Fabric selection

Dresses with frills are sewn from a wide variety of fabrics - not only the composition varies, but also the structure! If you plan to wear a dress in the summer, we recommend that you give preference to thin and light natural fabrics - cotton, natural chiffon or linen. Models with floor-length skirts look great if they are made of silk or satin. But for warm spring and autumn, you can find a fabric that contains wool with elastic additives, but soft knitwear is also suitable. If you want to be original, sew a thin denim dress - this option is universal, such a dress can be worn both in summer and on warm days of the off-season.

When sewing a dress with an elastic band with a frill, be sure to take into account the width of the decorative frill. It should be no less than five and no more than fifteen centimeters for medium-density fabrics, up to twenty centimeters for dense fabrics. With an asymmetric arrangement of the frill (on one shoulder, as we recommended sewing for girls with broad shoulders), the dress takes on a more sophisticated, sophisticated look.


First, as usual, we take measurements. If the figure is proportional, we take the girth of the hips as a basis, if not, the most voluminous place on the figure. To this figure we add 15 cm on each side for a free fit of the product and a beautiful drapery of the folds.

Calculate the length of the product based on personal preferences - such a dress looks great in mini, midi, and maxi format.

Be sure to add seam allowances on all cuts! Their width should be within two to three centimeters, the excess can always be cut off.

The pattern can be built directly on the fabric, however, if you are not sure of yourself yet, apply it on tracing paper.


The finished pattern should look like this:

The measurements on the pattern correspond to the 46th size.


First you need to cut out two rectangular parts, taking into account all the allowances for the seams. Overcast each blank and sew them together along the side cuts, leaving room for armholes on top.

After that, let's move on to cutting the frills. Having measured over the shoulders, we double the resulting figure and add two to three centimeters of allowances for the seams. The length of the frill increases to form beautiful pleats. Its width depends on the density of the fabric - the stiffer it is, the more magnificent, and, accordingly, the shuttlecock can be longer.

Then we sew the short edges of the shuttlecock into a ring and hem it from the bottom, go over the top with an overlock, wrap it inward by one or two centimeters, forming a drawstring. We sew, leaving 2-3 centimeters for threading the elastic. After inserting the elastic band, we sew up the hole. We sew together the frill and dress, taking into account armholes.

The frill can be decorated with lace or even a piece of lace fabric can be sewn. Play with color and texture. If you want the dress to sit on the figure, sew it from knitwear or build darts. There is an even easier way - just sew a belt to match the dress;)

Summer dress with a flounce on the shoulders + a secret for feeding: video mk

What to wear with an elastic band dress

Lush flounces are always associated with femininity and romance. However, you can combine them with almost anything, it all depends on your courage. We recommend trying to put on a strict jacket or leather jacket over the dress!

Shoes can also be anything - classic pumps, flat sandals, sneakers or even boots!

Since the dress itself is quite bright, give preference to “calm”, not flashy accessories - a thin bracelet, stud earrings and a clutch bag will be just right!

Such dresses fell in love with both young mothers and very little fashionistas. They are comfortable to wear and do not hinder movement at all, therefore they are optimal both for walking and for photo shoots. Create a fashionable family bow!;)

Simple summer dress with elastic band and ruffles at the bottom

This off-the-shoulder dress fits the figure well and, most importantly, is sewn in just an hour. Without complex patterns and cut!

You will need to purchase a medium-weight fabric (preferably made from natural, breathable fibers) and a regular elastic band. Standard measurements are taken - the girth of the chest or hips (the most voluminous of the parameters is taken as the basis) and the length of the product from the waist level.

The finished off-the-shoulder dress pattern looks like this:

You can simulate it immediately on the fabric.


We fold the prepared piece of fabric in half and cut it, as shown in the diagram above. We cut the dress along the vertical side seams. We tuck the fabric two centimeters along the upper and lower cuts and make drawstrings, into which we will then pass elastic tapes.

We prepare the frill - we connect the parts, along the top of the frill, stepping back two centimeters, we sew a line with stitches of four centimeters and tighten the frill to the width of the lower cut, laying folds.

We sew the petticoat. We process the bottom cut of the dress. We attach the petticoat to the dress at a distance of two centimeters below the waist line along the line indicated in the drawing “drawstring for elastic”, leave a hole on the drawstring to insert the elastic.

We put rubber bands into the drawstrings located above the bodice of the dress and along the waistline, sew them, adjusting the tension, and build up the holes.

If desired, you can prepare straps from the remnants of the fabric and sew them to the dress, adjusting them in length. Ready!

Sundress with a flounce: video master class

Off-Shoulder Shirt Dress

A fashionable off-shoulder shirt dress is not only stylish, but also an element of women's wardrobe that is extremely comfortable in everyday wear. Sewn from striped fabric, it slims the figure, and the straight silhouette, combined with the long sleeve, allows freedom of movement and self-expression, while not making the silhouette too bulky! It doesn't matter where you "walk" such an outfit - be it Moscow or a small town - feel free to wear this dress solo or combine with jeans, combine with sneakers, boots or sandals!

Pattern of a shirt dress with an elastic band on the shoulders

Ready patterns for 42-44 pp.:

The pattern in full size can be downloaded from the link -

Ready patterns for 46-48 pp.:

The pattern in full size can be downloaded from the link -

Patterns are given with allowances of 1 cm.

These patterns are printed on a plotter. If desired, you can break the pattern into A4 sheets for printing on a household printer.

To work, prepare the following tools and materials:

  • shirt fabric 1.75 meters (cut width 1.4 meters);
  • elastic band 3 cm wide - 80 cm;
  • sharpened scissors;
  • pins;
  • sewing threads;
  • sewing machine.

Cut details

  • 1 piece with front fold;
  • 1 piece with back fold;
  • 2 sleeve details;
  • 4 details of pockets;
  • 2 sleeve cuff details;
  • 1 detail of the facing of the upper cut of the dress (we will also use it for cutting decorative ribbons).

Cut dresses

We use only prepared (washed in accordance with the recommendations and ironed) fabric!

We check the direction of the shared thread - one should coincide with the stripes on the fabric.

We lay out long sections of facing, cuffs and decorative ribbons along the strips. The pattern of the sleeve on the fabric is laid out in a mirror way (right and left sleeves). The alignment marks and lines of the middle of the workpieces should be transferred using small serifs on the seam allowance from the pattern to the fabric.


Stage one: bottom

First, we need to cut through the lower cut on the sidewalls by one centimeter. Next, you need to overcast the bottom of the front and back parts clearly between the cuts.

Having wrapped the hem allowance on the wrong side, we iron it well. On the rounded sections of the cuts, we perform an adjustment - we sew the fabric here.

Then you should stitch the hem along the front side, performing bartacks on both sides of the line. It remains only to properly iron the bottom and proceed to the next step.

Stage two: darts

First you need to mark the darts on the fabric according to the pattern (use a remnant or chalk).

Then we cut off the tuck with pins along the marking line, aligning its sides. We stick pins across the marking line, removing the previous ones that went along.

Next, sew the tuck from the side seam up (pins that were inserted almost perpendicular to the line will not interfere with the process). At the beginning of the line, we perform a backtack, at the end of the seam we cut the threads, thread their ends into the needle and hide the tails in the tuck. Now you need to iron the tuck down, sew the top. That's all for now, let's move on to the next one.

Stage three: pockets

We lay out the pockets clearly between the marks. We chop off the pockets and side seams with pins, placing the workpieces face to face. Next, you need to sew the pockets to the side cuts of the shelf and back from one mark to the other, performing bartacks at both ends of the line. Then, removing all the pins, you should overcast the allowance and iron it on the pocket.

Stage four: side seams

Here we need to do the following:

  • chop off the side seams and pockets with the front sides inward;
  • sew a continuous line side and pocket;
  • overcast allowances;
  • iron the pocket and allowance of the sidewall on the shelf;
  • put bartacks along the edges of the pocket entrances from the side of the shelf;
  • place a bartack over the slit at the bottom of the side seam.

Stage five: sleeves and cuffs

At this stage of work, we will:

  • iron the cuffs in half lengthwise, right side of the fabric up;
  • iron one allowance of a long cut seven millimeters inside out;
  • sew the cuffs to the sleeve along the not ironed cut (we cut off the details with the front sides);
  • iron the allowance on the cuffs;
  • sew the seam of the sleeve together with the cuff;
  • overcast and iron the allowance on the back of the sleeve;
  • bend the cuff along the ironed fold and tack its folded edge to the seam of the cuff stitching;
  • sew the second side of the cuff on the front side exactly along the stitching seam;
  • iron the cuffs.

Chip with pins, sew the sleeve to the dress along the armhole. Overcast and iron on top of the sleeve, only iron on the bottom of the armhole.

Stage six: turning the top cut

At this stage, you will need to chop the facing in half lengthwise and iron the fold, while the right side of the fabric should be on top. Next, you need to close the facing into a ring, sewing short sections, iron the seam allowances.

After that, overcast one long cut of the facing, pinning the facing with pins for the raw cut of the top of the dress. Place the facing seam in the middle of the back, aligning the reference marks on the sleeves and the center of the front.

Next, you need to stitch the facing in a circle, the allowance is ironed on the facing. On the front side, the overcast cut of the facing should be stitched clearly along the stitching seam. The stitching goes from one stitch in the front through the sleeves and back to the second stitch in the front. We insert an elastic band into the facing along the entire length, with the exception of the front.

Then you should attach the elastic band at the ends across the facing, fastening all the layers. Before this dress, it is better to try on the model and choose the optimal tension. It remains to close the facing line along the front and iron the seam.

Stage seven: tapes

Let's get to the final work.

Having folded the tape lengthwise with the front side inward, we sew all the sections, leaving a little space in the middle of the long section for turning the tape inside out. Having ironed the allowances and corners, we turn the ribbon out and again carefully go through the seams with an iron. The remaining hole is sewn by hand with a hidden seam. It remains to sew on the ribbons on the sides at waist level or as straps on the shoulders, leaving freely hanging ends.

That's it, our lesson has come to an end. We hope it was informative and helpful for you! 😉

The principle of off-the-shoulder dress modeling, which we will look at in this lesson, designers love to use when creating elegant feminine models or models for special occasions. The dropped shoulder line allows you to literally "sculpt" an elegant and sophisticated silhouette that emphasizes the line of the shoulders, creating a luxurious look. Often dresses with lowered shoulders are sewn from fabrics embroidered with sequins, beads or glass beads, lace fabrics. Let's look at modeling a dress pattern with dropped shoulders using this spectacular model as an example.

Advice! Use the modeling principle in this article to create your own styles of dresses by changing the width and configuration of the straps.

Modeling a dress pattern with lowered shoulders is performed according to. We suggest you use the ready-made one, which you can download for free. A sleeve pattern is not required.

To model the style of a dress with lowered shoulders, take off the back from the basic pattern of the dress separately and completely before.

Modeling the back of the dress

The length of the dress from the waist is about 70 cm.

Draw a horizontal armhole line to the right, mark the lower point of the armhole with the letter A. Along the armhole line from point A, set aside the segment AB \u003d (1/4 of the chest circumference minus 1/20 of the chest circumference) to the right. Connect point B with the extreme point of the shoulder - point C. Build the configuration of the sleeve as shown in fig. 1. From point C, lay down 5 cm (descent of the shoulder - the value is not constant and depends on the size and your preferences), then 8-10 cm (strap width).

On the back, determine the desired depth of the neckline using a centimeter tape. From the neck of the back, lay down 13-15 cm, up - 5 cm (the width of the straps along the back). Build the back strap by connecting the marked points.

Cut the back pattern along the waistline, cut off the strap and cut it out separately.

Rice. 1. Modeling a dress pattern with lowered shoulders

Modeling the front of the dress

On the front pattern, set aside a segment AB of the same length as on the back, build the configuration of the sleeve. From the extreme point of the shoulder, lay down 5 cm, then 8-10 cm. The depth of the neckline in the middle of the front is about 15 cm. Build the configuration of the right and left straps. Move the tail tucks to the side line.

Cut the front pattern along the waist line, cut the front bodice along the modeling lines. Close the tops of the chest darts on the details of the bodice on paper, iron the pattern with a slightly heated iron. Remove the details of the left and right straps on tracing paper minus the chest darts, adjust the configuration of the straps with smooth lines.

From the top of the tail tuck of the skirt, lower the perpendicular down to the bottom, cut the front panel of the skirt along the perpendicular into 2 parts.

Details of the cut of the back and front of the dress are shown in fig. 2. Duplicate the outer parts of the straps with a lining for knitwear. When cutting, do not forget to add seam allowances on all sides of the parts - 1 cm each, along the bottom of the product - 3 cm.

IMPORTANT! To process the armholes, cut out undercut facings 4 cm wide. To do this, align the back and front along the side seam and reshoot the facings in one piece without a side seam.

Rice. 2. Details of the cut of the dress with lowered shoulders

You can find even more original dress patterns on the Anastasia Korfiati Sewing School website. Subscribe to our free tutorials and sew the clothes of your dreams!

Russian size Bust Waist Hip girth
size 42, height 168 cm 84 65 92

Payment for goods


size 48, height 168 cm 96 78 104

Payment for goods


size 52, height 168 cm 104 85 112

Payment for goods


size 54, height 168 cm 108 88 116

Payment for goods


size 56, height 168 cm 112 92 120

Payment for goods


* As a result of payment, a file with a pattern is automatically sent to the email address you specified. If the file has not arrived within 30 minutes, then you need to send a . You don't need to pay again!

Patterns are given without seam allowances.

The spectacular play of the tight silhouette of the dress, light voluminous sleeves and alluring open shoulders makes this dress incredibly sophisticated and feminine. Vertical reliefs enhance the exquisite grace, elongating the figure, optically making it taller and thinner. The slot on the back allows you to move gracefully and gracefully sit down. For sewing such a dress, you can use both fabrics that are similar in color, or enhance the contrast of volumes and textures with color: white-black, pink-gray, brown-green.

Fabric consumption for selective sizes (the calculation was made for a plain fabric folded in half along the direction of the share):

Pattern measurements custom sizes:

Cutting from the main fabric:
- the central part of the front -1 piece with a fold;
- front barrel - 2 parts;
- the central part of the back - 2 parts;
- barrel back - 2 parts;
- facing the front neckline - 1 piece with a fold (cut along the detail of the central part of the front);
- turning the neck of the back - 1 piece with a fold (cut along the central part of the back);
- turning slots (for the right side) - 1 piece (cut out slots with allowances along the rectangle along the detail of the central part of the back).

Cutting from additional fabric:
- sleeve - 2 parts (it may not be needed, but when cutting it is better to give a margin of about 6 cm along the upper cut for a free turn on the neck);
- oblique trim for processing the bottom of the sleeves - 2 parts.

Cutting from lining fabric:
- the central part of the front (without turning the neckline) -1 piece with a fold;
- front barrel - 2 parts;
- the central part of the back - 2 parts (cut without turning the neck and without turning the slots);
- barrel back - 2 parts;
- slanting inlay for processing armholes on the lining - 2 parts.

Operating procedure
1. Overcast the allowances of the details of the dress. Connect the center front to the front barrels face to face. Stitch, iron the allowances.
2. Stitch the central parts of the back from the mark of the beginning of the slots to the mark of the end of the zipper. Iron the seam allowances.
3. Sew the zipper into the back center seam.
4. Connect the central parts of the back to the corresponding barrels of the back, iron the allowances.
5. Run the shoulder and side seams, iron the allowances.
6. Sew long sections on the sleeves with a French seam. Iron the allowances in the direction of the back. Lay along the allowances of the straight lines of the rims and the bottom of the sleeves auxiliary lines for gathering.
7. Align the sleeves with the armholes along the reference marks, not reaching approximately 4-5 cm to the shoulder seam on both sides, stitch. From the points on the armholes, located at a distance of 4-5 cm from the shoulder seam, put the back and front sleeves of the sleeves on the front sides of the front and back and lay lines perpendicular to the neck (4 lines in total). Treat the armholes with oblique trim from additional fabric. Next, gather the okats with the help of auxiliary lines and bast to the neck allowances, placing them over the shoulder seam.
8. Strengthen the facings with interlining, process the sections on the overlock. Stitch shoulder seams.
9. Stitch the details of the lining according to p.p. 1, 2, 4, 5, having processed the armholes with oblique inlays from the lining fabric. Sew the lining to the facings.
10. Align the facing with the neckline face to face, leaving free areas near the back middle seam. Treat the zipper with a lining, close the upper ends of the zipper with facings. Stitch the facing to the neck, notch the allowances, not reaching 2 mm to the line. Unscrew the facing, stitch the allowances on the facing, not reaching the zipper.
11. Treat the slot with a lining. To do this, reinforce the facing of the slots with interlining and stitch along the edge of the right slot of the dress. Turn inside out and iron. Cut the allowance of the middle seam above the slot with turning, iron the allowances over the slot. Unscrew the one-piece facing on the left side of the slots to the wrong side and iron. Wrap the details of the slots on the left panel. Position the lining over the wrong side of the dress (back to back). Tuck the allowance under the slot of the right panel of the lining (now it is on the left) and stitch it to the product from the inside. The left panel of the lining (now on the right) is notched at an angle of 45 degrees. to the upper right corner of the facing, slots to its allowance. Tuck the lining allowances on the left panel and stitch the slots to the allowances at the top and along the side. On the front side of the dress, sew a line at an angle of 45 degrees. towards the left panel, grabbing both sides of the slots.
12. Hem the bottom on the top of the product and on the lining.
13. Gather the lower edges of the sleeves, leaving a hole for the free passage of the brush, and process with oblique inlays.
14. On the armholes, manually baste the lining to the dress.

The pattern for the site "Casket" was prepared by Marina Breus.

02:14 unknown 7 Comments

I bring to your attention a small master class on sewing a dress with bare shoulders.

IN previous article we modeled the basic design of the dress and got a dress pattern with open shoulders and embossed seams. Now we will try our pattern in practice and see what we get.

Fabric choice
Since our future dress is of an adjacent style, we will approach the choice of fabric based on this criterion. For adjacent clothing, use more elastic materials, so dense knitted fabrics, as well as suit and dress stretch fabrics are suitable for our dress. I chose stretch crepe for sewing. Fabric consumption will be from 1.5m.

A lining for a dress of this style is required if the main fabric is sufficiently transparent, while the lining fabric must also be elastic. The main fabric I chose turned out to be a little sheer, so I decided to use this stretch lining to match the main fabric. The consumption of the lining will be 1-1.5 m.

We will also need a 40 cm hidden zipper, matching threads and contrasting and working tools.

Cutting fabric
Before cutting the fabric, if necessary, carry out decatization. After we fold our fabric in two layers, right side inward, equalize the edges and apply the paper details of the shelf and back. We apply the central part of the shelf with the middle of the lines to the fold line of the fabric, lay out the rest of the patterns, observing the direction of the shared thread, which should run along the parts. The seam allowances for all sections are 1 cm, along the bottom line - 3-4 cm, and along the line of the middle of the back - 1.5 cm. If you did not build a facing for processing the cut on paper patterns, then do not forget to add allowances for facing 4-6 cm wide for the required length of the cut along the cuts of the reliefs of the shelves.

In the same way, we cut out the details of the sleeve and facing with allowances of 1 cm in all sections, along the line of the bottom of the sleeve, the allowances will be 3-4 cm.

As a result, we should get:
three parts of the shelf,

four back pieces

two sleeves

and one trim piece.

For the lining, we cut out only the details of the back and shelves, observing the direction of the share and adding 1 cm to the allowances for all sections, and 3-4 cm along the bottom line. In this case, allowances for turning the cut do not need to be added.

We will transfer control lines to all the details with the help of copy stitches.

Let's move on to tailoring
We sweep the details of the shelf and back along the relief and side seams.

We grind the details according to the outline,

iron the seams and iron the allowances. in a dress unlined allowances must be overcast.

Here's what we got.

Now we sweep the details of the back along the middle line, iron the allowances and take a hidden zipper.

Stitch the zipper and sew the seam under the zipper. (How to sew a hidden zipper, see this article).

Sleeve processing
Sweep the sleeves along the side cuts,

we grind and iron the seams on the edge.

Overcast the allowances and iron them to the side of the shelf.

Our sleeves do not have an upper rim, and therefore there is no need to fit them, just tuck them into the armhole.

Having connected the sleeves with the product, it is necessary to try on and clarify the overall fit of the upper cut of the dress.

After we sew the sleeves, iron the seams on the edge. If there is no lining in the product, then we overcast the allowances and iron them to the side of the sleeve, leave the allowances on the edge along the lower rim.

Lining Processing
We sweep the details of the lining along the side and relief cuts,

we grind and iron the allowances.

Now we connect the lining with the facing, chipping the part along the upper cut, and mark the line of the lower cut of the facing on the lining.

We break off the facing, and on the lining we draw a new upper cut, which runs 2 cm higher from the marked line.

Cut the lining along the new top cut line.

We connect the facing to the lining again, but now we will fold the parts right sides together and bast the bottom edge of the facing to the new top edge of the lining.

We sew a stitch,

iron the seams, and iron the allowances to the side of the lining.

Here's what we got.

If in your future dress no lining, then you skip all the above work with the lining and proceed to the next step.

Neck processing
On the front side of the product, we will impose a facing detail, face inward, match the lines of the middle of the details and sweep the details along the upper cut.

We grind the details. At the corner of the neckline, when sewing parts, it is necessary to make one horizontal stitch, so when turning the facing to the wrong side of the product, the fabric will not bulge in this corner.

Iron the seams.

Now we will give a stitching from the side of the facing, spreading the product and the facing on opposite sides of the stitching seam so that the allowances are under the facing. We lay the line at a distance of 1 mm from the seam cleavage.

We turn off the facing on the wrong side of the product (if necessary, the allowance in the corner of the neck can be notched). We iron the seam, forming a small edging 1-2 mm in size.

Here's what we got.

If in your product no lining, then you just need to overcast the lower cut of the facing and proceed to the next step - to the processing of the bottom line.

The connection of the lining with the product at the fastener area
Let's combine all the embossed and side seams of the lining and our dress and chip them off. On the details of the back of the lining on the allowances of the middle seam, we outline the line for attaching the zipper.

Next, we remove all the pins, turn the lining inside out and fold it with the product, right sides inward. Let's equalize the details of the back and combine the intended line with the zipper braid. We sweep the details along the entire length of the zipper braid.

Now we sew the lining to the zipper braid using a special foot, laying a line at a distance of 1-2 mm from the zipper teeth.

Iron the seams.

We cut allowances in the corners and turn the lining on the wrong side of the dress. So, we have connected the lining to the product at the fastener section, while the zipper dog moves easily, since the connecting line runs at a distance from the zipper teeth.

Now we will connect the details of the back of the lining under the zipper, stitching the details along the middle line.

Iron the seam and iron the allowances.

Underline treatment
On the wrong side of the dress, turn the allowances along the bottom line and iron. We turn off the hem and cut off the allowances of the side seams and relief seams at the hem and just above the hem line - by 0.5 cm. Again we turn the allowances of the bottom line and iron it, and then we sweep the hem.

Now we will process the corners on the details from the cut side. On the hem and on the facing of the cut, we mark a common point of intersection.

We open the corner and connect the obtained points with a straight line, which must necessarily pass through the top of the corner.

We fold the sides of the corner with the right sides inward, bending the part at the top of the corner, and sweep the sides of the corner along the intended line.


iron the seam, cut off the excess fabric, leaving 1 cm for allowances.

Cut out the allowances in the corner and iron the allowances.