When the kids start to hum. At what age does a baby start cooing? Let's find out! At what age do boys start gurgling

The first words of a child are always a great joy for parents. Many mothers are looking forward to this important event, and if their one-year-old child does not say “mom”, they sound the alarm and run to the specialists, finding out what time the children begin to speak the first words. Doctors and speech therapists reassure parents, explaining that speech develops gradually and the first words appear when the child is ready for it.

The first words of the baby are an important milestone in his speech development. The time of the appearance of the first words depends on how the development of speech proceeded at the previous stages.

How speech develops

The infant communicates with adults by screaming. In this way, he can inform his mother about his needs. By the end of the first month of life, the baby begins to listen to the surrounding sounds and respond to the speech addressed to him. The kid makes vowel sounds and their combinations: a-a, o-o, u-u, i-i, u-a, a-u.

2-3 months

A “complex of revival” appears, which is expressed in the fact that at the sight of the mother’s face, the child begins to coo: ah-ah, ah-ah-gi, ah-ha, ah-gu, smile and actively move his legs and arms. At this age, the sounds made by the baby have an emotional connotation. The mother of a baby usually understands what each sound means: I'm glad to see you, I want to eat, it's time to change the diaper, I'm bored.

3-5 months

The baby actively seeks contact with adults with a look, a coo, a smile. Cooing is the ability of a baby to pronounce various sounds and their combinations in a different order: “ha”, “gu”, “agi”, “agu”. The child masters the consonants "g", "k", "x", a little later "b", "p".

6 months

The first babble appears. It differs from cooing by the repetition of syllables. In a good mood, the baby can pull the sounds “ma-ma-ma”, “ba-ba-ba”, “pa-pa-pa” for a long time. The passive vocabulary of the baby is formed - he begins to understand the speech of adults. If you ask a child: where is dad? He turns his head towards him and looks at him.

At 6 months, the baby begins to babble. Babbling words are similar to real ones, but they are only onomatopoeia: ma-ma, ba-ba. Conscious words in the child's speech appear later.

7 months

The baby responds to his name, learns to change the volume and timbre of his voice. He likes to draw out sounds for a long time, alternating either high notes or low ones. It murmurs loudly, then softly.

8 months

A passive stock is actively formed, an active vocabulary begins to form. The baby understands the phrases addressed to him: take a cat, give a dog. Tries to imitate sounds. How does the dog speak? “woof-woof”, and the cat “meow-meow”.

9 – 10 months

The child masters new sounds, knows gestures well: nods his head in agreement and waves if he doesn’t want something. He points with his finger at an object that interests him. He pronounces syllables well: “la-la-la”, “ta-ta-ta”, pronounces up to 10 monosyllabic onomatopoeia: “lyalya”, “ko-ko”, “woman”, “woof”.

11-12 months

The time when the child begins to say mom, and other simple babble words: dad, woman, grandfather. Usually, by the end of the first year of life, a baby's active vocabulary is about 10 words. He understands well the speech addressed to him, can show parts of the body and faces, familiar objects, animals in the pictures.

1 year 3 months

The active vocabulary is up to 15 words. The passive vocabulary of the child is expanding - the child's ability to understand the speech addressed to him. The kid can follow a one-word instruction: bring the ball.

1 year 6 months

A year and a half is the time when a child begins to speak up to 20 words. Usually the first words of the baby are: mom, dad, woman, the names of familiar toys, animals, the designation of familiar processes. The baby is already able to follow the two-syllable instruction: take the doll and give it to me.

At the age of one and a half, the child actively learns new words and consciously pronounces them. Knows objects and phenomena, is able to systematize them.

How to teach a child to speak mom

The first word mother child said at the age of 7 months. However, this word was not yet conscious, but was simply an onomatopoeia. How to teach a child to speak mother consciously?

To do this, try to pronounce your actions to the baby:

- Mum has come home

- mom cooks soup

- now mom will dress Seryozha

Play hide and seek with the baby: cover your face with your palms and ask the baby:

- where is mom?

Then open the face:

- here's mom!

In the same way, you can teach a child to say dad:

- Seryozha, who came home from work? Dad!

Now dad and Serezha will eat.

- Dad, Seryozha, sit down at the table!

To teach your baby to consciously say “mom” and “dad”, call each other in the third person more often: dad has come! Mom made porridge!

If a child begins to speak mom and dad in context, it can be noted that he has mastered conscious speech.

First phrases

The appearance of the first phrases, like the first word of the baby, is eagerly awaited by all parents. The appearance of the first phrases in speech indicates that the baby's speech is developing in the right direction.

So, when does a child start speaking in sentences? Normally, this occurs at the age of about one and a half years.

1 year 6 months

The kid can already build phrases from 2 words: bear bang (bear fell). The first verbs appear in speech. True, the baby can still incorrectly use the genders of nouns and pronouns. For a baby of this age, the following structure of sentences would be quite normal: “Seryozha eats” (instead of: “I eat”), “Grey bunny (instead of: “gray bunny”).

At age, a child speaks about 50 words. The kid understands the speech of adults, knows how to compose phrases consisting of 2-3 words: I went for a walk, I want to play. The baby knows short rhymes, nursery rhymes and recites them by heart.

At 2 years old, the child understands the speech of adults, can speak simple sentences, follow the double instructions of adults: take a duck and give it to me.

Why does the child not speak for a long time

There are many reasons for the late development of speech. If a child lags behind in speech development, most often he is influenced by not one, but several negative factors at once.

  1. Medical problems: anomalies of intrauterine development, birth trauma, genetic abnormalities, hearing problems, congenital anomalies in the development of the articulatory apparatus.
  2. Severe speech disorders: motor and sensory alalia,.
  3. Psychological problems: severe stress, lack of emotional contact with parents.
  4. Individual features: temperament and gender. Calm phlegmatic children begin to talk later than emotional and mobile ones. Experts note that boys begin to speak a little later than girls (the difference is about 2 months).
  5. Bilingual environment: when a child constantly hears speech in two languages.
  6. Lack of fresh impressions: monotonous environment.

When to Worry

Within the framework of the norms of speech development, the child begins to speak words at about the age of 1 year, sentences - at the age of 1.5 - 2 years.

However, speech deviations can be noticed even in the early stages of development. Parents should be alert for the following signs of violations:

  • If the baby does not cry in the first months of life.
  • If a baby of 4-5 months does not have cooing, the baby does not emotionally react to the appearance of the mother (with a smile, animation).
  • If the baby does not listen to the sounds and does not try to look at the object that the mother calls.
  • If at 7 months the baby does not recognize the voices of loved ones.
  • If babbling is absent at 9 months, the baby does not try to repeat sounds and syllables.
  • If a baby at 1 year old does not say a single word, he does not understand the speech addressed to him.
  • If a child at the age of one and a half years does not pronounce simplified words, does not respond to requests and comments.
  • If 1 year and 9 months speech is completely indistinguishable.
  • If and cannot execute a two-word statement.

How to help your child start talking

If there is a suspicion that the baby has speech disorders, it is important for parents to identify them in a timely manner and begin treatment.

What to do:

  1. Check your hearing. For this baby, you need to show the otolaryngologist.
  2. Check how developed the higher mental functions are. For this baby, you need to show a pediatric neurologist.
  3. Get advice from an audiologist, speech therapist and child psychologist.

If, after the examination of specialists, no serious deviations were revealed, parents should only provide normal conditions for the active development of the child's speech.

What can help with this:

  • Exercises and games for the development of speech
  • Reading and memorizing rhymes and children's songs
  • General and

Is your baby already saying his first words? Share in the comments!

The first coo of a cute baby. It touches everyone around and wants to listen to it again and again. But not every mother knows what is behind these sounds caressing the ear, when the baby should start to walk and whether it is worth panicking if the child does not coo. The first sounds are an important stage in the development of the child, both verbally and emotionally.

To begin with, let's define what a baby's cooing is, how to determine it when a child starts cooing, and how to distinguish cooing from other types of onomatopoeia. An interesting fact is that children belonging to different language groups begin to speak with the same sounds. This type of speech activity as cooing is named so due to its resemblance to pigeon cooing. The baby begins to pronounce vowel sounds, then guttural speech appears. After the child clearly pronounces “a”, “o”, “y”, “e”, “and”, “s”, he will begin to combine sounds into “aha-ha”, “guu”, “agugu” etc. This action gives him great pleasure, because he "plays" with his lips, throat and tongue.

What time does the baby start babbling?

By the time the first speech skills are born, the baby has already learned to adapt to the outside world, recognizes those around him, and answers them with a smile when communicating. The baby needs to be given as much attention as possible, to talk, and not just to care for him. The child needs a positive reaction from adults to the sounds he utters, then the cooing will be repeated more often. You can have real conversations with the baby, only exaggerating the sounds and focusing on the setting of the lips, sticking out the tongue. At the same time, the child carefully observes adults, and soon copies their pronunciation. Pediatricians and narrow-profile specialists have established a normative period by which the brain functions responsible for the beginning of colloquial speech mature. Thus, the cooing of the child appears by 2-3 months of age, when the baby is smiling confidently. This important stage of speech formation lasts until the age of five to seven months.

How to teach a child to walk?

Here are the steps that will help parents in resolving the issue:

  • emotional and frequent communication with the child;
  • (both small and large): let the baby touch objects of various shapes and textures. Do not be afraid for the safety of the baby - just be there and control his actions;
  • read poems, books, jokes, learn a few "pests" and sing to the child;
  • play games that require gesticulation, such as magpie-crow, patties, finger games;
  • speak correctly, do not distort words, do not lisp with a child.

Why is the child not babbling?

It is necessary to reassure those parents who, having learned the above temporary norms, panicked: each child develops individually and uniquely, and lagging behind or ahead of the proposed developmental norms in time is absolutely normal. Of course, if there are no additional aggravating factors in a situation where the child does not coo at all or abruptly stops cooing, or begins to coo after the age of seven months. In other words, if your baby is healthy, cheerful, gains weight well, reacts to the environment, but walks a little, then the child is in order, this is his individual norm, which does not affect the overall development. To identify serious violations in speech development, a planned and mandatory examination of an infant in the office of an otolaryngologist is provided. The doctor will be able to see the objective cause of the violation of the hearing or speech apparatus and answer the questions of concerned parents why the child is not cooing.

Why did the child stop walking?

If there are no objective reasons, and the baby has stopped walking, then you need to provoke him to communicate. Parents (first of all, mother) should continue to “gurgle”, pronounce the sounds that animals make, actively maintain emotional conversations with the child, even if he is silent or has become less babbling.

For any child, an integrated approach to development is important. So for the formation of speech, physical development and the emotional environment in which the baby grows are important. If he is full and satisfied, then to start active reveling, you only need to help him a little.

Finally, the long-awaited baby was born. There are many worries, experiences and joy from his success ahead. It is still very far from the long-awaited word "mother", but the first sounds made by the baby can be heard very soon. And every mom is looking forward to the moment when the baby starts to coo.

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The first sounds or at what age do babies begin to coo

For the first four to five weeks, only grunting and crying can be heard from the newborn. Only by the beginning of the second month of their life, babies begin to make the first sounds. It all starts with simple pronunciation vowels: “a”, “y”, “o”, “e”. We hear “aha” due to the guttural pronunciation of these sounds by a child.

At first, when children start to hum, they “talk” to themselves, trying out a new skill for themselves. They follow the sound source for a long time and try to reproduce it. Then the baby begins to use a new skill for dialogue with parents or toys. Often, children begin to walk to the melody they like, as if singing along to it.

At the fourth or fifth month, children begin to try to pronounce the first consonant sounds. First, the so-called labials, "m", "p", "b". Gradually, individual syllables will sound more and more clearly, from which the first babble of the child will begin to form. By the end of the first year, the baby is already beginning to try to pronounce the first words consisting of the same syllables.

Learning to hum

Gutting is an important process for the further formation of speech. Of course, it is impossible to specifically teach a child to walk. However, some actions will help the baby quickly begin to communicate with the outside world.

  1. Firstly, you need to talk more with the child. Any action parents must accompany with an explanation of what they are doing. It is necessary to talk with the baby during swaddling, morning toilet, feeding, bathing, that is, during all the time of wakefulness. Speech should be soft and affectionate, without sharp bursts of emotion.
  2. Secondly, repeat after the baby his sounds and add new, simple ones. Children are imitators by nature and they will try to repeat what they say. Let the child and mother have a dialogue “aha” with a smile.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to stroke and gently massage the child's hands. Here are acupuncture points associated with areas of the brain responsible for speech development. Finger games and palm massage develop fine motor skills and contribute to the further development of speech.

When communicating with a little man, in no case should you distort words and lisp. Reading short nursery rhymes, folk rhymes and jokes will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

Already a month, but the child is silent

Don't worry if your baby doesn't start cooing by the end of the first month. Toddlers are not mechanisms with a strictly defined development program, each of them has its own pace. At what time children begin to gurgle is an exclusively individual question. One is already in the third week trying to say “aha”, and the other, by nature a silent person, will please with the first sounds a little later than the accepted one.

There are times when a child began to hum in time, but then suddenly fell silent. The fact is that the baby is preparing to master the next portion of speech skills. After a while, the cooing will return, but laughter in the voice, squeaking and squealing will also be added. Sometimes the cessation of cooing is caused by external factors, such as stress, or the child not feeling well.

With a long "silence" (after eight months), the baby should contact the local pediatrician. Perhaps your child has some kind of neurological problems or hearing impairment. The doctor will refer the child to a specialist (neurologist or otolaryngologist) to determine the causes of developmental delay and their treatment.

The kid hums and smiles at the sight of familiar adults with his toothless smile and fills the hearts of his parents with happiness and joy. This means that his physiological and emotional development goes on as usual.

On the subject of development:

  1. How to understand that the child is about to speak: the main signs
  2. Development of a child up to a year by months
  3. When does a child begin to see?
  4. When does a child begin to hear?
  5. When does a child begin to consciously smile?

In the first months of a baby's life, parents are impatiently waiting for him to speak. They listen when the child begins to speak - gurgles or repeats syllables after the parents, trying to understand whether this is already a full-fledged word, or just heard. Many mothers are afraid that the baby began to speak late or incorrectly.

How and when do babies start talking?

The child begins to communicate from birth with the help of a cry - putting emotions into it. So he attracts attention to himself, expresses his demands. You need to start teaching him to talk from this age, then it will be too late.

Reflex vocal reactions - the first words

In the first months of life, pre-speech reactions are reflex. They appear in normally developing children at the same time, and do not depend on training.

  • cooing;
  • flute;
  • babble.

Cooing appears by 1.5 months. It happens even in deaf children from birth. First, the child pronounces u-uu, ah-ah, by 2-3 months aha, boo, zy, aha. At this age, you need to help him pronounce sounds. Talking to him, answering his call.

After the flute, the child begins to babble. Pronounces frequently repeated syllables ba-ba, mother, yes-yes-yes, accompanying the speech with rhythmic movements. During this period, freedom of action is very important for the child.

After conducting many experiments, scientists have proven that those children who can move freely begin to talk earlier, better.

At the age of 8.5 - 9 months, modulated babble appears. Starts to call parents mom, dad. The child repeats syllables with different intonation, and if you ask him who it is he confidently calls mom, dad,

Congenital reactions include manifestations of onomatopoeia in children from 2 to 7 months. Cooing, babbling and pipe is a game. If you start talking with the baby, he tries to make sounds, he tries to repeat after the adults. This game brings him pleasure.

It is important to know! The baby coos and babbles when it is in a comfortable environment. He is warm, dry and full. He is especially interested in repeating sounds after adults. But in order for him to begin to develop the correct articulation, it is necessary that the child sees the facial expressions of the speaking adult. It is necessary that his mother, talking to him, looked at him. In addition, the room should be quiet.

In a crumb, located in a noisy environment, all vocal reactions develop with a great delay.

Development of conscious speech

Many parents are interested in how many words a child should know at a certain age. When he has to speak in a way that others can understand him. Basically, this is all individual and depends on various factors - physiological and psychological characteristics, upbringing. But in general, the difference in normally developing children is relatively small.

At 1 year old

The kid pronounces the first words that he repeats after adults. Girls start talking a couple of months earlier than boys. The vocabulary is about 10 words (this includes own variants of the names of various objects, for example, a car - beep-beep, a clock - tick-tock, walk - top-top). First, children pronounce words in the nominative case (mom, dad) and onomatopoeic (woof bi-bi, ko-ko).

At a year and a half, they are already trying to speak in two-word sentences. Learn the imperative mood of verbs (give, go).

By the age of 2

Beginning to use plural forms. The vocabulary consists of 300 words. At 1.5 - 2 years, the first period of questions "What is this?" begins. Thus, the baby learns the world around him, forms his vocabulary.

At 3 years old

The child begins to speak in sentences, uses words in various cases. Knows how many items (many or one). Often pronounces words incorrectly, or he comes up with a new form. Very often, boys use past tense verbs in the feminine gender in relation to themselves. It goes away with age.

At 4 years old

The child should already be speaking in full sentences. Does not use onomatopoeia or inferior words. Can retell a fairy tale or everyday story. He speaks so that not only his mother understands him. Usually at this age, children do not pronounce correctly -l-, -r-. To the question "How much?" answer by calling the number while showing on the fingers. Most of the time they answer incorrectly.

It is important to know! In order for the baby to start talking correctly, on time and to know as many words as it is necessary for age, you need to deal with him.

Start at birth. It is necessary to talk with him, and he must see the face of the speaker. When the baby begins to speak, the audience is of great importance to him, he can talk to himself, but very quickly falls silent. If an adult talks to him, the baby will begin to echo him. Remember, this is a game for a child.

Why do children start talking late

In children, the cause of delayed speech development (SRR) may be:

  • unformed sensorimotor sphere;
  • wrong upbringing.

If a child has a ZRR associated with the imperfection of the sensorimotor sphere (diseases, birth injuries), then correction is very difficult. In this case, only specialists (neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist) can help.

When raising their baby, parents very often make mistakes that lead to RDD.

The most common:

  • lack of motivation;
  • persistent learning;
  • an overabundance of emotions;
  • lack of freedom of movement.

ZRR can be observed not only in children with whom parents did not study. Very often the cause is overprotection. When parents, anticipating the desires of their baby, immediately give him the required thing, he just needs to point his finger. In this case, the child has no motivation to develop speech. Why talk when it's enough just to show and cry.

Very often, parents, teaching their child, require to repeat the word. But if the baby does not want to, he begins to be silent, act up, adults get angry at him, shout, or demand to pronounce the word correctly.

Thus, the child cannot be helped, he will develop a dislike for colloquial speech. In addition, it is useless to force a child to repeat a word. Children remember better when they play.

An error in excessive emotionality occurs when the child said the word, the parents were delighted, laughed. When he said it again, he did not understand the meaning of the word, did not connect the name and the subject. For him, this is just a set of letters that caused positive emotions in him and his parents. Children remember only those words, the meaning of which they understand.

Oddly enough, but the lack of freedom of movement plays a significant role for the RRR. Motor and speech activity are closely related, and this is due to the physiology of the brain. It is noticed that children who are more mobile start talking faster. The development of fine motor skills contributes not only to the formation of speech skills, but also to learning to read and write.

The experiment was conducted with children 1 - 1.3 years old. Created two groups. In the first group, the same book was constantly shown, repeating the word "Book" 500 times. In another group, actions were performed with this book. They said “Give me a book”, “Take a book”. In the second case, the word "Book" was used 300 times.

Then, in the first group, various books and toys were laid out, putting between them the book that was shown. The experimenters then asked the children to give them a book. Immediately, the children performed correctly, giving exactly the book that they were shown. But when they were asked to give another book, the guys were lost, they gave various toys. In the second group, the children, after being asked to give more books, began to submit other books.

Conclusion: By manipulating various objects, children not only remember the name better, but begin to generalize concepts.

How to help your baby speak

If the baby speaks badly or incorrectly, first you need to find out the reason why this happened. It is advisable to consult a speech therapist. If there is a suspicion of a disease, you should seek help from a neurologist.

In order for the child to start talking, you need to constantly engage with him. Only classes should be in the form of a game. In no case should he be forced to "Say this, say that." Everything should take place in the form of a free dialogue.

Also, if the child points to an object, you do not need to immediately give it to him. Immediately you need to name the object, wait for the child's response - even if he does not name it correctly, or come up with his own name.

For the development of speech, games that develop fine motor skills (mosaic) are very useful. With children under 3 years old, it must be played under adult supervision. to avoid swallowing or putting small parts in your ears or nose.

In order for the child to speak, you need to answer all his questions “What is this?”, “Why”. Often talk to him, and so that the baby is not a passive listener. For example, when taking a child from kindergarten, you need to ask what he did, what he ate. At first, he will need to be prompted, but over time he himself will begin to tell what he ate, what he played, who was put in a corner.

The appearance of a long-awaited baby is a joy for young parents. However, there are still many happy moments, successes, worries and worries ahead.

The newborn will not begin to pronounce the words in full soon, but the first sounds will be heard by the parents in a few months.

Many mothers look forward to this moment. So, when does a newborn start to hoot?

When to expect the first sounds

During the first month, the baby only cries and groans. Parents will not hear other sounds from the newborn. Crying is the first stage in the development of speech. If you listen carefully, you will hear different shades of vowels in the cry. The cry of pain will sound more drawn out, and similar to the letter "O". The cry of joy and pleasure about meeting with your mother is similar to the letter "A".

At the beginning of the second month, the baby begins to try his voice.

During this period, the baby pronounces simple vowels: “e”, “y”, “a”, “o”, “I”, “wa”. Parents hear not individual letters, but humming. It turns out this is due to the guttural pronunciation.

Initially, the baby hums with pleasure in complete silence or when he sees a familiar face. The humming is an important period in the acquisition of speech, which must be maintained and developed.
At a doctor's appointment at 1 month old, you will definitely be asked what sounds your child makes, how often he gurgles. Do not be confused and answer as you hear your child.

The cooing stage is short, and lasts 3-4 weeks. The humming coincides with the general level of development of hearing and vision, the development of the vocal apparatus.

The baby can follow the sources of various sounds for a long time, and then try to reproduce them.

Gradually, the child begins to apply his skill to communicate with others.

How is cooing different from cooing?

Cooing is the predominance of vowel sounds in a child's speech, and cooing is a more complex speech form that appears at about 1.5 months.

Consonants begin to appear in sounds: k, g, x and their combinations with vowels: agu, ky, khy, gu.

The cooing stage lasts up to four to five months. Sometimes cooing occurs spontaneously in a child, most often when looking at toys. But gradually, the child begins to walk in response to the communication or smile of an adult and loved one.

The child begins to communicate, which is an important indicator of the correct and timely development of the child. The peak of cooing is three months.

This is the age when your camera or camcorder should always be at hand to capture the wonderful songs of a beloved baby.

Often, a newborn begins to walk to a certain song, as if singing along.

The baby tries to pronounce the first syllables at 4-5 months of life. It all starts with labial sounds: "b", "m", "p". Gradually acquired skill will be improved and practiced.

As a result, the baby will begin to express his desires and emotions in separate syllables. After some time, baby talk will form from the sounds.

By 12 months, the child will begin to pronounce separate words that consist of the same syllables: “mother”, “woman”, “dad”, and so on. How many months the child will start to coo, depends on the parents.

Learning to talk

For many, humming may seem like simple fun. However, this is where the formation of speech begins. Of course, it is impossible to specifically teach a child to hum. But if you want, you can speed up the process.

This will allow the newborn to learn quickly and without any problems to communicate with the outside world. How to teach a child to hum?

  • More communication with the baby.

From this begins the perception of sounds and concentration of attention. Each action of the mother should be accompanied by comments and explanations. Parents should tell their child what they are doing.

Talking to the child should be while bathing, swaddling, breastfeeding and morning toilet. At the same time, the speech of the mother should always be affectionate and tender, without sharp outbursts of emotions.

  • Adding new vowels.

If the baby began to hum, then you can help him develop his skill. To do this, the mother should repeat the spoken sounds after the baby, while adding new ones.

You need to start with simple vowels and consonants. Children love to imitate adults. The newborn will try to repeat after the mother.

  • You should start with a palm massage.

In addition, you can interest the child in finger games. They allow the child to develop fine motor skills.

If the newborn does not coo

Many parents start to panic if a month after the birth of their child does not coo. It should be noted that a newborn is a living organism, and it takes some time to develop a certain skill.

In this case, much depends on the temperament of the baby. Some children begin to produce the first vowels as early as the third week of life, and some are silent by nature, only 8 weeks after birth.

There are situations when a child starts to coo, but after a while he fell silent. It's quite normal.

Perhaps the baby is preparing to learn new syllables. The cooing resumes after a while, but there are some changes in it. The newborn begins to squeal, squeak and laugh.

The humming may also stop due to external factors. This happens with children who do not feel well or have experienced stress. They find it difficult to communicate with others.

What to do if the child does not hoot?

If speech has not recovered within 8 months, then the baby should be shown to the pediatrician.

Perhaps the baby has a neurological disorder.

Do not rule out hearing aid problems. A specialist in a narrow profile will help to establish the causes of delayed speech development: an otolaryngologist or a neurologist.

In conclusion

Now you know what time children start humming. The first sounds are very important for the further development of speech. If the child refuses to hum, then you can push him to this.

Parents should spend more time with their baby and closely monitor his development. If the baby began to hum and smile with pleasure when he saw familiar faces, then these are sure signs of normal development.

At such moments, parents should not react violently. This may scare the baby. In order for the baby to develop normally and try new sounds, it is worth surrounding him with affection and tenderness.

The appearance of a baby in the family is a wonderful and long-awaited event that will radically change the usual course of home life. As the child grows, the whole family will watch with interest what new he will learn every day of his life, and the ability to give a voice to attract attention is one of the first skills that he will master. In this article, we will talk about what time do they start humming little kids and what to do so that the child starts gurgling faster?

Whenthe baby starts gurgling and gurgling

Of course, no one can name a specific day on which the child begins to coo and smile. Level of development for each age period depends on several factors:

  • individual speed of development;
  • heredity;
  • frequency of classes with him parents;
  • general environment.

But no matter how active the parents are and no matter how fast the baby grows, we can say with confidence that in the first few weeks you can’t expect him to express emotions through sound signals. Even if the mother and father of the child will spend almost around the clock trying to teach the child to speak faster - up to four or five weeks, all he will be capable of is groaning and crying (at first there will not even be tears). Children start to hum at the beginning of the second month of life- they begin to pronounce the simplest vowels, such as "a", "o", "y", "e".

Peculiarities! It is this simple set of vowels that adults characterize as a gurgle - but the childish “agu” itself is obtained not due to the consonant pronounced in the middle, but due to the passage of air through the larynx - this is something like a wheezing or roar, not uttered intentionally.

On the second month of life When children begin to interact with the world around them with the help of sounds, they do not yet understand the process itself and are only beginning to gain experience by watching the reaction of adults to their “talk”. And already at 4-5 months the child begins to hum more or less consciously, pronounce the first consonants and form syllables.

What to do if the baby is still silent at the specified time

Some parents become seriously worried if, after the child is a month old, he still does not start to coo and coo. In such cases you can’t think that something is wrong with the baby and immediately look for treatment options, on the contrary, the best thing parents can do is calm down and stop panicking.

Important! First of all, you must always remember that a baby is not a mechanism produced by a certain technology, but a living person who will always have individual speed and developmental characteristics. In no case should you think that the growth process for all children is the same!

Sometimes it may happen that the baby has already begun to utter his first sounds and gurgle, but after some time he suddenly became “silent” again. This is also not a reason to panic - you should not immediately blame fear or psychological trauma and start looking specialists. Most likely, things are much simpler - the baby just very diligently and concentratedly masters new syllables.

If you are looking for new activities with your baby and want to devote as much time as possible to his development, then below we have put together a few exercises for you that will help your child learn new sounds faster.

  • Palm massage: it is on the palms that people have nerve endings that are directly connected with the speech apparatus, so massage of the palms of newborns contributes to the rapid appearance of voice;
  • Skill Development: if your baby has already started to hum, then you can help him - learn new vowel sounds together, start introducing new ones only with the simplest ones;
  • When the baby starts to coo, it is recommended as much as possible to talk with the little one, changing diapers, putting to bed, walking, etc. All experts in the field of child development will unanimously tell you that the best stimulus for the development of the speech of a small person is constant communication with adults.

Important! Remember that even if you want to constantly keep your child busy with something developing, giving the baby enough rest is also important. For the best development of a small child, the best thing is a balanced daily routine and diet.

When they start to hum, how to deal with the baby: phelpful video

If your newborn is not yet gurgling or has just begun to make his first sounds, then you will watch the video below. This material clearly shows what exercises mom and dad can do with a child so that his speech develops better from a very young age.

Young parents anxiously bent over the bed, admiring their newborn baby. Now he is so defenseless. A long and interesting learning process lies ahead. And you can help him in this, sharing the joy of the successes achieved.

What mother does not dream of hearing the long-awaited word "mother" from her little man as soon as possible. But before that happens, parents will enjoy other equally wonderful sounds. This is about the time when the baby begins to coo.

Who would you like to talk to?

By the end of the first month, at the beginning of the second, you can hear how newborn babies are trying to pronounce their first sounds. The child stretches out the vowels "a", "o", "y", "e". Adults, on the other hand, perceive sounds such as “aha” by ear.

First, the baby listens to himself, as if talking to himself. Over time, cooing takes on some form of communication with parents. The baby is trying to conduct a dialogue in "their own language." At this time, babies are already receptive to music, and if they like the melody, they try to sing along using familiar vowels.

By the fifth month of life, the peanut is actively developing its speech abilities, and the mother can hear individual syllables, in which consonants are also present. It is impossible to watch baby talk without a smile, especially when "talkative" children chirp incessantly.

The baby begins to gurgle at the age of 1-2 months

Having reached the mark of the first year of life, many babies have a few simple words in their vocabulary. They are usually related to the child's basic physical and emotional needs. With the help of words such as “mom”, “dad”, “give”, “on”, “I want”, you can express your desires much more accurately than with the help of crying.

How to help your child start cooing then talking

For this, it is not necessary to make a lot of effort. The ability to coo as a process of speech formation is inherent in the child at the DNA level. Even deaf-mute children can walk. However, there are recommendations to speed up this process.

Communicate with the baby

Speak all your actions when swaddling the baby, bathing him or feeding him. You will notice how attentively the baby listens to your words. After all, a gentle, calm voice plays an important role in the psycho-emotional development of a child. Avoid lisping, it won't do you any good.

Reception of repetition

Repeating after adults is one of the favorite activities of children. Play with the baby in a conversation on the topic “aha”, while adding new, simple sounds.

Finger games, massage

The palms can be lightly stroked, and the fingers can be kneaded in turn. Everyone recognizes the fact that developing fine motor skills of the hands, especially the fingertips, stimulates the development of the speech centers of the brain.

Kids love finger games. Such activities help to expand vocabulary, and if you sing rhymes, your ear for music develops. The most famous finger games have been familiar to us since childhood: Magpie, Ladushki, Orange.

Finger games help the child in development

If the baby is stubbornly silent

Don't worry if your baby hasn't started cooing by the second month. Remember that every baby is an individual that cannot be adjusted to the generally accepted framework. This is not necessarily a deviation, rather, a feature of your baby. So be patient and wait.

If the silence is long enough (more than 7-8 months), consult a pediatrician. The reason may be related to hearing loss, and may be neurological in nature. In this case, the pediatrician will refer you for examination to the right specialist.

It happens that children begin to hum, and then stop. Perhaps this is caused by fear or poor health. But most likely, the baby is just comprehending new speech skills and will soon surprise you with a squeak or a mischievous infectious laugh.

As we have learned, cooing is an important stage in speech development. Children all over the world walk very similarly, and only by the second half of the year of life, the sounds of their native language begin to take some form in the mouth of an infant.

Enjoy these moments. Record them on video devices. After all, the memories of the first achievements of your baby will eventually be as pleasant to you as they are now.