Can't get pregnant reasons. I can’t get pregnant for two months or more: reasons why pregnancy doesn’t occur when everything is fine

Many couples who have been married for many years cannot wait for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur. Remember cases from your life: someone cannot get pregnant due to poor health, someone did not pass the test for immunological compatibility with a spouse, and someone is simply not mentally ready to have children.

Let's take a closer look at why many couples can't wait for the happy news - a positive pregnancy test result.
First of all, understand one thing for yourself - pregnancy is a wonderful gift that heaven sends you, regardless of your desire and ability to have children.

Second, admit to yourself now how much you want to have a baby. There are situations when childbirth does not occur due to certain psychological reasons.

Do not deceive yourself and mislead others - perhaps you are just not ready to become a mom / dad yet. Relax and postpone the decision of this issue until better times.

Even if everyone around you says that it's time for you to have children, remember that you don't owe anything to anyone. The desire to have a baby is the personal desire of each person and the innermost desire of every couple. You should not bring it up for general discussion and wait for "useful" advice from friends.

Reasons why women don't get pregnant

If you have lived with a marriage partner for several years, but still did not get what you wanted - the onset of pregnancy, you will surely feel deceived and life will lose its meaning. Mutual reproaches, insults, discontent will begin. As a rule, partners look for reasons for failures in a lifestyle that took place long before they met. However, before accusing each other of the most mortal sins, one should figure out what is actually the reason for the absence of a child.

According to the leading gynecologists of our country, about 40% of women have any abnormalities in the reproductive system. Most of the girls of reproductive age who have passed all the necessary examinations cannot have children due to pathologies in the development of the genital organs, overweight, iodine deficiency, inflammatory processes in the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, hormonal disruptions and hypertension.

Among the most common reasons that stop the normal process of pregnancy is the presence of a slippery process of the fallopian tubes. Even with minor adhesions in this area, obstruction of the fallopian tubes may occur. Complete is the main cause of infertility. With a partial adhesive process, a fetal egg may become stuck in the fallopian tube, which will subsequently lead to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. The most effective method of treating this disease is a surgical operation - laparoscopy, which allows you to eliminate adhesions and completely restore the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Among the causes that lead to female infertility, menstrual irregularities can be singled out as a separate item. If a woman has problems with ovulation and the menstrual cycle is less than 20-21 days, then during this period the egg simply does not have time to mature. If the ovulation process lasts more than 35 days, the egg becomes unviable. Thus, in both cases, the full development of the follicle with a healthy egg is simply impossible. That is why a woman does not get pregnant.
If the cause of infertility is ovarian dysfunction, then in this case we are talking about failures in the process of hormone production. In some cases, they are produced in large quantities, and in others, they are produced too little. In both cases, the full maturation of the egg does not occur. Most often, this pathology can be a consequence of brain injuries. It should be noted that hormonal disruptions in the female body can subsequently occur disorders in the pancreas and thyroid glands.

There are situations when a woman's menopause occurs earlier than the due date. In the normal course of hormonal processes, menopause occurs no earlier than 50 years. In some cases, eggs stop producing at the age of 40, which also leads to infertility.

With timely intake of hormonal drugs and well-prescribed treatment, early menopause can be dealt with.
Pregnancy may not occur even if the doctor has discovered that you have polycystic ovaries. This is one of the main causes of infertility in women. In this case, there is a constant underdevelopment of the follicles and the absence of the normal process of egg maturation.

However, even with the most terrible diagnoses, you should not give up. There are cases when doctors stated infertility, and a woman miraculously became pregnant and gave birth to 2-3 healthy children. Remember, miracles have not yet been canceled. If you sincerely want to have children and believe in divine support, your expectations will certainly be justified.

Male infertility is rapidly getting younger

As you know, problems with the reproductive system are not only among women, but among the representatives of the stronger sex. Moreover, in modern times, the age of men who have problems with childbearing is rapidly getting younger. To date, 27-28-year-old boys are already complaining of problems in the urogenital area, and 30% of them are diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, which is one of the main causes of male infertility.

In most cases, the main causes of male infertility include previously transferred infectious and inflammatory processes in the genital area, chronic diseases of the urination organs and exposure to toxic chemicals on the body. Moreover, while 40% of women suffer from infertility, male infertility accounts for about 50% of patients.

Infertility in men can occur as a result of trauma to the testicles and inguinal zone, as well as damage to the pelvic organs during surgical operations. In rare cases, a man is deprived of the ability to bear children due to the absence of the vas deferens or due to serious diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis.

The main forms and causes of infertility in men

To date, two forms of male infertility are known - secretory and obstructive. In the first case, the fertilization of the egg does not occur due to the fact that the testicles do not produce a sufficient number of spermatozoa, due to a violation of their activity or the presence of defects in the structure.

Also, we can talk about the presence of a secretory form of infertility in the event that a man has a varicocele - varicose veins of the testicles. In this case, due to the obstructed outflow of venous blood, the blood supply to the testicles is disrupted and their functions noticeably worsen.

Among the causes of secretory infertility is dropsy, due to which an excess amount of fluid accumulates in the testicles, which leads to prolonged squeezing and impaired blood circulation in the genital area. Inguinal hernia leads to similar consequences.

A disease such as mumps leads to a decrease in the reproductive capacity of the male half of humanity. In the presence of this virus, the gonads are primarily affected, which can subsequently lead to infertility.

When exposed to high doses of radiation and electromagnetic waves, the destruction of the spermatogenic epithelium may also occur, which will provoke the inhibition of reproductive activity in the future.
High temperature is one of the strongest risk factors that irreversibly lead to male infertility. At the same time, the risk group includes all lovers of "steam in a hot bath." In order to minimize the dangerous consequences for the body, each visit to the sauna or bath should be completed with a cold shower to stabilize the temperature in the testicles. Tight clothing, testicular injuries, prolonged sitting at the computer, heated car seats, cycling - all this can significantly reduce the reproductive function of the male half of humanity.

Male infertility can also be triggered by hormonal disorders and the use of potent antibacterial drugs. In some cases, inhibition of reproductive function may be due to prolonged stress, unfavorable environmental conditions in the region of residence, alcohol abuse, smoking, and insufficient protein in the male body and antibacterial. Temporary male infertility develops as a result of prolonged stress, protein deficiency in the body, hypovitaminosis, and alcohol and smoking abuse.
With the obstructive form of male infertility, there is a blockage of the vas deferens, which makes it impossible for sperm to move through them. The cause of obturation can be inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​​​the epididymis.

For the timely diagnosis of pathologies in the male genital area, it is necessary to undergo a cytological examination of the testicles and make a spermogram. After the main course of treatment, additional procedures are prescribed to improve spermatogenesis.

Most married couples perceive the problem of infertility quite hard. Some partners begin to move away from each other, others raise the issue of divorce, blaming the spouse for everything, others find solace in alcohol. And only a few find the strength to fight. If there is a strong, trusting relationship between the spouses, they try to solve the problem of infertility together.

The most important means for the prevention of infertility is a timely examination. So, if you are married, expecting a baby, and pregnancy does not occur, you should definitely contact a competent specialist. A woman should get an appointment with an experienced gynecologist, undergo an ultrasound, pass all the necessary tests.

A man needs to make a spermogram and visit an andrologist, who, based on ready-made tests, will make an appropriate diagnosis. It is advisable for marriage partners to be examined in the same clinic. This will save time, more accurately analyze the cause of infertility in a couple and prescribe a more effective treatment.

Listening to their feelings, they were looking for changes in their state and mood, they bought a package with a test in a pharmacy ... But menstruation began in due time. The pregnancy did not occur. Reason for despair?

Of course not!

Of course, there is a possibility of getting pregnant even after the first contact with a partner, however, if this did not happen, you should not make any diagnoses for yourself and think about treatment.

In general, making diagnoses is a matter for physicians, who confidently declare that only those couples who have not had offspring within one and a half to two years should undergo an examination of the ability to bear children!

Therefore, you still have enough time ahead to give rise to a new, so desired for you little life.

The only thing that is required of you now is calmness. You can explore your body - for example, measuring basal temperature and charting, if this will help you find inner balance.

By the way, statistics show that most women aged 18 to 24 become pregnant within three to four months of active sexual activity, but older women - from 35 to 40 years - may take about a year to be successful.


However, you should not forget about several other factors that affect the likelihood of conception. Studies conducted on a large number of women have shown that almost every healthy woman can have anovular cycles 1-2 times a year.

What does this mean? That during this cycle the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary does not occur, so conception is basically impossible.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the presence or absence of an anovular cycle - it is possible to make assumptions based on regular measurements of basal temperature and changes in sensations, if you usually subtly feel the moment the egg leaves the follicle, however, as mentioned above, it is most reliable about Ovulation can only be judged by undergoing an ultrasound examination.

Medical research in recent years has led scientists to surprising conclusions. In fact, conception occurs much more often than women think, but in many cases they cannot even notice it. The fact is that nature carefully “culls out” embryos with genetic changes, and, as a rule, they die 3-4 days after the fertilization of the egg, even before they have time to attach to the uterine wall. A woman begins menstruation at the usual time or 1-2 days later, and she does not even know what was happening in her body.

This may also explain why pregnancy, despite all the efforts of the woman, did not occur in this cycle. Do not look for your fault here - it is not here. This is a completely natural process that has occurred at all times and is one of the components of the evolutionary development of mankind.


We should not forget the role of psychological factors.

It has long been proven that the physical and psychological state of the body are closely related, and, wishing for pregnancy, on a subconscious level, some women, for one reason or another, may be afraid of its onset.

It seems to someone that in fact they and their spouse are not yet ready for the role of parents and the responsibility that it imposes. Some people are afraid of the exaggerated problems of bearing a child and the pain during childbirth. Some women attach too much importance to the changes that will happen to their appearance during pregnancy, and are afraid of losing their attractiveness.

An experienced psychologist can give many more reasons why a perfectly healthy woman may not be psychologically in the mood for pregnancy.

It may seem counterintuitive to you, but sometimes too much desire to get pregnant as soon as possible is also a inhibitory factor!

Doctors often face such a paradox - for many months a woman carefully follows all the recommendations that increase the likelihood of conception, but pregnancy never occurs. As soon as she gives up on constant scheduling, counting days and every evening "birch", the test shows two long-awaited strips. These facts once again confirm that extremes should be avoided in everything.

Have you consciously made the decision to conceive? This is wonderful - your baby will be loved and desired. But you should not subordinate your whole life to the fulfillment of this “task”, otherwise the path to this goal can tire you very much. Live as you lived before, give preference to healthy food and avoid stress, because the future baby needs a healthy and calm mother, and your body will choose the best time to conceive your heir.

Male conversation - stimulate the reproductive function

Much has been said above about what measures a woman can take to increase the likelihood of conceiving a desired child. However, a man also needs to know what factors make the appearance of his heir more likely.

A very common myth that a man's ability to conceive depends on his potency has no basis. In fact, even problems with potency do not prevent a man from having good sperm.


To a large extent, how suitable sperm will be for fertilizing an egg depends on lifestyle.

Alcohol is a toxic substance that worsens the quality of spermatozoa and leads to the formation of more germ cells with chromosomal abnormalities.

The use of any drugs is completely unacceptable in the period of preparation for conception, as they not only reduce its likelihood, but also cause serious damage to the health of the unborn baby!


The production of sperm in men, like the maturation of eggs in women, is a process regulated by hormones.

You should be very careful about what drugs you are taking.

Often, men who are actively involved in building muscle mass use drugs that include anabolic steroids, which are also prescribed in the treatment of certain diseases. If you are planning to conceive, then it is better for you to refuse such drugs, as they often lead to a decrease in the quality of sperm produced by your body and the number of sperm in it.

Temperature regime

You have probably heard more than once that nature itself took care of maintaining the desired temperature of the male gonads by placing the testicles in the scrotum outside the abdominal cavity. Indeed, the optimal temperature at which spermatogenesis occurs normally in a man is + 35 °. Therefore, when preparing for conception, exclude overheating of these organs, which can be caused by frequent visits to the steam room, work in hot shops, wearing too tight clothes - underwear, especially made from synthetic materials, and tight jeans. Also, a general increase in temperature, which is observed during febrile conditions, can lead to a decrease in the quality of sperm produced by the testicles.

Exposure to very low temperatures can also stop sperm production, but it has no effect on already formed cells.


Age for a man planning to become a father is not as important as for a woman, whose optimal reproductive age is defined as 20-30 years. However, in men, with age, the process of natural withering of the body begins, which is accompanied by a gradual decrease in the level of produced male sex hormones, including testosterone.

The chances of a man to conceive gradually decrease, and the risk of congenital pathologies in an unborn child may also increase. However, these changes are usually noticeable in old age, and at 40-50 years old it still does not matter much.


When planning future fatherhood, you should make sure that you are not a carrier of the pathogens of any sexually transmitted diseases.

Men should always remember that the absence of any external manifestations of the disease does not always indicate the absence of the disease itself, and most of them can significantly reduce the likelihood of conception and adversely affect the health of the unborn child!

Only a doctor will be able to give an objective assessment of your health and, if necessary, prescribe treatment - after you have passed all the recommended examinations.

A common cause of a disruption in the normal production of spermatozoa is a varicocele, an expansion of the vein coming from the testicles and, accordingly, a violation of the outflow of blood through it. Only a doctor can identify this problem, he will also help to cope with it.

The influence on the reproductive system of the male body, no less than that of the female, can be exerted by the presence of certain diseases that are not directly related to the reproductive organs. Often, chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma have an impact on a man's ability to conceive.

Safety at work

Normal sperm production can also be disrupted if a man has to come into contact with toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, lead, cadmium, mercury, various oils and gasoline.

Having decided to conceive a child, you should exclude, at least for several months preceding this event, the effect of ionizing radiation on your body.


When you, based on the female menstrual cycle, choose the optimal days for conception, do not forget that the male body also has its own characteristics in this area. According to scientists, the maximum activity of spermatozoa is observed in the second half of the day - at about 16-18 hours. Therefore, couples who have sex at this time are more likely to conceive.

The regularity of sexual life is also of some importance. Frequent sexual intercourse does not increase the likelihood of conception. In particular, with repeated ejaculations in the sperm of a man, the number of spermatozoa is noticeably reduced! If sexual intercourse occurs after a short period of time, then an excess amount of sperm can increase the likelihood of it flowing out of the woman's vagina.

However, long breaks also do not have a positive effect - in the case of a long-term refusal of sexual activity, sperm motility can significantly decrease.

Based on the foregoing, those who want to increase the likelihood of conception, doctors recommend short abstinence for several days on the eve of the expected date of ovulation in a woman, and during the release of a mature egg from the ovary, single sexual intercourse every other day.

The more general advice given to men who have decided to become fathers is not much different from the advice given to women who are preparing their bodies for pregnancy. They boil down to following a diet, including foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the daily diet, as well as multivitamin preparations containing folic acid.

Moderate exercise that helps keep your whole body toned are all important steps towards the arrival of your long-awaited baby.


In vitro fertilization - the so-called "in vitro conception" - which seemed like a fantasy a few decades ago, has now become a common medical procedure in many countries, enabling couples with any form of infertility to experience the happiness of parenthood.

The first attempts to carry out fertilization outside the human body were made about 2 centuries ago, but they were crowned with success only at the end of the 20th century - the first IVF method was used in the UK in 1977, and in 1978 the girl Louise Brown was born. In the USSR, IVF was first performed in 1986.

The essence of the method

During in vitro fertilization, male and female germ cells are combined in a test tube, after which the embryos (as a rule, several) are planted in the body of a woman (possibly a surrogate mother).

As a result of IVF, multiple pregnancies are not uncommon, because to guarantee success, several developing embryos are replanted at the same time. However, doctors do not recommend leaving more than 2-3 embryos in the uterus.

Doctors estimate the success of this procedure at about 20-30%.

Worldwide, today there are more than four million children born in pro-| Birke, many of whom are now parents themselves. In Russia, more than 25,000 babies were conceived in vitro.

This method is recommended in cases where the cause of infertility cannot be eliminated - when the patency of the fallopian tubes is irreversibly impaired after inflammatory diseases or the fallopian tubes are lost due to ectopic pregnancies.

Successful pregnancy is also possible for women in menopause or with ovaries removed (in this case, fertilization of a donor egg is used).

If the cause of a couple's infertility is an insufficient amount of sperm or a low sperm count, doctors may suggest taking the seminal fluid and artificially introducing it into the woman's body. However, this procedure gives less chance of success than in vitro fertilization.

Contraindication to the procedure - a woman's health conditions in which pregnancy and childbirth can cause deterioration or be dangerous for the mother or child.

Where to begin

The first stage of preparation for IVF is a thorough medical examination of both partners. The couple will be prescribed blood tests for hormones and the identification of a number of diseases, an examination for STDs, an ultrasound scan is mandatory for a woman, and a spermogram is examined for a man.

One of the main disadvantages of this procedure is its high cost. However, at present, in our country J, infertile couples have the opportunity to undergo IVF on a quota basis.

Hormonal preparation and oocyte retrieval

When the decision to conduct IVF is made, the female body undergoes special training with the help of hormonal preparations. Their intake allows you to stimulate the simultaneous maturation of more follicles than with a normal cycle. A woman receives injections or tablets of hormonal preparations for 1-3 weeks, after which mature eggs can be collected.

In some cases, doctors decide to completely take control of the woman's menstrual cycle - with the help of a special drug that releases gonadotropin, the woman's natural cycle is suppressed. A subsequent injection of hMG or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulates egg maturation and ovulation. All these procedures imply constant monitoring by physicians, since taking hormonal drugs can have side effects.

The stimulation scheme (protocol) is chosen by the doctor individually for each woman!

Monitoring the level of hormones in the blood and ultrasound can accurately determine the readiness of the eggs to exit the ovary.

On an outpatient basis, under the control of ultrasound under general or local anesthesia, the follicles are punctured. This procedure is well established and in most cases proceeds without complications, although in rare cases bleeding is possible.

The oocytes washed from the follicular fluid are placed in a special medium in a Petri dish and stored in an incubator.

Sperm collection

Depending on the state of health of the man, the seminal fluid is obtained either by the usual way of ejaculation (as in the case of tests) or with the help of medical manipulations. If necessary, doctors perform a testicular puncture under general anesthesia. If it is intended to use donor sperm (or previously obtained partner sperm), then it is thawed.

In vitro

Using modern equipment, embryologists create conditions for the connection of male and female germ cells outside the human body - this happens in a special container in a nutrient medium, after which the container is placed in an incubator.

The simplest method is called "insemination in vitro" - eggs and sperm suspension are placed in one container, and fertilization occurs within 2 - 3 hours.

The second method is called ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) and involves the introduction of sperm into the egg using special tools. This method is usually used when the quality of the sperm is poor.

The procedure for extracting cells and fertilizing them takes about half a day.

2-4 days pass and, in case of favorable development of events, you can proceed to the next stage.

Embryo diagnostics

This study of developing embryos is necessarily carried out at the stage of preparation for implantation.

Pre-implantation diagnostics makes it possible to detect chromosomal diseases and gross malformations of embryos. At the same stage, it is also possible to determine the sex of the unborn child, but the choice of the sex of the embryo is prohibited in our country.


While the egg is being fertilized and the embryos are developing, the woman is constantly taking the hormone progesterone, preparing the uterus for implantation. The success of this procedure largely depends on the thickness of the uterine endometrium!

Using a special catheter, one or more embryos are placed into the woman's uterus. This procedure is painless, it is carried out in an ordinary gynecological chair for several minutes, and usually does not subsequently require any special regimen, although, of course, increased psychological and physical stress is contraindicated for a woman.

Usually, women under 40 are implanted with no more than two embryos at a time. Women over 40 are recommended to have three embryos implanted. The remaining embryos are subjected to cryopreservation - freezing and storage at liquid nitrogen temperature.

Development of pregnancy

After implantation, the level of hormones in the body of the future mother is monitored every few days, and after 12 days it is necessary to conduct a pregnancy test.

Successful implantation of the embryo occurs in about one in four cases in women under 30 years old, and about 9 out of 10 pregnancies are successfully completed.

The younger the woman, the healthier her eggs, the higher the chances of IVF success. The chances of those couples who already have children are also highly valued.

According to statistics, women with a normal body weight are more likely to get pregnant - a BMI of 19 to 30. So, getting rid of extra pounds or gaining the missing ones, you can increase the likelihood of a successful IVF outcome.

If a multiple pregnancy develops, at the request of the parents and the doctor's recommendation, a reduction (removal) of a part of the embryos can be carried out.

New try

Since no one guarantees a 100% result during the IVF procedure, many couples are forced to resort to using this method more than once - a successful pregnancy can occur from the 8th to 10th attempt, although, according to statistics, pregnancy is unlikely after three unsuccessful attempts.

In general, this procedure is quite safe, but the question of its repetition should be decided by each couple individually after consultation with the doctor.

For repeated IVF attempts, embryos obtained from the first fertilization and frozen for storage can be used.


The most common problem that has to be solved during IVF is the reaction of embryos during multiple pregnancies, in some cases leading to miscarriage.

About 25% of women undergoing IVF procedure become mothers of twins. With natural conception, this outcome is possible in one case out of 80.

Taking hormonal drugs in preparation for egg retrieval can cause OHSS, accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity, bloating. Therefore, any unusual and unpleasant sensations during hormonal preparation are a reason to consult a doctor!

The onset of an ectopic pregnancy during in vitro fertilization is almost impossible.

Pregnancy is a joyful and happy event in the life of any couple. But sometimes there are problems with conception and after long and hard attempts to get pregnant, a couple seeks medical help.

Preparing for pregnancy

Ideally, the pregnancy should be planned, the couple examined and mentally ready to become parents. List of surveys:

  1. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist and take a vaginal smear for cytology and infections, if necessary, undergo a colposcopy.
  2. A man to get a consultation with a urologist and get tested for infections.
  3. The couple needs to do standard general clinical and biochemical studies and fluorography.

Here is the minimum list of preparation for pregnancy. All these studies will show the absence of diseases and contraindications to pregnancy.

But it is not always possible to pass all these examinations, and even this standard list, passed by a couple in advance, does not guarantee a quick and trouble-free conception.

If there is no pregnancy for 2 or 3 months, then you should not panic. This is too short a period; pregnancy is normally allowed within a year for a couple who does not use contraceptives.

Definition of ovulation

The time has come, the couple tuned in to the appearance of the child, but pregnancy does not occur. To begin with, you can try to determine whether the woman's reproductive system is working properly by doing simple tests for the presence of ovulation.

To do this, you can use several methods:

  1. Building a graph of basal temperature. The method is based on the measurement of rectal temperature. You need to do it every day at the same time in the morning for several cycles. On a normal ovulation schedule, body temperature will rise to peak levels under the influence of hormones at the time of the release of the egg. This method is quite reliable, but requires organization and systematic. When performed correctly, you can accurately determine the number and date of ovulation.

  2. You can use test strips. With their help, it is possible to determine the release of the egg by the level of increase in hormones in the urine. Such studies are done a few days before and after the expected date of ovulation.
  3. Folliculometry. It is carried out by a doctor on an ultrasound machine daily a few days before the expected date of ovulation. This method is the most preferable, but more expensive financially. It cannot be done at home.

If you choose one of the methods and do it for several months, you can easily track whether or not ovulation has occurred.

It is worth remembering that normally a woman has 2-3 cycles per year without ovulation. And with age, their number increases, which further reduces the chance of successful fertilization.

Feeling good about ovulation

In addition to tests, it is possible to determine ovulation by indirect signs in a change in well-being, but they are not always and often not very pronounced or completely absent.

When a dominant follicle ruptures and an egg is released, a woman may feel:

  1. Some discomfort in the abdomen, drawing pains, similar to pain during menstruation, but less pronounced.
  2. During this period, it is possible to increase libido and sexual desire.
  3. Vaginal discharge will be mucous, clear, copious, like egg white.
  4. Increased sensitivity and even soreness of the mammary glands.

If you listen carefully to your body, you can notice cyclical changes. But this method is not reliable for determining ovulation.

Problems with conception

Ovulation occurs, but pregnancy does not occur? There are many reasons for this state of affairs. Starting from the wrong time for sexual intercourse and ending with serious problems with men's health. Let's try to figure out why pregnancy does not occur with existing ovulation.

If pregnancy does not occur with unprotected intercourse for more than 12-18 months, then this indicates a violation of the reproductive function of the couple and is a reason for immediately seeking help.

If you have accurately determined the presence of a monthly release of an egg from the follicle, then this means that your ovaries are working normally and the reason lies elsewhere.

viability of germ cells

It is known that the egg after ovulation is capable of fertilization for only a day, in some cases up to two days. If sexual intercourse does not occur at this time, then the germ cell will die and fertilization will not occur.

Spermatozoa in the female genital tract are viable for 3–5 days. Then they lose their functions.

For the onset of pregnancy, you should determine the approximate date of ovulation for the previous cycles and plan sexual intercourse a few days before and after the expected release of the egg with an interval of 2-3 days - this is the time needed for the full maturation of spermatozoa.

If sexual intercourse occurs daily and several times a day, then pregnancy is likely, but the chances of it are reduced. Since spermatozoa do not have time for full maturation.

Immunological conflict

In some cases, pregnancy is problematic due to the immunological incompatibility of the couple. Spermatozoa are a foreign protein, and sometimes a woman's body begins to secrete antibodies to these proteins, which makes conception impossible.

Spermatozoa cannot pass the main barrier - cervical (cervical) mucus containing antibodies, and die.

There are frequent cases when a second pregnancy may not occur with an Rh conflict between the mother and fetus after the first pregnancy. At risk are women with negative Rh blood. In this case, a woman can ovulate every month.

Gynecological diseases

The health of a woman is evidenced not only by the presence of monthly ovulation. Pregnancy does not occur often due to other diseases of the reproductive system:

  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes as a result of inflammatory diseases, injuries or operations. It is in the fallopian tubes that fertilization of germ cells occurs and with obstruction, pregnancy is impossible.
  2. Anomalies in the structure of the uterus and fallopian tubes, deformations. These conditions are most often congenital. And also can occur during operations on the genitals.
  3. Endometriosis, polyps and other neoplasms of the uterus. Often, these diseases make pregnancy impossible and require treatment.
  4. Genetic abnormalities in the sex chromosomes responsible for the quality of the egg and its ability to fertilize. Such diseases are rare and not well understood.
  5. Infectious and endocrine diseases of other organs and systems can contribute to difficulty conceiving and lead to infertility.

All these conditions are amenable to correction and, with timely treatment, one can hope for the onset of pregnancy.

male factor

In the process of fertilization, the quality of sperm plays one of the main roles. For successful conception, spermatozoa must be alive, strong and mobile. Unfortunately, there are many factors that can lead to a deterioration in sperm quality.

In this case, a man may not be disturbed by anything and deviations in the quality of sperm can only be found on a spermogram during the examination.

In this case, the woman can be absolutely healthy, and the problem lies in the man. Therefore, it is very important for problems with conception to examine not only a woman, but also a man.

The main causes of male infertility are:

  1. Congenital malformations and diseases of the genital organs: cryptorchidism (underdevelopment of the gonads), the absence of one or both testicles, undescended testicle into the scrotum, varicocele, obstruction of the seminal tract, etc.
  2. Genetic abnormalities in the sex chromosome that affect the quality and quantity of sperm.
  3. Injuries and infectious diseases of the reproductive system. For example, mumps (mumps) suffered in childhood can lead to male infertility. And also untimely cured sexually transmitted infections can contribute to the deterioration of sperm quality.
  4. Taking hot baths, wearing tight underwear and clothing, sedentary work. Any increase in body temperature in the testicles inhibits the formation of high-quality sperm.
  5. Inflammatory diseases of the prostate and testicles. Cysts and neoplasms.
  6. Bad habits: alcohol abuse and smoking greatly reduce the quality of sperm.

If the factors affecting the quality of sperm are temporary, then if they are eliminated, a good composition of seminal fluid can be restored. Complete renewal of sperm occurs every 3 months. It is impossible to radically influence this process.

But a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, intake of microelements and various herbal preparations that improve the composition and spermogenesis can have a positive effect on sperm.

If there is no ovulation

There are diseases of the female reproductive system, when there is no ovulation or it is inconsistent and rarely occurs. Often this pathology is associated with hormonal imbalance and menstrual irregularities.

At the same time, periods can go irregularly: too often and cause bleeding or too rarely, once every few months. But such a picture is not always observed, sometimes there is a normal menstrual cycle and the woman is not aware of the problem of egg maturation. There is no ovulation in such conditions:

  1. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This disease develops during puberty and is hereditary. With it, there is no ovulation every month, and the egg, instead of leaving the follicle once a month, does not mature or turns into a cystic formation. The ovaries are enlarged, painful, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed or preserved.

  2. Pituitary microadenoma, prolactinemia. A disease in which the level of prolactin in the blood is elevated, blocking the onset of ovulation. This hormone is physiologically increased during pregnancy and is responsible for lactation. By blocking ovulation, it prevents a new pregnancy from occurring until breastfeeding is stopped.
  3. Hormonal imbalance of central origin. All processes in the body are controlled by certain areas of the brain. Sometimes dysregulation occurs between the nervous system and target organs.
  4. Endocrine diseases, for example, pathology of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, can affect the maturation of germ cells.
  5. Underdevelopment and anomalies in the development of the ovaries.
  6. Overweight or exhaustion, stress.

What to do in case of impaired egg maturation when there is no ovulation? Lack of ovulation is a serious condition in which fertilization is impossible.

If you suspect a violation of reproductive function, you should immediately seek specialized help, since the treatment of this condition is long and not always successful.

If there is no pregnancy for more than 12 months, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. It is best to contact a reproductive family planning center, where both a man and a woman are examined in parallel. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed: from conservative management to in vitro fertilization.

Women who plan pregnancy often do not take into account some of the factors that may prevent this. Firstly, most women are absolutely sure that pregnancy is a natural process that occurs, as if by magic, at the first desire to become a mother. In fact, there are reasons that prevent a woman from getting pregnant for some time or throughout her life.

Firstly, the reasons that prevent you from seeing a positive result on a pregnancy test are related to the psychological attitude. Psychologists say that if you focus on your intention, you can get exactly the opposite result. Some women are ready around the clock to study the literature on pregnancy planning, parenting and even childbirth. Obsession with one's desire puts a so-called "block": the body resists. An obsession with becoming a mother may appear when women want to have a child in order to solve their problems: make peace with their spouse, save their families, get maternity leave. A baby cannot be a salvation from problems that concern only adults. Therefore, do not get hung up, the body is a part of nature that will work only as it should. But on one condition...

There are even more serious reasons that prevent you from becoming parents. For example, gynecological diseases and inflammation in the organs of the female reproductive system. Diseases such as fibroma, polycystic disease, inflammatory processes and diseases of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis do not allow ovulation and fertilization to occur, that is, they prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. After some previous diseases, obstruction of the fallopian tubes may develop, which prevents pregnancy.

Bad habits, such as smoking, can greatly interfere with even the most thorough attempts to have a baby. Nicotine, which enters the body, negatively affects the process of ovulation in the female body. If a man smokes, then his sperm motility changes, and there are also problems with erection. Therefore, before planning pregnancy, it is necessary to stop smoking and other harmful effects on the body.

An addiction to coffee can also prevent a woman from getting pregnant. If you drink more than two cups a day, then there is a high probability of reduced fertility, that is, the ability to get pregnant.

Improper, unbalanced nutrition also affects the fertility of women. Dieters can expect unpleasant surprises when trying to have a baby. With severe food restrictions, the hemoglobin norm is violated and the hormonal background changes, and therefore, when planning a pregnancy, one should not limit oneself in nutrition and refuse many foods. No joy from the lost three or four kilograms can compare with the joy of motherhood. And the frequent reasons that prevent this joy from being felt are associated with a lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body. Before planning pregnancy and during it, it is necessary to include sea fish, olive oil, cranberries, eggs, cod liver, wholemeal bread in the diet. It is better to refuse semi-finished products, and even more so, it is not recommended to use sausages, cakes and other products of unknown origin.

Women who play sports may also have problems conceiving. So, for example, the power complex of exercises, aerobic exercise, fitness, which involve sharp twisting of the press and jumps, can adversely affect the body when planning a pregnancy. But, by the way, if you have been playing sports for ten years, and your body is used to heavy loads, then they are unlikely to affect fertility. When planning a pregnancy, you can do belly dancing (it is even called the "fertility dance"), yoga, swimming, which relaxes the whole body well, but at the same time strengthens the muscles. You can’t go to extremes: you can’t completely abandon physical activity, because with a sedentary lifestyle, blood stagnation begins in the pelvic organs, which makes fertilization difficult. Violation of blood circulation leads to the development of adhesive processes, due to which ovulation does not occur.

The reasons that interfere with fertilization are often associated with nervous experiences and stress. They just prevent a woman from getting pregnant if they appear in life every day. Problems at work, difficulties in relationships with a spouse or loved ones, worries, worries and nervous breakdowns - all this negatively affects the state of health. But the absence of pregnancy for these reasons is not a final verdict at all. Think about how you perceive everything that happens around you, do not get nervous about the little things and do not take everything to heart. When taking any sedatives, check with your doctor if this will affect future pregnancy, which, if you do not use protection, can occur at any time.

Lack of pregnancy may be due to a lack of vitamins. A weakened body that needs vitamin supplementation is not ready for such serious changes as pregnancy. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe vitamin E, as well as folic acid. As practice shows, these methods of solving the problem of the absence of pregnancy are quite effective. But taking vitamins completely thoughtlessly is also impossible. Excessive amounts of vitamins, which contain many antioxidants, disrupt ovulation and ovarian function. Vitamins A, C, as well as carotenoids and flavonoids are considered especially dangerous.

All of the above reasons for the lack of pregnancy are, of course, important and significant. But, if pregnancy does not occur within a year of an active and regular sexual life, then the alarm can already be sounded.

In general, I read all this and there were questions ... Now, if you smoke but rarely there is 1 cigarette a day, and for a short time there for a week or two, and does it all have a strong effect ??

no pregnancy occurs

Common mistakes that prevent pregnancy

Having decided to conceive a child, the couple begins attempts to achieve pregnancy. But it’s not enough to know on which day of the menstrual cycle unprotected intercourse should take place.

The likelihood of conception is influenced by many factors. If pregnancy does not occur, you may be doing something wrong.

Consider the typical mistakes that couples can make when planning a pregnancy.

low calorie diet

The body perceives a lack of calories as a threat to existence. There is not enough energy and plastic material for the production of hormones, the normal functioning of the genital organs and the maturation of germ cells.

A prolonged calorie deficit is the easiest way to anovulation (lack of ovulation) and the inability to conceive a child.

In men, the normal process of spermatogenesis is disrupted. The amount of ejaculate and the normal forms of spermatozoa contained in it decreases.

Therefore, instead of diets with a calorie deficit, it is worth making a complete diet, the calorie content of which covers the need for energy. It is worth remembering that it must contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities.


The basic structure of the body is protein. It is best absorbed from meat and meat products. In addition, the body receives the greatest amount of iron from food of animal origin.

Vegetarianism, although considered one of the options for a healthy diet, may not always cover the body's need for proteins. Vegetable protein has an incomplete amino acid composition.

Therefore, if pregnancy does not occur, the reasons for this may lie in vegetarianism. When planning a family, you should temporarily abandon such a diet. The same must be done during pregnancy if you do not want to harm your baby.


Sauna improves blood circulation, which is very useful for any person, but not for the future father. After all, the male sex glands that produce gametes are outside the body for a reason.

Spermatozoa are very sensitive to high temperatures, so nature made sure that the testicles of men were in temperature conditions no higher than 34 degrees.

If your spouse does not get pregnant, you can increase the chances of conception by refusing this pleasant wellness procedure while planning a pregnancy. After getting the long-awaited result, he will be able to reward himself with a trip to the sauna, and it will be even more pleasant after a long break.

Shower after intimacy

You conscientiously calculated the most favorable day for conception. They did everything to make the pregnancy test positive this time. But it turned out to be negative again. What is the reason?

One of the common mistakes is to immediately after making love to go to the shower or take a bath. Wait at least two hours, or better yet, even more time for the male germ cells to arrive at their destination. They can be “helped” if, immediately after contact, the woman assumes a position in which the pelvis is slightly raised. To do this, you can put a roller under the buttocks.

Erroneous frequency of intercourse

The maturation of both male and female germ cells requires a certain amount of time. Everyone knows that it takes about 14 days for an egg to mature.

But only a few people know that spermatozoa, which previously go through the stages of spermatogenesis, “grow” with flagella and an acrosome in the lumen of the seminiferous tubule for another 3-4 days.

These organelles are very important in fertilization: the flagellum determines the motility of spermatozoa and their ability to reach the oocyte. The acrosome contains an enzyme that dissolves the protective shell of the egg, due to which fertilization occurs.

When planning a pregnancy, take a break between episodes of intimacy. 3-4 days is quite enough - at long intervals, stagnation and thickening of sperm occur, which negatively affects the viability and fertility of spermatozoa.

With too frequent contacts (for example, daily), semen may not be enough or it will be too liquid. Which also greatly reduces the chance of conception.

It is also important to consider the days of the menstrual cycle, the most favorable for conception. Most often it is from about the 10th to the 16th days of the cycle.

Fruitless attempts for over a year

It is not so scary if a couple who cannot conceive on their own for a year is young. But often problems with conception lie in wait for spouses who are at an older reproductive age. And here it is important not to waste precious time.

With infertility, there is always a certain reason why conception is impossible. Postponing the search for this cause, the spouses only exacerbate the current situation.